The 19th session took place in Room XIX
The 19th session was composed of an informal part (20-24 May 2024, Troy, USA) and of a formal part (25 June 2024, Palais des Nations).
The formal part, scheduled on 25 June 2024, was a 1-hour session. Given the number of topics on the agenda and the number of documents expected for the 19th session, the informal part of the 19th session was designed to provide the necessary time for consultations and technical discussions, allowing the delegations to review and discuss the documents and propose a list of decisions on the documents, tabled for adoption by GRVA during this official part, on 25 June 2024.
The official part of the 19th GRVA session was approved during the 192nd WP.29 session (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1177, paras 6, 8 and 10)