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Sustainable Energy



UNECE’s work on sustainable energy is designed to improve access to affordable and clean energy for all and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the carbon footprint of the energy sector in the region. It promotes international policy dialogue and cooperation among governments, energy industries and other stakeholders.  The focus  is on energy efficiency, cleaner electricity production from fossil fuels, renewable energy, coal mine methane, gas, classification of energy and mineral reserves and resources, and energy security.  Read more


In focus

This year’s UNECE Sustainable Energy Week will focus on building resilient energy systems for a just energy transition in the UNECE region. The Sustainable Energy Week is bringing together a diverse community of experts, policymakers and other stakeholders to collaboratively chart the course for developing resilient energy systems in pursuit of a fair energy transition. It will feature targeted discussions, sharing of experiences, formulation of recommendations, and presentations highlighting country policies and actions to accelerate a just energy transition across the UNECE region.  

The Sustainable Energy Week will feature several in-person events, including the: 

  • 20th session of the Group of Experts on Cleaner Electricity Systems (16-17 September) 
  • 11th session of the Group of Experts on Renewable Energy (16-17 September) 
  • 11th session of the Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency (16-17 September) 
  • 33rd session of the Committee on Sustainable Energy (18-20 September) 



UNECE Resource Management Week 2024
Including the 15th Session of the Expert Group on Resource Management
22 April (10:00) - 26 April (18:00) 2024
Tempus, Palais des Nations, Geneva

The UNECE Resource Management Week 2024, including the 15th session of the Expert Group on Resource Management (EGRM-15), will be held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, 22-26 April 2024.
Leaders, experts, and stakeholders in resource management will gather to discuss sustainable development challenges and opportunities. Our theme, "Assuring sustainability in resource management", will focus on the United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC) and the United Nations Resource Management System (UNRMS) and their pivotal role in resource management worldwide. 

Platform on Resilient Energy Systems

The time is now for countries to implement policies to build resilient energy systems that provide reliable and affordable access to energy, enhance quality of life and economic growth, and minimize the overall environmental impact of the energy sector.  

According to the UNECE Carbon Neutrality Toolkit, attaining net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 is still achievable if we act now.  

A resilient energy system is one where energy makes an optimal contribution to a country’s social, economic, and environmental development. It consists of:  

  1. Energy security allows reliable energy needed for economic development 
  2. Affordability of green energy reduces the costs of electricity, heating, cooling, and transport while increasing systemic energy efficiency
  3. Environmental sustainability lowers the carbon footprint across the energy supply chain

UNECE Expert Groups have united to create five recommendations to build a resilient energy system: 

  1. Prioritize and maximize the implementation of energy efficiency solutions to drive down energy consumption. 
  2. Digitalize the energy system and take advantage of increasing consumer digital literacy. 
  3. Accelerate fuel switching to optimize the carbon footprint of end use energy and replace carbon intensive fuels where practical with low- and zero-carbon options.  
  4. Manage resources effectively, sustainably, and with circular economy considerations, using the UN Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC) and UN Resource Management System (UMRMS).  
  5. Accelerate deployment of low- and zero-carbon technologies by scaling renewable energy, nuclear power and advanced fossil fuels with carbon capture, use, and storage (CCUS). 



UNFC applied for geothermal inventory at Waikato Region, New Zealand
Jacobs has published a comprehensive report applying UNFC for an inventory of geothermal projects in the Waikato Region in New Zealand. The full article published in THINK GEOENERGY is available here: UNFC applied for geothermal inventory at Waikato Region, New Zealand (

“Guidance for the Application of the United Nations Framework Classification (UNFC) for Mineral and Anthropogenic Resources in Europe" will assist regional and national authorities to establish and maintain a Project inventory of primary and secondary raw materials Projects in Europe.

UNECE Framework for Building Resilient Energy Systems  maps actions for countries to achieve greater energy security, affordability and environmental sustainability. 

Carbon Neutrality Toolkit: Supporting policymakers to make informed decisions towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement.

A Commitment Trifecta Bold action in the three areas that UNECE believes will deliver concrete, near-term outcomes and, longer-term, achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement.

A Push to Pivot: Three long-term initiatives UNECE believes are needed to secure the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development while mitigating climate change.

Overview of Benefits and Challenges for Governments applying UNFC to Renewable Energy Projects and Resources: A joint study by the Group of  Experts on Renewable Energy (GERE) and EGRM explores potential benefits and challenges in applying UNFC for national resource management (in English, French and Russian).

Upcoming Events

10 September 2024


and online
16 - 20 September, 2024

Palais des Nations

17 September 2024


and online