Gender Equality
Gender equality is crucial to sustainable development. At UNECE, we are committed to assist the 56 countries of our region to make gender equality a reality. In line with our mandate as a Regional Economic Commission, we focus on women’s economic empowerment which sets a direct path towards inclusive economic growth.
We work towards advancing the situation of women and men in the economies of our region through capacity building, policy dialogue and data collection. We mainstream gender equality within our own organisation and join forces with partners to achieve gender equality in the UNECE region.
Key areas of work
In focus
UNECE Policy for Gender Equality
As part of aligning our work with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, we updated our Policy for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (2021-2025). The Policy provides guidance to mainstream gender in the work of our substantive divisions, and our organizational culture and is complemented by a Gender Action Plan (2021-2022) which provides a results-oriented framework and a plan of actions for 2021-2022.
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