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Gender Equality



Gender equality is crucial to sustainable development.  At UNECE, we are committed to assist the 56 countries of our region to make gender equality a reality. In line with our mandate as a Regional  Economic Commission, we focus on women’s economic empowerment which sets a direct path towards inclusive economic growth.

We work towards advancing the situation of women and men in the economies of our region through capacity building, policy dialogue and data collection. We mainstream gender equality within our own organisation and join forces with partners to achieve gender equality in the UNECE region.

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In focus

Empowering Women Through Rethinking the Care Economy: A Regional Analysis of Europe and Central Asia

Today, as the COVID-19 pandemic threatens to roll back even the hard-won gains that women have achieved so far, it is critical that policymakers include the care economy as part of all recovery packages and long-term plans to build back better.

The even will discuss policy action and priorities to ensure that a post-pandemic recovery plan includes the care sector as a driver for women’s empowerment in the ECE region. It will present main regional trends in paid and unpaid work of women, the impact of governments’ initiatives and measures following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as country experience from the region as well as key findings from the regional analysis on empowering women through reducing the unpaid care and investing in the care economy, which is developed jointly by UNECE and the Europe and Central Asia Regional Office of UN Women and is part of a UN Development Account project on the COVID-19 impact on women and the care economy.

Download event flyer here.

Let’s make every day a step towards a gender equal world – the 2030 Agenda depends on it

On 8 March, we celebrate International Women’s Day with this year’s theme “I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights”.

We still have a long way to go. In October 2019, UNECE hosted a regional meeting to review the progress and discuss the challenges in the implementation of the most visionary agenda for gender equality and the empowerment of women, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (Beijing+25). Read more