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Transport Security



Recent terrorist attacks have shown the capability of a small number of individuals to kill and cause large-scale destruction.  These attacks have had a common denominator: transport systems have been used either as a means or as a target.

A Multidisciplinary Group of Experts on Inland Transport Security (AC.11) was established in UNECE in 2007 to examine threats to inland transport security and provide recommendations on how to tackle them. More...



On 23 May 2018, UNECE, in collaboration with the International Transport Forum (ITF) and the International Union of Railways (UIC) organized a workshop on rail security at this year’s ITF Annual Summit in Leipzig, Germany. Tying in with the general theme of the Summit of Safety and Security in Transport, the workshop brought together over 30 industry experts and professionals to discuss key issues affecting security in passenger and freight rail transport as well as issues relating to the secure management of infrastructure. For more information, including presentations, please consult the workshop’s webpage.

The Inland Transport Security Discussion Forum took place on 17 June 2016 in Geneva

The workshop on safety and security in European inland navigation (SC.3/WP.3 event). has been held in Geneva, on 17 February 2016.

Workshop on the security of transport infrastructure has been held in Geneva, on the 8th September 2015.

The Workshop on Rail Security (SC.2 Event) has been held in Geneva, on the 23rd of October 2013.

Inland Transport Security Discussion Forum: Secure parking areas, 15 February 2013, Geneva.