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(WP.29/GRPE) Working Party on Pollution and Energy (86th session)

30 May - 02 June 2022


23152 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2022/9 - Provisional agenda for the eighty-sixth session of the Working Party on Pollution and Energy (30 May – 2 June 2022) _ 365732 _ English _ 773 _ 351502 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP29-GRPE-2022-09e.pdf (application/pdf, 126.13 KB) pdf
23152 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2022/9 - Provisional agenda for the eighty-sixth session of the Working Party on Pollution and Energy (30 May – 2 June 2022) _ 365732 _ French _ 780 _ 351504 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP29-GRPE-2022-09f.pdf (application/pdf, 193.54 KB) pdf
23152 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2022/9 - Provisional agenda for the eighty-sixth session of the Working Party on Pollution and Energy (30 May – 2 June 2022) _ 365732 _ Russian _ 864 _ 351507 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP29-GRPE-2022-09r.pdf (application/pdf, 216.87 KB) pdf

Working documents

23153 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2022/19 - (OICA) Proposal for a new Revision of the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) _ 365961 _ English _ 773 _ 351448 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRPE-2022-19e.pdf (application/pdf, 107.69 KB) pdf
23153 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2022/19 - (OICA) Proposal for a new Revision of the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) _ 365961 _ French _ 780 _ 351450 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRPE-2022-19f.pdf (application/pdf, 160.37 KB) pdf
23153 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2022/19 - (OICA) Proposal for a new Revision of the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) _ 365961 _ Russian _ 864 _ 351453 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRPE-2022-19r.pdf (application/pdf, 252.46 KB) pdf
23153 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2022/21 - (OICA) Proposal for a new Supplement to UN Regulation No. 85 (Measurement of the net power) _ 365963 _ English _ 773 _ 362541 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRPE-2022-21e.pdf (application/pdf, 97.52 KB) pdf
23153 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2022/21 - (OICA) Proposal for a new Supplement to UN Regulation No. 85 (Measurement of the net power) _ 365963 _ French _ 780 _ 362543 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRPE-2022-21f.pdf (application/pdf, 147.42 KB) pdf
23153 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2022/21 - (OICA) Proposal for a new Supplement to UN Regulation No. 85 (Measurement of the net power) _ 365963 _ Russian _ 864 _ 362545 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRPE-2022-21r.pdf (application/pdf, 195.06 KB) pdf
23153 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2022/23 - (OICA) Proposal for a new Supplement to UN Regulation No. 85 (Measurement of the net power) _ 365965 _ English _ 773 _ 350989 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRPE-2022-23e.pdf (application/pdf, 99.2 KB) pdf
23153 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2022/23 - (OICA) Proposal for a new Supplement to UN Regulation No. 85 (Measurement of the net power) _ 365965 _ French _ 780 _ 350991 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRPE-2022-23f.pdf (application/pdf, 149.04 KB) pdf
23153 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2022/23 - (OICA) Proposal for a new Supplement to UN Regulation No. 85 (Measurement of the net power) _ 365965 _ Russian _ 864 _ 350993 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRPE-2022-23r.pdf (application/pdf, 191.66 KB) pdf
23153 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/148 - (Co-Chairs of the IWG on PTI) Proposal for a Framework Document on Vehicle Whole-Life Compliance _ 359758 _ English _ 773 _ 338286 _ docx ECE_TRANS_WP.29_2021_148E.pdf (application/pdf, 222.96 KB) pdf
23153 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/148 - (Co-Chairs of the IWG on PTI) Proposal for a Framework Document on Vehicle Whole-Life Compliance _ 359758 _ French _ 780 _ 338288 _ docx ECE_TRANS_WP.29_2021_148F.pdf (application/pdf, 281.44 KB) pdf
23153 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/148 - (Co-Chairs of the IWG on PTI) Proposal for a Framework Document on Vehicle Whole-Life Compliance _ 359758 _ Russian _ 864 _ 338290 _ docx ECE_TRANS_WP.29_2021_148R.pdf (application/pdf, 342.14 KB) pdf

Informal documents

23154 _ GRPE-86-01-Rev.2 - (Secretariat) Provisional annotated agenda _ 367959 _ English _ 773 _ 355113 _ docx GRPE-86-01r2e.pdf (application/pdf, 149 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-02 - (Chair) Draft running order _ 367721 _ English _ 773 _ 354247 _ docx GRPE-86-02e.pdf (application/pdf, 140.66 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-03 - (Secretariat) General Information, 86th session of GRPE _ 367898 _ English _ 773 _ 354727 _ pptx GRPE-86-03e.pdf (application/pdf, 594.14 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-04 - (Secretariat) Highlights of the recent ITC / WP.29 Sessions and other relevant activities _ 367899 _ English _ 773 _ 354729 _ pptx GRPE-86-04e.pdf (application/pdf, 380.17 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-05 - (Switzerland) PN PTI in Switzerland _ 367737 _ English _ 773 _ 354296 _ pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-07 - (EC) Development of the 08 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 83 _ 367908 _ English _ 773 _ 354751 _ pptx GRPE-86-07e.pdf (application/pdf, 730.59 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-08 - (OICA) Supportive Document on 7000lux issue _ 367909 _ English _ 773 _ 354753 _ pptx GRPE-86-08e.pdf (application/pdf, 342.34 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-09 - (OICA) Proposal to amend ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2022/14 _ 367910 _ English _ 773 _ 354755 _ docx GRPE-86-09e.pdf (application/pdf, 170.76 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-10 - (OICA) Proposal to amend ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2022/15 _ 367911 _ English _ 773 _ 354757 _ docx GRPE-86-10e.pdf (application/pdf, 168.6 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-11 - (OICA) Proposal to amend ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2022/16 _ 367912 _ English _ 773 _ 354759 _ docx GRPE-86-11e.pdf (application/pdf, 164.02 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-12 - (OICA) Proposal to amend ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2022/10 _ 367913 _ English _ 773 _ 354761 _ docx GRPE-86-12e.pdf (application/pdf, 239.44 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-13 - (OICA) Proposal to supersede ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2022/20 _ 367914 _ English _ 773 _ 354765 _ docx GRPE-86-13e.pdf (application/pdf, 516.63 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-14 - (OICA) Application of Run-In-Factor for electric consumption _ 367915 _ English _ 773 _ 354767 _ docx GRPE-86-14e.pdf (application/pdf, 389.14 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-15 - (OICA) Calculation of run-in factor for UN Regulation No. 154_inclData _ 367916 _ English _ 773 _ 354769 _ xlsx
23154 _ GRPE-86-16 - (OICA) Proposal for draft Amendments to UN Regulation No. 154 - calculation of Run-in-Factor _ 367918 _ English _ 773 _ 354771 _ docx GRPE-86-16e.pdf (application/pdf, 291.26 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-17 - (Japan) LCA Methodology for Automobile : towards Worldwide Carbon Neutrality _ 367928 _ English _ 773 _ 354796 _ pptx GRPE-86-17e.pdf (application/pdf, 989 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-19 - (Russia) Proposals for Harmonized LCA Methodology Development _ 367948 _ English _ 773 _ 354851 _ pptx GRPE-86-19e.pdf (application/pdf, 322.36 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-20 - (Clean Air Association) Proposal for amendment to UN GTR No. 15 _ 367949 _ English _ 773 _ 354854 _ docx GRPE-86-20e.pdf (application/pdf, 119.49 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-21-Rev.1 - (IWVTA ambassador) Revised presentation on UI for GRs _ 367950 _ English _ 773 _ 355106 _ pptx GRPE-86-21r1e.pdf (application/pdf, 322.28 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-22 - (IWVTA ambassador) Unique Identifier (UI) follow up _ 367951 _ English _ 773 _ 354858 _ pptx GRPE-86-22e.pdf (application/pdf, 199.76 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-23 - (TFTA) Status report of the Task Force on Tyre Abrasion _ 367952 _ English _ 773 _ 354860 _ pptx GRPE-86-23e.pdf (application/pdf, 418.33 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-24-Rev.1 - (OICA) Proposal for clarification of ISC in the 06 and 07 Series of Amendments to UN Regulation No.83 _ 367953 _ English _ 773 _ 354889 _ docx GRPE-86-24r1e.pdf (application/pdf, 164.5 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-25 - (OICA) Supportive presentation related to H2 integration in UN Regulations Nos. 49 and 85 _ 367954 _ English _ 773 _ 354864 _ pptx GRPE-86-25e.pdf (application/pdf, 261.09 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-26 - (EPPR) Status report of the IWG on EPPR _ 367955 _ English _ 773 _ 354866 _ pptx GRPE-86-26e.pdf (application/pdf, 178.66 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-27-Rev.3 - (EPPR) Updated Terms of References (ToRs) for the IWG on EPPR _ 367958 _ English _ 773 _ 355366 _ docx GRPE-86-27r3e.pdf (application/pdf, 227.57 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-28 - (OICA) Statistics of run-in tests _ 367960 _ English _ 773 _ 354875 _ pptx GRPE-86-28e.pdf (application/pdf, 244.56 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-29 - (EC) Further development of UN Regulation on RDE _ 367961 _ English _ 773 _ 354885 _ pptx GRPE-86-29e.pdf (application/pdf, 188.91 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-30 - (EC) Update to the European Commission PN-PTI guidance _ 367984 _ English _ 773 _ 354973 _ pptx GRPE-86-30e.pdf (application/pdf, 669.15 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-31 - (OICA) Concern regarding the Introductory Provision in the newly adopted R154.02 _ 367985 _ English _ 773 _ 354975 _ pptx GRPE-86-31e.pdf (application/pdf, 151.76 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-32-Rev.1 - (Secretariat) Summary of Agenda item 3.(a) proposals _ 368029 _ English _ 773 _ 355376 _ xlsx GRPE-86-32r1e.pdf (application/pdf, 77.54 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-33 - (US) US EPA proposed rule for Heavy Duty pollutant emissions _ 368030 _ English _ 773 _ 355097 _ pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-34 - (PMP) Status report of the IWG on PMP _ 368031 _ English _ 773 _ 355098 _ pptx GRPE-86-34e.pdf (application/pdf, 792.41 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-35 - (VIAQ) Status report of the IWG on VIAQ _ 368036 _ English _ 773 _ 355108 _ pptx GRPE-86-35e.pdf (application/pdf, 741.87 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-36 - (OICA) Proposal to amend ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2022/17 _ 368037 _ English _ 773 _ 355111 _ docx GRPE-86-36e.pdf (application/pdf, 153.99 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-37 - (EVE) Status report of the IWG on EVE _ 368039 _ English _ 773 _ 355131 _ pptx GRPE-86-37e.pdf (application/pdf, 306.81 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-38 - (US) US EPA Position on LCA _ 368042 _ English _ 773 _ 355137 _ pptx GRPE-86-38e.pdf (application/pdf, 296.09 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-39 - (Netherlands) Developments in NL with regard to checking emissions in PTI _ 368043 _ English _ 773 _ 355139 _ pptx GRPE-86-39e.pdf (application/pdf, 570.4 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-40 - (CLEPA) CLEPA Feedback to CO2-LCA Workshop at GRPE _ 368045 _ English _ 773 _ 355150 _ pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-41 - (Vice Chair) LCA workshop thoughts _ 368075 _ English _ 773 _ 355205 _ pptx GRPE-86-41e.pdf (application/pdf, 572.04 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-42-Rev.1 - (Chair) Updated list of priorities _ 368118 _ English _ 773 _ 358057 _ docx GRPE-86-42r1e.pdf (application/pdf, 133.71 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-43 - (EC and IWG on PTI) GRPE Proposals to amend ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/148 _ 368119 _ English _ 773 _ 355373 _ docx GRPE-86-43e.pdf (application/pdf, 118.24 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-45 - Clean - (EC) Draft revised proposal for a new UN Regulation on RDE _ 369398 _ English _ 773 _ 358414 _ docx GRPE-86-45e_clean.pdf (application/pdf, 1.57 MB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-45 - Track - (EC) Draft revised proposal for a new UN Regulation on RDE _ 369399 _ English _ 773 _ 358416 _ docx GRPE-86-45e_track.pdf (application/pdf, 1.59 MB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-46 - (PMP) Draft UN GTR on brake particulate emissions _ 369278 _ English _ 773 _ 358066 _ zip
23154 _ GRPE-86-48 - Clean - (OICA) Amendments to GRPE-81-29-Rev.1 : Clarification of points regarding UN Regulation No. 154 _ 369396 _ English _ 773 _ 358410 _ docx GRPE-86-48e_clean.pdf (application/pdf, 174.46 KB) pdf
23154 _ GRPE-86-48 - Track - (OICA) Amendments to GRPE-81-29-Rev.1 : Clarification of points regarding UN Regulation No. 154 _ 369397 _ English _ 773 _ 358412 _ docx GRPE-86-48e_track.pdf (application/pdf, 180.27 KB) pdf

GRPE workshop on carbon LCA of wheeled vehicles


30422 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/86/Rev.1 - Report of the Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) on its eighty-sixth session - Revision _ 369835 _ English _ 773 _ 365991 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP29-GRPE-86r1e.pdf (application/pdf, 327.08 KB) pdf

Comments received from the written consultation

32649 _ (France) Comments on GRPE-86-42r1 _ 370833 _ English _ 773 _ 362473 _ docx
32649 _ (Japan) Comments on GRPE-86-45 _ 370834 _ English _ 773 _ 362474 _ docx
32649 _ (The Netherlands) Comments on GRPE-86-45 _ 370835 _ English _ 773 _ 362475 _ docx
32649 _ (OICA) Comments on GRPE-86-45 _ 370836 _ English _ 773 _ 362476 _ docx
32649 _ (France) Comments on GRPE-86-46 _ 370837 _ English _ 773 _ 362477 _ docx
32649 _ (Germany) Comments on GRPE-86-46 _ 370838 _ English _ 773 _ 362478 _ pdf
32649 _ (The Netherlands) Comments on GRPE-86-46 _ 370839 _ English _ 773 _ 362479 _ docx
32649 _ (OICA) Comments on GRPE-86-46 _ 370840 _ English _ 773 _ 362480 _ docx
32649 _ (OICA) Comments on GRPE-86-46 - Explanatory slides _ 370841 _ English _ 773 _ 362481 _ pptx
32649 _ (OICA) Comments on GRPE-86-47 _ 370842 _ English _ 773 _ 362482 _ docx
32649 _ (OICA) Comments Overview _ 370843 _ English _ 773 _ 362483 _ docx