(WP.29/GRVA) Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (18th session)
(WP.29/GRVA) Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (18th session)
22 January (14:30) - 26 January (12:30) 2024
Avenue de la Paix Geneva Switzerland
52784 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/1 - Provisional agenda for the eighteenth session of the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (22-26 January 2024) _ 384685 _ English _ 773 _ 399061 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-01e.pdf (application/pdf, 76.78 KB)
52784 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/1 - Provisional agenda for the eighteenth session of the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (22-26 January 2024) _ 384685 _ French _ 780 _ 399064 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-01f.pdf (application/pdf, 200.27 KB)
52784 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/1 - Provisional agenda for the eighteenth session of the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (22-26 January 2024) _ 384685 _ Russian _ 864 _ 399066 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-01r.pdf (application/pdf, 261.32 KB)
52784 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/1/Add.1 - Addendum to the annotated provisional agenda for the eighteenth session of the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (22-26 January 2024) _ 385190 _ English _ 773 _ 400761 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP29-GRVA-2024-01a1e.pdf (application/pdf, 92.16 KB)
52784 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/1/Add.1 - Addendum to the annotated provisional agenda for the eighteenth session of the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (22-26 January 2024) _ 385190 _ French _ 780 _ 400763 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP29-GRVA-2024-01a1f.pdf (application/pdf, 159.36 KB)
52784 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/1/Add.1 - Addendum to the annotated provisional agenda for the eighteenth session of the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (22-26 January 2024) _ 385190 _ Russian _ 864 _ 400765 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP29-GRVA-2024-01a1r.pdf (application/pdf, 177.9 KB)
Working documents
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/2 - (TF on ADAS) Proposal for a new UN Regulation on uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to Driver Control Assistance Systems _ 385018 _ English _ 773 _ 398127 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-02e.pdf (application/pdf, 1.21 MB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/3 - (France) Proposal for a supplement to UN Regulation No. 157 (Automated Lane Keeping System) _ 384906 _ English _ 773 _ 400136 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-03e.pdf (application/pdf, 97.28 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/3 - (France) Proposal for a supplement to UN Regulation No. 157 (Automated Lane Keeping System) _ 384906 _ French _ 780 _ 400138 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-03f.pdf (application/pdf, 136.73 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/3 - (France) Proposal for a supplement to UN Regulation No. 157 (Automated Lane Keeping System) _ 384906 _ Russian _ 864 _ 400140 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-03r.pdf (application/pdf, 179.78 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/4 - (France, Italy, UK, IMMA) Proposal for a supplement to UN Regulation No. 155 (Cyber security and cyber security management system) _ 384907 _ English _ 773 _ 398274 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-04e.pdf (application/pdf, 109.49 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/4 - (France, Italy, UK, IMMA) Proposal for a supplement to UN Regulation No. 155 (Cyber security and cyber security management system) _ 384907 _ French _ 780 _ 398277 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-04f.pdf (application/pdf, 156.66 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/4 - (France, Italy, UK, IMMA) Proposal for a supplement to UN Regulation No. 155 (Cyber security and cyber security management system) _ 384907 _ Russian _ 864 _ 398279 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-04r.pdf (application/pdf, 206.71 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/5 - (France, Italy, UK, IMMA) Proposal for amendments to the Interpretation Document for UN Regulation No. 155 (Cyber security and cyber security management system) _ 384908 _ English _ 773 _ 398267 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-05e.pdf (application/pdf, 118.72 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/5 - (France, Italy, UK, IMMA) Proposal for amendments to the Interpretation Document for UN Regulation No. 155 (Cyber security and cyber security management system) _ 384908 _ French _ 780 _ 398269 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-05f.pdf (application/pdf, 171.52 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/5 - (France, Italy, UK, IMMA) Proposal for amendments to the Interpretation Document for UN Regulation No. 155 (Cyber security and cyber security management system) _ 384908 _ Russian _ 864 _ 398271 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-05r.pdf (application/pdf, 236.64 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/6 - (IMMA) Proposal for a supplement to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 78 (Braking of category L vehicles) _ 384909 _ English _ 773 _ 400256 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-06e.pdf (application/pdf, 44.92 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/6 - (IMMA) Proposal for a supplement to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 78 (Braking of category L vehicles) _ 384909 _ French _ 780 _ 400258 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-06f.pdf (application/pdf, 145.96 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/6 - (IMMA) Proposal for a supplement to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 78 (Braking of category L vehicles) _ 384909 _ Russian _ 864 _ 400260 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-06r.pdf (application/pdf, 189.73 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/7 - (Germany) Proposal for a supplement to the 13 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 13 (Heavy Vehicle Braking) _ 385038 _ English _ 773 _ 400388 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-07e.pdf (application/pdf, 101.8 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/7 - (Germany) Proposal for a supplement to the 13 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 13 (Heavy Vehicle Braking) _ 385038 _ French _ 780 _ 400390 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-07f.pdf (application/pdf, 148.41 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/7 - (Germany) Proposal for a supplement to the 13 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 13 (Heavy Vehicle Braking) _ 385038 _ Russian _ 864 _ 400392 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-07r.pdf (application/pdf, 200.11 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/8 - (TF on FADS) Proposal for a supplement to the 13 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 13 (Heavy Vehicle Braking) _ 385092 _ English _ 773 _ 400369 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-08e.pdf (application/pdf, 164.11 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/8 - (TF on FADS) Proposal for a supplement to the 13 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 13 (Heavy Vehicle Braking) _ 385092 _ French _ 780 _ 400371 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-08f.pdf (application/pdf, 171.93 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/8 - (TF on FADS) Proposal for a supplement to the 13 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 13 (Heavy Vehicle Braking) _ 385092 _ Russian _ 864 _ 400373 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-08r.pdf (application/pdf, 271.44 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/9 - (TF on FADS) Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 13-H (Braking of passenger cars) _ 385093 _ English _ 773 _ 400248 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-09e.pdf (application/pdf, 178.01 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/9 - (TF on FADS) Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 13-H (Braking of passenger cars) _ 385093 _ French _ 780 _ 400250 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-09f.pdf (application/pdf, 185.71 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/9 - (TF on FADS) Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 13-H (Braking of passenger cars) _ 385093 _ Russian _ 864 _ 400252 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-09r.pdf (application/pdf, 223.6 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/10 - (TF on FADS) Proposal for a supplement to the [03 and 04] series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 79 (Steering equipment) _ 385094 _ English _ 773 _ 400375 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-10e.pdf (application/pdf, 162.2 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/10 - (TF on FADS) Proposal for a supplement to the [03 and 04] series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 79 (Steering equipment) _ 385094 _ French _ 780 _ 400377 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-10f.pdf (application/pdf, 174.07 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/10 - (TF on FADS) Proposal for a supplement to the [03 and 04] series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 79 (Steering equipment) _ 385094 _ Russian _ 864 _ 400379 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-10r.pdf (application/pdf, 263.79 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/11 - (FEMFM) Proposal for a supplement to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 90 (Replacement braking parts) _ 385039 _ English _ 773 _ 400238 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-11e.pdf (application/pdf, 102.85 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/11 - (FEMFM) Proposal for a supplement to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 90 (Replacement braking parts) _ 385039 _ French _ 780 _ 400240 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-11f.pdf (application/pdf, 150.68 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/11 - (FEMFM) Proposal for a supplement to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 90 (Replacement braking parts) _ 385039 _ Russian _ 864 _ 400242 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-11r.pdf (application/pdf, 195.31 KB)
52785 _ ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-12 - (Germany, France, Netherlands, UK, EC) Proposal for a supplement to the 03 and 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 79 (Steering equipment) _ 385095 _ English _ 773 _ 398348 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-12e.pdf (application/pdf, 248.14 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/13 - (Special Interest Group concerning electrical braking systems) Proposal for a new series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 13 (Heavy Vehicle Braking) _ 385351 _ English _ 773 _ 398986 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-13e.pdf (application/pdf, 264.28 KB)
52785 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/14 - (Special Interest Group concerning electrical braking systems) Proposal for a Series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 13-H (Braking of passenger cars) _ 385555 _ English _ 773 _ 399341 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2024-14e.pdf (application/pdf, 253.19 KB)
52785 _ GRVA-18-57 - (Secretariat) Official GRVA meeting outside Geneva - procedural/administrative steps _ 387827 _ English _ 773 _ 404690 _ pdf
Informal documents
52786 _ GRVA-18-01 - (Chair) Running order of the eighteenth session* _ 387156 _ English _ 773 _ 404232 _ docx
GRVA-18-01e.pdf (application/pdf, 148.32 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-02 - (Secretariat) Consolidated and updated provisional agenda for the 18th GRVA _ 387587 _ English _ 773 _ 404014 _ docx
GRVA-18-02e.pdf (application/pdf, 165.83 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-02/Rev.1 - (Secretariat) Consolidated and updated provisional agenda for the 18th GRVA - (incl. inf. docs. until 22 Jan. 2024 11.30)* _ 387608 _ English _ 773 _ 404462 _ docx
GRVA-18-02r1e.pdf (application/pdf, 167.08 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-03 - (Secretariat) Highlights of the November 2023 sessions of WP.29, AC.1 and AC.2 _ 387578 _ English _ 773 _ 403995 _ pptx
GRVA-18-03e.pdf (application/pdf, 327.72 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-04 - Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2024/34 _ 387806 _ English _ 773 _ 404599 _ docx
GRVA-18-04.pdf (application/pdf, 661.71 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-05 - (OICA/CLEPA) Proposal for amendment to the 00 and 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 157 (Automated Lane Keeping System) _ 386670 _ English _ 773 _ 401924 _ docx
GEVA-18-05e.pdf (application/pdf, 152.39 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-06 - (OICA/CLEPA) Proposal for amendments to the 03 and 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 79 (Steering equipment) _ 386671 _ English _ 773 _ 401926 _ docx
GRVA-18-06e.pdf (application/pdf, 161.97 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-07 - (TF on ADAS) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/2 - Draft UN Regulation on DCAS _ 386672 _ English _ 773 _ 401928 _ docx
GRVA-18-07e.pdf (application/pdf, 1.56 MB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-07/Rev.1 - (TF on ADAS) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/2 - Revision 1 _ 387420 _ English _ 773 _ 403641 _ docx
GRVA-18-07r1e.pdf (application/pdf, 1.56 MB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-07/Rev.2 - (TF on ADAS) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/2 - Revision 2 _ 387746 _ English _ 773 _ 404468 _ docx
GRVA-18-07r2e.pdf (application/pdf, 1.56 MB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-07/Rev.2 - (TF on ADAS) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/2 - Revision 2 _ 387746 _ French _ 780 _ 404616 _ docx
GRVA-18-07r2f.pdf (application/pdf, 1.4 MB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-07/Rev.2 - (TF on ADAS) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/2 - Revision 2 _ 387746 _ Russian _ 864 _ 404622 _ docx
GRVA-18-07r2r.pdf (application/pdf, 1.84 MB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-08 - (OICA/CLEPA) Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 13 _ 386673 _ English _ 773 _ 401930 _ docx
GRVA-18-08e.pdf (application/pdf, 132.95 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-09 - (OICA/CLEPA) Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 13-H _ 386674 _ English _ 773 _ 401932 _ docx
GRVA-18-09e.pdf (application/pdf, 133.26 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-10 - (Netherlands) Proposal for a new supplement to UN Regulation No. 13 _ 387157 _ English _ 773 _ 402709 _ docx
GRVA-18-10e.pdf (application/pdf, 171.77 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-11 - (Australia) Proposal for the new 05 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 79 - ELKS _ 387257 _ English _ 773 _ 402972 _ docx
GRVA-18-11e.pdf (application/pdf, 272.25 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-12 - (Australia) Proposal for the new 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 131 _ 387258 _ English _ 773 _ 402974 _ docx
GRVA-18-12e.pdf (application/pdf, 148.33 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-13 - (Switzerland) Regulating automated driving in Switzerland _ 387419 _ English _ 773 _ 403640 _ pdf
52786 _ GRVA-18-14 - (TF on ADAS) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/12 _ 387421 _ English _ 773 _ 403643 _ docx
GRVA-18-14e.pdf (application/pdf, 132.91 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-15 - (TF on ADAS) Consolidated amendment proposal to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/12 (based on GRVA-18-14) _ 387422 _ English _ 773 _ 403645 _ docx
GRVA-18-15e.pdf (application/pdf, 248.05 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-15 - (TF on ADAS) Consolidated amendment proposal to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/12 (based on GRVA-18-14) _ 387422 _ French _ 780 _ 404624 _ docx
GRVA-18-15f.pdf (application/pdf, 268.9 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-15 - (TF on ADAS) Consolidated amendment proposal to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/12 (based on GRVA-18-14) _ 387422 _ Russian _ 864 _ 404626 _ docx
GRVA-18-15r.pdf (application/pdf, 348.56 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-16 - (TF on ADAS) Report of the TF on ADAS to the 18th GRVA session _ 387506 _ English _ 773 _ 403852 _ pptx
GRVA-18-16e.pdf (application/pdf, 310.68 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-17 - (CLEPA/OICA) Proposal for amendments to UN-R79to provisions on Full Power Steering* _ 387507 _ English _ 773 _ 404074 _ pptx
GRVA-18-17e.pdf (application/pdf, 291.33 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-18 - (CLEPA/OICA) Proposal for Supplements to the 03 and 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 79 _ 387508 _ English _ 773 _ 403856 _ docx
GRVA-18-18e.pdf (application/pdf, 228.99 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-19 - (CLEPA/OICA) Virtual testing - UN R 152 _ 387509 _ English _ 773 _ 403858 _ pptx
GRVA-18-19e.pdf (application/pdf, 145.1 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-20 - (CEMA) UN R 155 versus CRA - an in-depth assessment _ 387510 _ English _ 773 _ 403860 _ pdf
52786 _ GRVA-18-21 - (CEMA) Consideration regarding vehicle/machinery in scope of UN R155 and type approved categories T, R and S. _ 387511 _ English _ 773 _ 403861 _ pdf
52786 _ GRVA-18-22 - (France) Virtual testing for AEBS (UN R152)* _ 387512 _ English _ 773 _ 404608 _ pptx
GRVA-18-22e.pdf (application/pdf, 781.1 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-23 - (France) Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 152 (AEBS) - virtual testing _ 387513 _ English _ 773 _ 403865 _ docx
GRVA-18-23e.pdf (application/pdf, 258.86 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-24 - (France) Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 152 (clean version) _ 387514 _ English _ 773 _ 403867 _ docx
GRVA-18-24e.pdf (application/pdf, 227.78 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-25 - (EDR/DSSAD) Activities/deliverables of the IWG on EDR/DSSAD _ 387534 _ English _ 773 _ 403911 _ pptx
GRVA-18-25e.pdf (application/pdf, 259.36 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-26 - (ITU) Scenario Catalogue for ADS _ 387576 _ English _ 773 _ 403991 _ pptx
GRVA-18-26e.pdf (application/pdf, 57.2 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-26/Rev.1 - (ITU) Scenario Catalogue for ADS _ 387717 _ English _ 773 _ 404321 _ pptx
GRVA-18-26r1e.pdf (application/pdf, 58.26 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-27 - (UK) Proposal for amendments to the Consolidated Resolution R.E.3 _ 387577 _ English _ 773 _ 403993 _ docx
GRVA-18-27e.pdf (application/pdf, 291.74 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-28 - (China) Beijing’s Initiatives on Autonomous Driving industry in the Era of Interconnection of Everything* _ 387580 _ English _ 773 _ 404550 _ pdf
52786 _ GRVA-18-29 - (CITA) EMB and PTI _ 387581 _ English _ 773 _ 403999 _ pptx
GRVA-18-29e.pdf (application/pdf, 231.47 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-30 - (TF on FADS) Consolidated amendment proposal to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/8 _ 387583 _ English _ 773 _ 404005 _ docx
GRVA-18-30e.pdf (application/pdf, 173.78 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-31 - (TF on FADS) Consolidated amendment proposal to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/9 _ 387584 _ English _ 773 _ 404007 _ docx
GRVA-18-31e.pdf (application/pdf, 207.16 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-32 - (TF on ADAS) Consolidated amendment proposal to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/10 _ 387585 _ English _ 773 _ 404009 _ docx
GRVA-18-32e.pdf (application/pdf, 167.74 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-33 - (TF on FADS) Questions and answers _ 387586 _ English _ 773 _ 404012 _ docx
GRVA-18-33e.pdf (application/pdf, 130.2 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-34 - (France) List of relevant UN Regulations for Software Updates _ 387588 _ English _ 773 _ 404016 _ docx
GRVA-18-34e.pdf (application/pdf, 123.08 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-34/Rev.1 - (France) List of relevant UN vehicle regulations for Software Updates _ 387719 _ English _ 773 _ 404325 _ docx
GRVA-18-34r1e.pdf (application/pdf, 124.73 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-35 - (Japan) Introduction of researches in Japan regarding AD/ADAS _ 387589 _ English _ 773 _ 404018 _ pdf
52786 _ GRVA-18-36 - (WS UN R155&156) Report of the 16th Workshop on UN R155 and UN R156 _ 387598 _ English _ 773 _ 404058 _ pptx
GRVA-18-36e.pdf (application/pdf, 246.09 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-37 - (WS UN R155&156) Questions and Answers/Comments derived from the Workshops on the implementation of UN Rs. 155 and 156 _ 387599 _ English _ 773 _ 404060 _ docx
GRVA-18-37e.pdf (application/pdf, 218.9 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-38 - (WBIA) Proposal for a new supplement to the 03, 04, 05 and 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 78* _ 387600 _ English _ 773 _ 404241 _ docx
GRVA-18-38e.pdf (application/pdf, 235.88 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-39 - (WBIA) UN Regulation No. 78 - limitations and improvements for S-EPAC _ 387601 _ English _ 773 _ 404243 _ pptx
GRVA-18-39e.pdf (application/pdf, 378.32 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-40 - (FRAV/VMAD) Status report of the FRAV/VMAD integration group _ 387677 _ English _ 773 _ 404228 _ pptx
GRVA-18-40e.pdf (application/pdf, 601.78 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-41 - (Secretariat) Proposal for GRVA workshops for the regulatory approach for Automated Driving Systems (GRVA workshops on ADS) _ 387604 _ English _ 773 _ 404068 _ docx
GRVA-18-41e.pdf (application/pdf, 117.94 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-41/Rev.1 - (Secretariat) Proposal for GRVA workshops for the regulatory approach for Automated Driving Systems (GRVA workshops on ADS) _ 387781 _ English _ 773 _ 404548 _ docx
GRVA-18-41r1e.pdf (application/pdf, 119.41 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-41/Rev.2 - (Secretariat) Proposal for GRVA workshops for the regulatory approach for Automated Driving Systems (GRVA workshops on ADS) _ 387826 _ English _ 773 _ 404688 _ docx
GRVA-18-41r2e.pdf (application/pdf, 119.49 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-42 - (Secretariat) Proposal for an Informal Working Group on Automated Driving Systems (IWG on ADS) _ 387605 _ English _ 773 _ 404071 _ docx
GRVA-18-42e.pdf (application/pdf, 139.49 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-42/Rev.1 - (Secretariat) Proposal for an Informal Working Group on Automated Driving Systems (IWG on ADS) _ 387720 _ English _ 773 _ 404327 _ docx
GRVA-18-42r1e.pdf (application/pdf, 161.75 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-42/Rev.2 - (Secretariat) Proposal for an Informal Working Group on Automated Driving Systems (IWG on ADS) _ 387780 _ English _ 773 _ 404545 _ docx
GRVA-18-42r2e.pdf (application/pdf, 139.82 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-43 - (IWG on CS/OTA) Status report from the Informal Working Group on Cyber Security and Software Updates _ 387670 _ English _ 773 _ 404211 _ pptx
GRVA-18-43e.pdf (application/pdf, 312.87 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-44 - (TF on FADS) Status report _ 387671 _ English _ 773 _ 404213 _ pptx
GRVA-18-44e.pdf (application/pdf, 298 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-45 - (VMAD) Status report of the IWG on VMAD _ 387672 _ English _ 773 _ 404215 _ pptx
GRVA-18-45e.pdf (application/pdf, 632.28 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-46 - (OICA) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/7 _ 387673 _ English _ 773 _ 404217 _ docx
GRVA-18-46e.pdf (application/pdf, 208.92 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-46/Rev.1 - (OICA) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2024/7 _ 387745 _ English _ 773 _ 404466 _ docx
GRVA-18-46r1e.pdf (application/pdf, 208.66 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-47 - (France) Scenario based design, validation and homologation - views of France _ 387674 _ English _ 773 _ 404219 _ pptx
GRVA-18-47e.pdf (application/pdf, 961.61 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-48 - (France) Automated and connected road transport France’s views on a possible approach of coordinating scenario libraries for safety assessment _ 387675 _ English _ 773 _ 404221 _ pptx
GRVA-18-48e.pdf (application/pdf, 168.97 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-49 - (UK) UNECE scenario catalogue _ 387676 _ English _ 773 _ 404223 _ pptx
GRVA-18-49e.pdf (application/pdf, 149.35 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-50 - (FRAV/VMAD) Guidelines and recommendations for ADS safety requirements, assessments and test methods to inform regulatory development* _ 387678 _ English _ 773 _ 404319 _ docx
GRVA-18-50e.pdf (application/pdf, 2.49 MB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-51 - (OICA/CLEPA) RCP - Proposal for a supplement to the 03 and to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 79 (Steering equipment) _ 387718 _ English _ 773 _ 404323 _ docx
GRVA-18-51e.pdf (application/pdf, 300.91 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-52 - (Warwick University) Scenario catalogue for ADS approval in the UK _ 387725 _ English _ 773 _ 404381 _ pdf
52786 _ GRVA-18-53 - (IWG on ACPE) Status report _ 387744 _ English _ 773 _ 404464 _ pptx
GRVA-18-53e.pdf (application/pdf, 441.49 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-54 - (SIG on EMB) Status report _ 387778 _ English _ 773 _ 404541 _ pptx
GRVA-18-54e.pdf (application/pdf, 631.35 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-55 - (UK) Virtual testing in UN R152 _ 387779 _ English _ 773 _ 404543 _ docx
GRVA-18-55e.pdf (application/pdf, 372.95 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-56 - (CLEPA/OICA) Proposal for amendments to UN R13 and UN R13-H Mechanical locking device as an alternative to the friction parking braking to hold the vehicle* _ 387782 _ English _ 773 _ 404628 _ pptx
GRVA-18-56e.pdf (application/pdf, 251.91 KB)
52786 _ GRVA-18-57 - (Secretariat) Official GRVA meeting outside Geneva - procedural/administrative steps _ 387827 _ English _ 773 _ 404690 _ pdf
56986 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/18 - Report of the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles on its eighteenth session (22-26 January 2024) _ 389551 _ English _ 773 _ 415481 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-18e.pdf (application/pdf, 354.35 KB)
56986 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/18 - Report of the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles on its eighteenth session (22-26 January 2024) _ 389551 _ French _ 780 _ 415483 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-18f.pdf (application/pdf, 385.13 KB)
56986 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/18 - Report of the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles on its eighteenth session (22-26 January 2024) _ 389551 _ Russian _ 864 _ 415485 _ docx
ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-18r.pdf (application/pdf, 495.03 KB)