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53rd session

ECOSOC Sub-Committee of Experts on the TrP8021nsport of Dangerous Goods (TDG)

AC.10/C.3 Informal documents 53rd session

NOTE: As part of the secretariat's effort to reduce expenditure, informal documents made available one week prior to the session on this website will not be available in the conference room for distribution to session participants. Delegates are kindly requested to bring their copies to the meeting.
UN/SCETDG/53/INF.71 - UN/SCEGHS/35/INF.28 - (DGAC) Applicability of OECD Test Guidelines for the assessment of substances or mixtures on corrosivity to skin: comments on ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2018/30
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/53/INF.70 - (Canada) Classification and packaging for infectious waste of Category A – Revision of 2018/20
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/53/INF.69/Rev.1 - (PRBA, MDBTC and RECHARGE) Requirements for damaged or defective lithium cells and batteries in special provision 376 (amendments to ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2018/51)
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/53/INF.69 - (PRBA, MDBTC and RECHARGE) Requirements for damaged or defective lithium cells and batteries in special provision 376 (amendments to ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2018/51)
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/53/INF.68 - (Canada) Review of the definition of infectious substance and the table in – Revision of 2018/26
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.67 - (Chairman of the Working group) Report of the Working Group on Explosives
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.66 - (Working group) Lunchtime Working Group on Lithium Battery Classification 26 and 27-June-2018
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.65/Rev.1 - (RECHARGE, PRBA) Harmonization of the proper shipping names of UN Nos. 3481 and 3091
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.65 - (RECHARGE, PRBA) Harmonization of the proper shipping names of UN Nos. 3481 and 3091
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.64 - (Chairman of the working group) Working group on fibre-reinforced plastics (FRP) portable tanks
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.63 - (Belgium) Marking of the date of manufacture on packagings of types 1H and 3H and inner receptacles of composite intermediate bulk containers (IBC’s)
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.62 - (Canada) Revision of packing instruction P801 - Revision of 2018/21
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.61 - (IATA) Assignment of Special Provision 356 to UN 3529
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.60 - (SSCA) Comments on ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2018/34
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.59 - (United Kingdom, Canada) Clarification of performance testing requirements for infectious substances packaging in Chapter 6.3 - Revision of 2018/25
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.58 - (IMO) Outcomes from MSC 99
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.57 - (ISO) Alternative proposal for paper ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2018/22
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.56 - UN/SCEGHS/35/INF.19 - (France) Tests for oxidizing liquids (UN Test O.2) and oxidizing solids (UN Tests O.1 and O.3) - see document ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2018/35 − ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2018/8on further work needed
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/53/INF.55 - (Russian Federation) Proposal for the new Chapter 6.10: Provisions for the design, construction, inspection and testing of portable tanks with shells made combined materials intended for transportation of class 2 substances (non-refrigerated liquefied gases)
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/53/INF.54 - (Russian Federation) Design pressure calculations
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.53 - (CEFIC) Amendment of proposed text in ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2018/49: Multiple marking of packagings, including intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) and large packagings, indicating conformity with more than one successfully tested design type (part II)
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/53/INF.52 - (United Kingdom) Comment on papers 2018/27, 2018/34, 2018/44, 2018/45, 2018/46 and 53/INF.16: Proposal to convene an IBC Working Group
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.51 - UN/SCEGHS/35/INF.17 - (Germany) Amendments to chemicals under pressure and aerosols
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.50 - (CEFIC) Exemptions for polymerizing substances
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.49 - (Russian Federation) Use of the term placard/rótulo/placardage (plaques-étiquettes)/information board (информационное табло) in the Model Regulations
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.48 - (Russian Federation) Proposal for a definition of the term «Flash point» in section 1.2.1 «Definitions»
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.47 - (Russian Federation) Proposal for amendment to and UN Model Regulations
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.46 - UN/SCEGHS/35/INF.16 - (Sweden) Status report on the work of the informal correspondence group on the revision of GHS Chapter 2.1 (Explosives)
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/53/INF.45/Add.1 - (Switzerland) Document ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/R.294
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.45 - (Switzerland) Sodium-Nickel chloride (Na-NiCl2)
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.44 - (United Kingdom) Comments on 2018/49: Multiple marking of packagings, including intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) and large packagings, indicating conformity with more than one successfully tested design type (part II)
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/53/INF.43 - (SAAMI) A method for transporting controlled shipments of explosives that are not classified ( 25 grams)
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.42 - (ECMA) Comments on ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2018/36: Provision for the carriage of waste gas cartridges (UN No. 2037)
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.41 - (PRBA, RECHARGE) Dimensions of the lithium battery mark
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.40 - (Secretariat) Reception by NGOs
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.39 - (Sweden) Inconsequent use of term “a practical explosive or pyrotechnic effect” in the Model Regulations and the Manual of Tests and Criteria
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.38 - (PRBA, RECHARGE and MDBTC) Examples of lithium battery test summary and additional question and answers
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.37 - (France, RECHARGE) 
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.36 - (Germany) Amendment to informal document INF.18 (ISO): Shells for UN acetylene cylinders
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.35 - (DGTA) Proposal for an informal working group on competency based training initiatives
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.34 - (CEFIC) Applicability of OECD Test Guidelines for the assessment of substances or mixtures on corrosivity to skin: comments on ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2018/30
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.33 - UN/SCEGHS/35/INF.15 - (United States of America, IME, SAAMI) Technical explosives classification and criteria support for an amended classification system for explosives in the GHS
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.32 - (Spain) Transport of barium carbonate as non-dangerous good
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.31 - (United Kingdom, Canada) Comments on 2018/25: Clarification of performance testing requirements for infectious substances packaging in Chapter 6.3
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.30 - (Netherlands) Scope of summary of discussions
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.29 - (Spain) Proper shipping names for explosives (UN 0237 and UN 0288)
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.28 - (Chairman of the Working Group) Working group on fibre-reinforced plastics (FRP) portable tanks
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.27 - (France) Hazard based classification of lithium cells and batteries (ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2018/59): Lunchtime working group
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.26 - (IPPIC) Technical names for environmentally hazardous goods of Class 9 (UN 3077 and UN 3082)
UN/SCETDG/53/INF.25 - (Belgium) Inconsistencies between language versions in
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/53/INF.24 - (United Kingdom) Additional LP101 entries into the Dangerous Goods List
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.23 - (CEFIC) Amendment of packing instruction P404
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.22 - (IME) Recommendations for Test Series 8
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.21 - (IME) Comments on UN0222 Ammonium Nitrate
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.20 - UN/SCEGHS/35/INF.13 - (Germany) Classification of physical hazards according to the GHS: Which combinations/cross-classifications are possible and can be assigned to chemicals?
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.19 - (IATA) Assignment of Special Provision 356 to UN 3529
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.18 - (ISO) Comments on ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2018/8 (Canada):Shells for UN acetylene cylinders
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.17 - (CEFIC) Transport of energetic samples for further testing
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.16 - (CEFIC) Maximum permitted stacking load of IBCs comments on ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2018/27
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.15 - (United Kingdom) Portable tanks with expired inspection dates and those switched from general cargo to dangerous goods content
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.14 - (Austria) Classification of strontium metal and subsidiary hazard corrosivity of alkali- and alkaline earth metals
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.13/Add.1 - (Germany, CEFIC) Harmonisation of the requirement “structurally serviceable"
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.13 - (Germany, CEFIC) Harmonisation of the requirement “structurally serviceable"
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.12 - (Secretariat) Provisional timetable
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.11 - (CEFIC) Chemicals under pressure: UN No. 3500, amendment to packing instruction P206 for gas based suppression systems
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.10 - (ISO) Incidents with composite cylinders without a liner manufactured from two parts joined together
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.9- UN/SCEGHS/35/INF.10 - (Sweden) A sketch of a revised Chapter 2.1 for the GHS (Explosives)
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.8 - (IAEA) Harmonization with the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.7 - UN/SCEGHS/35/INF.6 - (CEFIC) Classification of desensitized explosives for the purposes of supply and use according to GHS chapter 2.17: Test results on industrial nitrocellulose
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/53/INF.6 - (Germany) Classification of self-inflating recovery devices - Addendum to ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2018/13
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.5 - UN/SCEGHS/35/INF.5 - (Chairman of the Working group on Explosives) Use of the Manual of Tests and Criteria in the context of GHS
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.4 - UN/SCEGHS/35/INF.4 - (Chairman of the Working group on Explosives) Use of the Manual of Tests and Criteria in the context of the GHS
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.3 - UN/SCEGHS/35/INF.3 - (Chairman of the Working group on Explosives) Use of the Manual of Tests and Criteria in the context of GHS
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.2 -  (Secretariat) List of documents under agenda item
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UN/SCETDG/53/INF.1 -  (Secretariat) List of documents
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