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37th session

Working Documents
ECOSOC Sub-Committee of Experts on the GHS

AC.10/C.4 Informal documents 37th session

NOTE: As part of the secretariat's effort to reduce expenditure, informal documents made available one week prior to the session on this website will not be available in the conference room for distribution to session participants. Delegates are kindly requested to bring their copies to the meeting.
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.27/Rev.1  (Germany) Outcome of discussions in the meeting of the Informal Working group on combinations of physical hazards on 9 July 2019
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.27  (Germany) Outcome of discussions in the meeting of the Informal Working group on combinations of physical hazards on 9 July 2019
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.26  (Sweden) Outcome of discussions on hazard communication in the meeting of the informal correspondence group on the review of GHS Chapter 2.1
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.25  (Secretariat) Work of the Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods on its fifty-fourth session on matters of interest to the GHS Sub-Committee
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.24  (Secretariat) Outcome of the Working Group on Explosives of the TDG Sub-Committee
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.23  (United Kingdom) Status of the work of the Annex 1-3 informal working group
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.22  (Russian Federation) Updates on the technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) "on the safety of chemical products"
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.21 - UN/SCETDG/55/INF.56 (Sweden) Outcome of informal discussions in the combined meeting of the Working Group on Explosives and the Informal Correspondence Group on the review of GHS Chapter 2.1
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.20 (Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions) Report of the second meeting of the expert working group on the review of annexes (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 10-13 December 2018)
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.19  (Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions) Update on the work of expert working group on the review of the annnexes I, III and IV and related aspects of Annex IX to the Basel Convention on the on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.18 - UN/SCETDG/55/INF.50 (USA, IME and SAAMI) Hazard communication in GHS Chapter 2.1
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.17  (United Kingdom, Netherlands) Use of non-animal testing methods for classification of health hazards: status report
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.16 - UN/SCETDG/55/INF.44 (France) Tests for oxidizing liquids and oxidizing solids improvement regarding consideration for particle size friable or coated materials
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.15  (CEFIC) Information on the status of implementation of the GHS
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.14 - UN/SCETDG/55/INF.35 (SAAMI) Clarifications to the scope of the class of explosives
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.13  (United States of America) Thought starter on GHS cut off value/concentration limit for mixtures classification as serious eye damage: Review of science
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.12  (Secretariat) Proposed corrections to the French version of H410, H411 and H412
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.11  (Finland) Review of the applicability of the GHS classification criteria to nanomaterials
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.10  (United States of America, Canada) Potential paths forward for global list project
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.9 - UN/SCETDG/55/INF.20 (Sweden) Possible hazard communication elements for the classifications of the potential new GHS Chapter 2.1
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.8 - UN/SCETDG/55/INF.19 (United States of America, IME and SAAMI) - Explosives classification in GHS Chapter 2.1
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.7  (CEFIC) Thought starter on digitalisation of hazard information for chemical products
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.6 - UN/SCETDG/55/INF.10 - (Sweden) Amendments to the definition of explosive substances and definition of Class 1
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.5  (Secretariat) Provisional timetable for the thirty-seventh session and calendar of meetings of GHS informal working groups
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.4  (United Kingdom) Proposed changes to the presentation of flammable gas hazard category 1A in Annex 3
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.3/Rev.1  (United Kingdom) Proposed changes to Annex 1
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.3  (United Kingdom) Proposed changes to Annex 1
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.2  (Secretariat) List of documents
UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.1  (Secretariat) List of documents
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