Joint Meeting RID/ADR/ADN (WP.15/AC.1)
WP.15/AC.1 Informal documents (Berne, 20-23 March 2006) | |||
March 06/INF.39 - (Standards Working Group)Report of the sixth meeting, Bern, 20-23 March 2006 | |||
English | ---- | PDF (72Kb) | |
March 06/INF.38 | |||
German | DOC(81Kb) | PDF (44Kb) | |
March 06/INF.33 - (France) Proposals for amendments to Annexes A and B of ADR - Comments on document INF 23 | |||
English | DOC(338Kb) | PDF (215Kb) | |
March 06/INF.32 - (IRU) Comments on ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2006/12 from France-Marking of vehicles carrying dangerous goods in Limited Quantities (Chapter 3.4) | |||
English | DOC(30Kb) | PDF (12Kb) | |
French | DOC(33Kb) | PDF (15Kb) | |
March 06/INF.31 - (Belgium) Placarding of transport units carrying packagings - Comments to INF. 7 | |||
English | DOC(22Kb) | PDF (9Kb) | |
March 06/INF.30- (Belgium) Small containers- Comments to INF. 7 | |||
English | DOC(24Kb) | PDF (12Kb) | |
March 06/INF.29 - (Belgium) Comments to INF. 7 (Annex 4) | |||
English | DOC(24Kb) | PDF (10Kb) | |
March 06/INF.28 - (Secretariat) Model for report on occurrences during the carriage of dangerous goods | |||
English | DOC(30Kb) | PDF (10Kb) | |
March 06/INF.27 | |||
German | ---- | PDF (71Kb) | |
English | DOC(29Kb) | PDF (24Kb) | |
March 06/INF.25 | |||
German | ---- | PDF (75Kb) | |
March 06/INF.24 - (Belgium) TANKS - Comments to INF.11 | |||
English | DOC(22Kb) | PDF (10Kb) | |
March 06/INF.23 - (United Kingdom) Proposals for amendments to RID/ADR/ADN -Comments on document TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2006/12 (France) Marking of Vehicles carrying dangerous goods packed in Limited Quantities | |||
English | DOC(299Kb) | PDF (182Kb) | |
March 06/INF.22 - (AISE) Proposals for amendments to Annexes A and B of ADR - Comments on ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2006/12 (France)- Marking of vehicles carrying dangerous goods in limited quantities (Chapter 3.4) | |||
English | DOC(55Kb) | PDF (17Kb) | |
March 06/INF.21 - (Belgium) TANKS - Comments on document TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2006/6 and INF.14 | |||
English | DOC(33Kb) | PDF (17Kb) | |
March 06/INF.20 - (France) Proposals for amendments to RID/ADR/ADN - Marking of vehicles carrying dangerous goods packed in limited quantities (Chapter 3.4) - Amending document ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2006/12 | |||
English | DOC(43Kb) | PDF (27Kb) | |
March 06/INF.19 - (CEN) Document for the Working Group on Standards | |||
English | DOC(298Kb) | PDF (213Kb) | |
March 06/INF.18 - (Spain) Interprétation du RID/ADR/ADN- Transport de Bitume non inflammable | |||
English | ---- | PDF (120Kb) | |
French | DOC(735Kb) | PDF (47Kb) | |
March 06/INF.17 - (Spain) Taille des numéros d’identification du danger et ONU dans les panneaux orange | |||
English | ---- | PDF (68Kb) | |
French | DOC(20Kb) | PDF (9Kb) | |
March 06/INF.16 - (Secretariat) Proposals for amendments to Annexes A and B of ADR - Carriage of infected dead animals | |||
English | DOC(24Kb) | PDF (16Kb) | |
March 06/INF.15 (Germany) Section 5.5.1 - Special provisions for the consignment of infectious substances | |||
English | ---- | PDF (88Kb) | |
German | ---- | PDF (90Kb) | |
March 06/INF.14 | |||
English | ---- | PDF (85Kb) | |
German | ---- | PDF (87Kb) | |
March 06/INF.13 - (EIGA) Report of the informal working group on the revision of Chapter 6.2 | |||
English | DOC(111Kb) | PDF (18Kb) | |
March 06/INF.12 - (EIGA) Salvage packagings | |||
English | DOC(26Kb) | PDF (12Kb) | |
March 06/INF.11 - (United Kingdom) Proposal to amend the text of the RID/ADR/ADN - Assimilation list ( Entry for UN1790 (Hydrofluoric Acid) | |||
English | DOC(26Kb) | PDF (17Kb) | |
March 06/INF.10 - (AISE, CEFIC and CEPE) New proposal of amendments to RID/ADR/ADN - Amending the allocation of Mixed Packing provisions to certain UN numbers | |||
English | DOC(26Kb) | PDF (16Kb) | |
March 06/INF.9 | |||
English | ---- | PDF (75Kb) | |
English - Annex2 | ---- | PDF (29Kb) | |
French | DOC (32Kb) | PDF (22Kb) | |
French - Annex2 | ---- | PDF (29Kb) | |
German | ---- | PDF (79Kb) | |
German - Annex 2 | ---- | PDF (29Kb) | |
March 06/INF.8 - (OTIF) Fil conducteur général pour le calcul de risques lors du transport ferroviaire de marchandises dangereuses | |||
English | ---- | PDF (198Kb) | |
French | DOC(192Kb) | PDF (280Kb) | |
German | ---- | PDF (206Kb) | |
March 06/INF.7 - (OTIF) Placards and orange-coloured marking on wagons for piggyback transport | |||
English | ---- | PDF (113Kb) | |
French | DOC(89Kb) | PDF (62Kb) | |
German | ---- | PDF (117Kb) | |
March 06/INF.6 - (OTIF) Utilisation des termes « remplisseur », « emballeur » et « expéditeur » | |||
English | ---- | PDF (83Kb) | |
French | DOC(22Kb) | PDF (68Kb) | |
German | ---- | PDF (84Kb) | |
March 06/INF.5 - (Norway) Proposal to amend the text of the RID/ADR - Part 1 of RID/ADR- - Maximum total quantity per transport unit | |||
English | DOC(37Kb) | PDF (91Kb) | |
March 06/INF.4 - (France) Study on the relevance of the system of exemption for the transport of hazardous -goods packed in limited quantities | |||
English | DOC(313Kb) | PDF (326Kb) | |
French | DOC(441Kb) | PDF (332Kb) | |
March 06/INF.3 - (Netherlands) Tanks - Reduction of the risk of a BLEVE - TNO Report | |||
English | ---- | PDF (245Kb) | |
March 06/INF.2 - (Secretariat) List of documents | |||
French | DOC(79Kb) | PDF (21Kb) |