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Convention on Civil Liability for Damage Caused during Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road, Rail and Inland Navigation Vessels (CRTD)
The CRTD Convention was prepared by the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) and adopted by the Inland Transport Committee of the Economic Commission for Europe at its fifty-first session, held in Geneva, from 2 to 10 October 1989.  
The CRTD was opened for signature on 1 February 1990. 
Germany and Morocco have signed the Convention.  Liberia deposited its instruments of accession to the CRTD.
At the request of the Inland Transport Committee, the secretariat sent a questionnaire (English, French, Russian) to all heads of delegations to the Committee with a view to identifying what difficulties would prevent accession to the CRTD.
Several delegations replied to the questionnaire.
At its seventy-first session (Geneva, 5-9 November 2001), the Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, having considered the conclusions of the ad hoc group of experts on the basis of the questionnaire on the CRTD Convention, recommends to the Inland Transport Committee to establish an ad hoc meeting of experts on the CRTD, which would meet twice in 2002 and twice in 2003, with the following mandate:
to consult experts from all sectors concerned by the CRTD (e.g. legal experts on liability, insurance industry, consignors, carriers) in order to determine how to eliminate the obstacles -such as those related to the limit of liability and compulsory insurance- to the entry into force of the CRTD;  
to propose, on the basis of these consultations and of proposals by Governments, modifications to the existing articles of the CRTD which would provide a better basis for application of the CRTD to the various modes of transport;  
to report to the Inland Transport Committee at its 2003 session on progress made and difficulties encountered;  
to submit to the Inland Transport Committee a reviewed text of the CRTD incorporating the modifications mentioned above for possible adoption as a new convention at its 2004 session.  
Click here to download the text of the Convention.