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Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (WP.15) (113th session)

Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (WP.15) (113th session)


15 - 17 May 2023
Geneva Switzerland

The deadline for submission of documents is 20 February 2023.

Change of meeting dates: In the light of the number of documents submitted for the session, the secretariat and the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Working Party agreed to reduce the number of meeting days to three. As a consequence, the session will start at 10.30 a.m. on Monday 15 May 2023 and end on Wednesday 17 May 2023. 


31315 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/261 - Provisional agenda for the 113th session (Secretariat) _ 375592 _ English _ 773 _ 373896 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-261e.pdf (application/pdf, 41.91 KB) pdf
31315 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/261 - Provisional agenda for the 113th session (Secretariat) _ 375592 _ French _ 780 _ 374931 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-261f.pdf (application/pdf, 131.31 KB) pdf
31315 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/261 - Provisional agenda for the 113th session (Secretariat) _ 375592 _ Russian _ 864 _ 374934 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-261r.pdf (application/pdf, 151.75 KB) pdf
31315 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/261/Add.1 - Provisional agenda for the 113th session (Secretariat) _ 376348 _ English _ 773 _ 375726 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-261a1.e.pdf (application/pdf, 152.76 KB) pdf
31315 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/261/Add.1 - Provisional agenda for the 113th session (Secretariat) _ 376348 _ French _ 780 _ 376847 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-261a1.f.pdf (application/pdf, 153.32 KB) pdf
31315 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/261/Add.1 - Provisional agenda for the 113th session (Secretariat) _ 376348 _ Russian _ 864 _ 376849 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-261a1.r.pdf (application/pdf, 215.84 KB) pdf


31316 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/262 - Report of the Working Party on its 113th session _ 379503 _ English _ 773 _ 389918 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.15-262e.pdf (application/pdf, 254.45 KB) pdf
31316 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/262 - Report of the Working Party on its 113th session _ 379503 _ French _ 780 _ 389920 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.15-262f.pdf (application/pdf, 331.38 KB) pdf
31316 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/262 - Report of the Working Party on its 113th session _ 379503 _ Russian _ 864 _ 389922 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.15-262r.pdf (application/pdf, 391.7 KB) pdf

Working Documents

31317 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2023/1 - Section 9.7.6 – Rear protection of vehicles (United Kingdom) _ 375898 _ English _ 773 _ 374747 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-2023-1.e.pdf (application/pdf, 179.38 KB) pdf
31317 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2023/1 - Section 9.7.6 – Rear protection of vehicles (United Kingdom) _ 375898 _ French _ 780 _ 376904 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-2023-1.f.pdf (application/pdf, 272.16 KB) pdf
31317 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2023/1 - Section 9.7.6 – Rear protection of vehicles (United Kingdom) _ 375898 _ Russian _ 864 _ 376906 _ docx
31317 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2023/2 - Correction of the earth symbol in of ADR (Germany) _ 375929 _ English _ 773 _ 374879 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-2023-2e.pdf (application/pdf, 45.17 KB) pdf
31317 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2023/2 - Correction of the earth symbol in of ADR (Germany) _ 375929 _ French _ 780 _ 377044 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-2023-2f.pdf (application/pdf, 144.52 KB) pdf
31317 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2023/2 - Correction of the earth symbol in of ADR (Germany) _ 375929 _ Russian _ 864 _ 377045 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-2023-2r.pdf (application/pdf, 180.8 KB) pdf
31317 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2023/3 - New section 1.2.3 List of abbreviations: consequential amendment (Secretariat) _ 375952 _ English _ 773 _ 374918 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-2023-3e.pdf (application/pdf, 92.67 KB) pdf
31317 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2023/3 - New section 1.2.3 List of abbreviations: consequential amendment (Secretariat) _ 375952 _ French _ 780 _ 376654 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-2023-3f.pdf (application/pdf, 132.58 KB) pdf
31317 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2023/3 - New section 1.2.3 List of abbreviations: consequential amendment (Secretariat) _ 375952 _ Russian _ 864 _ 376656 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-2023-3r.pdf (application/pdf, 150.21 KB) pdf
31317 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2023/4 - Section – Battery master switch (Netherlands) _ 375999 _ English _ 773 _ 375042 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-2023-4e.pdf (application/pdf, 183.46 KB) pdf
31317 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2023/4 - Section – Battery master switch (Netherlands) _ 375999 _ French _ 780 _ 376737 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-2023-4f.pdf (application/pdf, 188.4 KB) pdf
31317 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2023/4 - Section – Battery master switch (Netherlands) _ 375999 _ Russian _ 864 _ 376738 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-2023-4r.pdf (application/pdf, 240.9 KB) pdf
31317 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2023/5 - Scope of ADR (Secretariat) _ 376346 _ English _ 773 _ 375722 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-2023-5e.pdf (application/pdf, 174.15 KB) pdf
31317 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2023/5 - Scope of ADR (Secretariat) _ 376346 _ French _ 780 _ 376882 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-2023-5f.pdf (application/pdf, 180.29 KB) pdf
31317 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2023/5 - Scope of ADR (Secretariat) _ 376346 _ Russian _ 864 _ 376884 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-2023-5r.pdf (application/pdf, 250.85 KB) pdf
31317 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2023/6 - Transport document - goods of each transport unit (Finland) _ 376347 _ English _ 773 _ 375724 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-2023-6e.pdf (application/pdf, 43.66 KB) pdf
31317 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2023/6 - Transport document - goods of each transport unit (Finland) _ 376347 _ French _ 780 _ 376851 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-2023-6f.pdf (application/pdf, 136.89 KB) pdf
31317 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2023/6 - Transport document - goods of each transport unit (Finland) _ 376347 _ Russian _ 864 _ 376853 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-2023-6r.pdf (application/pdf, 156.82 KB) pdf

Informal documents

31318 _ INF.1 - List of documents _ 378586 _ English _ 773 _ 381382 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-113-GE-inf1e_1.pdf (application/pdf, 89.03 KB) pdf
31318 _ INF.2 - List of documents under agenda item _ 378584 _ English _ 773 _ 381378 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-113-GE-inf2e_0.pdf (application/pdf, 138.34 KB) pdf
31318 _ INF.3 - Provisional timetable and additional information (Secretariat) _ 377250 _ English _ 773 _ 377520 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-113-GE-inf3e.pdf (application/pdf, 126.4 KB) pdf
31318 _ INF.4 - Amendment to (Netherlands) _ 377719 _ English _ 773 _ 378847 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-113-GE-inf4e.pdf (application/pdf, 101.45 KB) pdf
31318 _ INF.9 - Comments on document 2023/1 – Rear Protection of Vehicles (Netherlands) _ 378021 _ English _ 773 _ 379698 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-113-GE-inf9e_0.pdf (application/pdf, 84.28 KB) pdf
31318 _ INF.11 - Carriage of empty uncleaned packaging waste (Ireland) _ 378092 _ English _ 773 _ 379890 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-113-GE-inf11e.pdf (application/pdf, 231.59 KB) pdf
31318 _ INF.13 - Training of drivers: maximum number of teaching units per day (Switzerland) _ 378232 _ English _ 773 _ 380432 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-113-GE-inf13e.pdf (application/pdf, 70.84 KB) pdf
31318 _ INF.14 - Examinations for Safety Advisers in accordance with ADR 1.8.3 (Ireland) _ 378359 _ English _ 773 _ 380647 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-113-GE-inf14e.pdf (application/pdf, 65.21 KB) pdf
31318 _ INF.17 - Comments on ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2023/5 – Scope of ADR (Denmark) _ 378393 _ English _ 773 _ 380759 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-113-GE-inf17e.pdf (application/pdf, 196.06 KB) pdf
31318 _ INF.19 - Efficiency and methods of work of the Working Party (Secretariat) _ 378457 _ English _ 773 _ 380952 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-113-GE-inf19e_0.pdf (application/pdf, 278.79 KB) pdf
31318 _ INF.20/Add.1 - In Finland trucks tow up to 100% bigger loads (Finland) _ 378737 _ English _ 773 _ 381753 _ pdf
31318 _ INF.21 - Scope of ADR (France) _ 378470 _ English _ 773 _ 381007 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-113-GE-inf21e.pdf (application/pdf, 345.99 KB) pdf
31318 _ INF.21 - Scope of ADR (France) _ 378470 _ French _ 780 _ 381009 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-113-GE-inf21f.pdf (application/pdf, 341.09 KB) pdf
31318 _ INF.22 - Certificate of Approval (United Kingdom) _ 378504 _ English _ 773 _ 381080 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-113-GE-inf22e.pdf (application/pdf, 286.85 KB) pdf
31318 _ INF.23 - Comments on ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2023/5 – Scope of ADR (Switzerland) _ 378508 _ English _ 773 _ 381097 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-113-GE-inf23e.pdf (application/pdf, 324.56 KB) pdf
31318 _ INF.25 - - Discrepancy between RID and ADR 2023 _ 378582 _ English _ 773 _ 381374 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-113-GE-inf25e.pdf (application/pdf, 340.48 KB) pdf
31318 _ INF.27 - Consequential amendments to proposal in ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2023/4 (Netherlands) _ 378741 _ English _ 773 _ 381765 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP15-113-GE-inf27e.pdf (application/pdf, 14.97 KB) pdf