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(WP.29/GRVA) Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (14th session)

The GRVA session will be held in a hybrid format.

26 - 30 September 2022
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland




29453 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/15 - Provisional agenda for the fourteenth session _ 369286 _ English _ 773 _ 358929 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2022-15e_0.pdf (application/pdf, 130.67 KB) pdf
29453 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/15 - Provisional agenda for the fourteenth session _ 369286 _ French _ 780 _ 358931 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2022-15f.pdf (application/pdf, 194.98 KB) pdf
29453 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/15 - Provisional agenda for the fourteenth session _ 369286 _ Russian _ 864 _ 358933 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2022-15r.pdf (application/pdf, 187.35 KB) pdf

Working documents

29454 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/16 - (IWG on EDR/DSSAD) Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 157 (Automated Lane Keeping System) _ 369308 _ English _ 773 _ 358951 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2022-16e_0.pdf (application/pdf, 147.81 KB) pdf
29454 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/16 - (IWG on EDR/DSSAD) Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 157 (Automated Lane Keeping System) _ 369308 _ French _ 780 _ 358953 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2022-16f.pdf (application/pdf, 177.43 KB) pdf
29454 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/16 - (IWG on EDR/DSSAD) Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 157 (Automated Lane Keeping System) _ 369308 _ Russian _ 864 _ 358955 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2022-16r.pdf (application/pdf, 231.04 KB) pdf
29454 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/24 - (Germany) Proposal for a new UN Regulation for Urban Emergency Braking System _ 369319 _ English _ 773 _ 391326 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2022-24e.pdf (application/pdf, 291.95 KB) pdf
29454 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/24 - (Germany) Proposal for a new UN Regulation for Urban Emergency Braking System _ 369319 _ French _ 780 _ 391328 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2022-24f_0.pdf (application/pdf, 401.71 KB) pdf
29454 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/24 - (Germany) Proposal for a new UN Regulation for Urban Emergency Braking System _ 369319 _ Russian _ 864 _ 391331 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2022-24r.pdf (application/pdf, 408.64 KB) pdf
29454 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/25 - (OICA) Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 140 (Electronic Stability Control Systems) _ 369316 _ English _ 773 _ 360226 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2022-25e.pdf (application/pdf, 103.5 KB) pdf
29454 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/25 - (OICA) Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 140 (Electronic Stability Control Systems) _ 369316 _ French _ 780 _ 360228 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2022-25f.pdf (application/pdf, 154.95 KB) pdf
29454 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/25 - (OICA) Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 140 (Electronic Stability Control Systems) _ 369316 _ Russian _ 864 _ 360230 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2022-25r.pdf (application/pdf, 199.69 KB) pdf
29454 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/26 - (IMMA) Proposal for a supplement to the 05 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 78 (Motorcycle braking) _ 369320 _ English _ 773 _ 360220 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2022-26e.pdf (application/pdf, 132.61 KB) pdf
29454 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/26 - (IMMA) Proposal for a supplement to the 05 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 78 (Motorcycle braking) _ 369320 _ French _ 780 _ 360222 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2022-26f.pdf (application/pdf, 182.96 KB) pdf
29454 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/26 - (IMMA) Proposal for a supplement to the 05 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 78 (Motorcycle braking) _ 369320 _ Russian _ 864 _ 360224 _ docx ECE-TRANS-WP.29-GRVA-2022-26r.pdf (application/pdf, 240.3 KB) pdf

Informal documents

29455 _ WP.29-187-18 - (Secretariat) Nomination and Voting of Chairs and Vice-Chairs under the current situation _ 368597 _ English _ 773 _ 356584 _ docx WP.29-187-18e.pdf (application/pdf, 163.23 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-01 - (Chair) Running order of the fourteenth session _ 370334 _ English _ 773 _ 361261 _ docx GRVA-14-01e.pdf (application/pdf, 165.85 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-02 - (Secretariat) Updated and consolidated provisional agenda for the 14th session of GRVA _ 371003 _ English _ 773 _ 363026 _ docx GRVA-14-02e.pdf (application/pdf, 100.27 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-03 - (Secretariat) General information and highlights from the June 2022 sessions of AC.1/AC.2/AC.3/(AC.4) _ 370921 _ English _ 773 _ 362686 _ pptx GRVA-14-03e.pdf (application/pdf, 370.37 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-05 - (Secretariat) Unique Identifier and UN Regulations under the purview of the Working Party GRVA _ 370335 _ English _ 773 _ 361263 _ docx GRVA-14-05e.pdf (application/pdf, 158.57 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-05/Rev.1 - (Secretariat) Unique Identifier and UN Regulations under the purview of the Working Party GRVA _ 371311 _ English _ 773 _ 363946 _ docx GRVA-14-05r1e.pdf (application/pdf, 121.01 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-06 - (SAE International) Proposal for amendments to the interpretation document of UN Regulation No. 155 _ 370336 _ English _ 773 _ 361265 _ docx GRVA-14-06e_0.pdf (application/pdf, 554.77 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-08 - (SAFE) Update to WP.29/GRVA - ASAM OpenSCENARIO 2.0.0 _ 370338 _ English _ 773 _ 361269 _ pptx GRVA-14-08e.pdf (application/pdf, 10.15 MB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-09 - (Netherlands/IMMA) Proposal for a new 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 78 _ 370443 _ English _ 773 _ 361541 _ docx GRVA-14-09e.pdf (application/pdf, 242.57 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-10 - (Denmark) Position paper - Danish position on the proposal on UEBS (Germany) _ 370689 _ English _ 773 _ 362182 _ docx GRVA-14-10e.pdf (application/pdf, 112.9 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-11 - (OICA/CLEPA) CLEPA and OICA comments on GRVA-14-06 _ 370787 _ English _ 773 _ 362410 _ docx GRVA-14-11e.pdf (application/pdf, 606.85 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-12 - (CLEPA) EMB - Proposal for a supplement to the 12 series of amendments UN Regulation No. 13 _ 370894 _ English _ 773 _ 362624 _ docx GRVA-14-12e.pdf (application/pdf, 407.81 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-13 - (CLCCR) Proposal for a Supplement to the 11 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 13 _ 370895 _ English _ 773 _ 362626 _ docx GRVA-14-13e.pdf (application/pdf, 155.74 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-14 - (Japan) Proposal to start discussion of Acceleration Control for Pedal Error (ACPE) _ 370917 _ English _ 773 _ 362797 _ pptx GRVA-14-14e_0.pdf (application/pdf, 1.11 MB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-15 - (FRAV) FRAV recommendations on ADS external light-signalling _ 370932 _ English _ 773 _ 362808 _ docx GRVA-14-15e.pdf (application/pdf, 156.93 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-15/Rev.1 - (FRAV) FRAV recommendations on ADS external light-signalling _ 371061 _ English _ 773 _ 363369 _ docx GRVA-14-15r1e.pdf (application/pdf, 90.87 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-15/Rev.2 - (FRAV) FRAV recommendations on ADS external light-signalling _ 371070 _ English _ 773 _ 363400 _ docx GRVA-14-15r2e.pdf (application/pdf, 91.08 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-15/Rev.3 - (GRVA) GRVA recommendations on ADS external light-signalling _ 371239 _ English _ 773 _ 363774 _ docx GRVA-14-15r3e.pdf (application/pdf, 172.59 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-16 - (VMAD) NATM guideline - proposal for updates to WP.29-187-08 _ 370934 _ English _ 773 _ 362823 _ docx GRVA-14-16e_0.pdf (application/pdf, 1.82 MB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-17 - (Italy) Proposal for a corrigendum to UN Regulation No. 90 _ 370935 _ English _ 773 _ 362825 _ docx GRVA-14-17e.pdf (application/pdf, 164.69 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-18 - (ADAS) Report of the TF on ADAS for the 14th GRVA session _ 370945 _ English _ 773 _ 362851 _ pptx GRVA-14-18e.pdf (application/pdf, 235.03 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-19 - (China) Open issues for Automated Driving Assessment & Test and Suggestions (reissued on 24/09/2022) _ 370948 _ English _ 773 _ 363031 _ pptx GRVA-14-19e_0.pdf (application/pdf, 595.46 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-20 - (China) Proposal for V2V data interaction (reissued on 24/09/2022) _ 370946 _ English _ 773 _ 363029 _ pptx GRVA-14-20e_0.pdf (application/pdf, 650.34 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-21 - (France) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/22 _ 370958 _ English _ 773 _ 362888 _ doc GRVA-14-21e.pdf (application/pdf, 201.69 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-22 - (France) Automated and connected road transport - regulatory framework in France - Latest update _ 370960 _ English _ 773 _ 362891 _ pptx GRVA-14-22e.pdf (application/pdf, 224.13 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-23 - (FIA) GRVA - Artificial Intelligence _ 370961 _ English _ 773 _ 362893 _ pptx GRVA-14-23e.pdf (application/pdf, 525.58 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-24 - (OICA, CLEPA) Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 79 _ 370987 _ English _ 773 _ 362989 _ docx GRVA-14-24e.pdf (application/pdf, 67.55 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-25 - (OICA, CLEPA) UN Regulation No. 79 - ACSF C - Amendment for HMI _ 370988 _ English _ 773 _ 362996 _ pptx GRVA-14-25e_0.pdf (application/pdf, 239.88 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-27 - (OICA) Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 140 _ 370991 _ English _ 773 _ 362998 _ docx GRVA-14-27e.pdf (application/pdf, 70.02 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-28 - (OICA, CLEPA) Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 152 _ 370992 _ English _ 773 _ 363001 _ docx GRVA-14-28e.pdf (application/pdf, 109.48 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-29 - (OICA) National/Regional DSSAD requirements and need for harmonization _ 370993 _ English _ 773 _ 363003 _ pptx GRVA-14-29e.pdf (application/pdf, 67.21 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-30 - (OICA) UN Regulation No. 140 modification proposal _ 370994 _ English _ 773 _ 363005 _ pptx GRVA-14-30e.pdf (application/pdf, 261.08 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-31 - (OICA, CLEPA) Regulatory activities related to Automated Driving - View from Industry _ 370995 _ English _ 773 _ 363007 _ pptx GRVA-14-31e.pdf (application/pdf, 304.36 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-32 - (UK) Working draft for amendments to UN Regulation No. 13 _ 370996 _ English _ 773 _ 363011 _ docx GRVA-14-32e_0.pdf (application/pdf, 308.91 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-33 - (CEMA) Agricultural Machinery Industry Roadmap on Cybersecurity – SUMS _ 370997 _ English _ 773 _ 363013 _ pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-34 - (CEMA) Proposal for a Roadmap on CS and SUMS for Categories R, S and T _ 370998 _ English _ 773 _ 363014 _ pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-35 - (FRAV) Status Report _ 370999 _ English _ 773 _ 363015 _ pptx GRVA-14-35e.pdf (application/pdf, 481.24 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-36 - (France) Taskforce on the Fitness of GRVA Regulations and GTRs for ADS _ 371000 _ English _ 773 _ 363017 _ pptx GRVA-14-36e.pdf (application/pdf, 211.1 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-37 - (Germany) Justification for the UEBS proposal (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/24) _ 371001 _ English _ 773 _ 363019 _ pptx GRVA-14-37e.pdf (application/pdf, 755.97 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-39 - (EDR/DSSAD) Activities/Deliverables of IWG on EDR/DSSAD _ 371005 _ English _ 773 _ 363063 _ pptx GRVA-14-39e.pdf (application/pdf, 271.34 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-42 - (SIG R157) Progress report _ 371023 _ English _ 773 _ 363125 _ pptx GRVA-14-42e.pdf (application/pdf, 412.1 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-43 - (SIG R157) Proposal for amendments to document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/16 _ 371024 _ English _ 773 _ 363129 _ docx GRVA-14-43e.pdf (application/pdf, 117.4 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-44 - (Secretariat) WP.1 exchange with the Chair of GRVA on 22 September 2022 _ 371025 _ English _ 773 _ 363131 _ pptx GRVA-14-44e.pdf (application/pdf, 180.1 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-45 - (VMAD) Status report _ 371035 _ English _ 773 _ 363193 _ pptx GRVA-14-45e.pdf (application/pdf, 699.12 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-47 - (GRVA) Amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/22 _ 371240 _ English _ 773 _ 363776 _ docx GRVA-14-47e.pdf (application/pdf, 123.14 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-48 - (GRVA) Amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/19 _ 371241 _ English _ 773 _ 363779 _ docx GRVA-14-48e.pdf (application/pdf, 164.48 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-49 - (GRVA) Amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/20 _ 371243 _ English _ 773 _ 363781 _ docx GRVA-14-49e.pdf (application/pdf, 164.69 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-50 - (GRVA) Amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/21 _ 371244 _ English _ 773 _ 363783 _ docx GRVA-14-50e.pdf (application/pdf, 178.66 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-51 - (Secretariat) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/151 (Framework document) _ 371246 _ English _ 773 _ 363786 _ docx GRVA-14-51e.pdf (application/pdf, 258.83 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-51/Rev.1 - (Secretariat) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/151 (Framework document) _ 371296 _ English _ 773 _ 363924 _ docx GRVA-14-51r1e.pdf (application/pdf, 213.63 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-51/Rev.2 - (Secretariat) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/151 (Framework document) _ 371334 _ English _ 773 _ 363992 _ docx GRVA-14-51r2e.pdf (application/pdf, 230.17 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-52 - (CLEPA) UN Regulation No. 13 and Electro Mechanical Brakes _ 371256 _ English _ 773 _ 363818 _ pptx GRVA-14-52e.pdf (application/pdf, 916.24 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-54 - (Secretariat) Automated Vehicles Regulatory Screening of UN Regulations and GTRs - Guidance _ 371293 _ English _ 773 _ 363909 _ pptx GRVA-14-54e.pdf (application/pdf, 154.78 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-54/Rev.1 - (Secretariat) Automated Vehicles Regulatory Screening of UN Regulations and GTRs - Guidance _ 371336 _ English _ 773 _ 363996 _ pptx GRVA-14-54r1e.pdf (application/pdf, 156 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-55/Rev.1 - (Secretariat) Proposal for amendments to the original version of UN Regulation No. 13-H (Braking of passenger cars) _ 371315 _ English _ 773 _ 363951 _ docx GRVA-14-55r1e.pdf (application/pdf, 65.95 KB) pdf
29455 _ GRVA-14-56 - (OICA) Automated Vehicles Regulatory Screening of UN Regulations and GTRs - Guidance (Comments on GRVA-14-54) _ 371318 _ English _ 773 _ 363955 _ pptx GRVA-14-56e.pdf (application/pdf, 156.77 KB) pdf

Documents for reference only

This section includes documents/presentations presented at the March 2022 session of WP.1, that the expert from IFP wished to share with GRVA.

It also include for information the documents/presentations from the September 2022 session of WP.1, submitted by the expert from the Netherlands and the Human Factors in International Regulations for Automated Driving Systems” (HF-IRADS) 

32960 _ Informal document No.6 - Optical and/or audible signals in DAS and ADS vehicles - (IFP) _ 365421 _ English _ 773 _ 348850 _ pdf

This section includes documents/presentations presented at the March 2022 session of WP.1, that the expert from IFP wished to share with GRVA.

It also include for information the documents/presentations from the September 2022 session of WP.1, submitted by the expert from the Netherlands and the Human Factors in International Regulations for Automated Driving Systems” (HF-IRADS) 

32960 _ Item 3 (d)(ii) - (IFP) _ 365671 _ English _ 773 _ 349425 _ pdf

This section includes documents/presentations presented at the March 2022 session of WP.1, that the expert from IFP wished to share with GRVA.

It also include for information the documents/presentations from the September 2022 session of WP.1, submitted by the expert from the Netherlands and the Human Factors in International Regulations for Automated Driving Systems” (HF-IRADS) 

32960 _ Informal document No. 3 - Human Factors Principles to Guide the Design, Standards and Policies for Automated Driving Systems _ 369894 _ English _ 773 _ 359888 _ pdf

This section includes documents/presentations presented at the March 2022 session of WP.1, that the expert from IFP wished to share with GRVA.

It also include for information the documents/presentations from the September 2022 session of WP.1, submitted by the expert from the Netherlands and the Human Factors in International Regulations for Automated Driving Systems” (HF-IRADS) 

32960 _ Informal document No.11 - ADS recognizability - (The Netherlands) _ 370585 _ English _ 773 _ 361893 _ pdf

This section includes documents/presentations presented at the March 2022 session of WP.1, that the expert from IFP wished to share with GRVA.

It also include for information the documents/presentations from the September 2022 session of WP.1, submitted by the expert from the Netherlands and the Human Factors in International Regulations for Automated Driving Systems” (HF-IRADS) 

This section includes documents/presentations presented at the March 2022 session of WP.1, that the expert from IFP wished to share with GRVA.

It also include for information the documents/presentations from the September 2022 session of WP.1, submitted by the expert from the Netherlands and the Human Factors in International Regulations for Automated Driving Systems” (HF-IRADS) 

32960 _ Informal document No.11 - ADS recognizability ( the Netherlands) _ 370561 _ English _ 773 _ 361815 _ pdf

List of decisions

List of decisions adopted by silence procedure

35132 _ Fourteenth GRVA_Decisions _ 371571 _ English _ 773 _ 364732 _ pdf

List of decisions adopted by silence procedure

35132 _ Fourteenth GRVA_LoP _ 371572 _ English _ 773 _ 364733 _ pdf