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Guidance materials and information for countries


The reporting template from the third reporting exercise 2023 is available in: English, French, Russian and Spanish.








The Step-by-step monitoring methodology for SDG indicator 6.5.2 (version 2020) presents a detailed overview to calculate SDG 6.5.2 indicator value and the key concepts and definitions associated with the indicator.
Available in English, French, Russian and Spanish.






The Guide to reporting under the Water Convention and as a contribution to SDG indicator 6.5.2  provides guidance on preparing national reports, by explaining the different sections of the template, clarifying key terminologies, and giving specific advice to experts responsible for the reporting process on how to complete the various questions and the reporting template.
Download the Guide in Arabic, English, French, Russian and Spanish.






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As supporting material, a coordination document has been prepared on the opportunities to coordinate with neighbouring countries when completing national report, available in: EnglishFrenchRussian and Spanish.




Video recordings of webinars to support countries in preparing national reports on SDG indicator 6.5.2, cover common questions regarding the reporting process, in English, French, Russian and Spanish.
2020 webinars:
2023 webinars:

Complementary information on reporting is available at UN-Water webpage on SDG indicator 6.5.2 and in the E-Handbook on SDG Indicators on Indicator 6.5.2.

Any queries related to SDG indicator 6.5.2 and the reporting process can be sent to the co-custodian agencies helpdesk:
UNECE: [email protected]
UNESCO: [email protected]

More information on the reporting process and the outcomes of the monitoring are available on the following webpages: 


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