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Targets set by Parties

According to the Protocol on Water and Health, each Party has the obligation to establish and publish its national targets and the respective target dates for each target area within 2 years of becoming a Party.

The targets shall cover the areas stipulated in Article 6, paragraphs 2 (a) to (n), except where national circumstances make them irrelevant for preventing, controlling and reducing water-related disease.



Adoption: 2019

National targets set: ENG

National Summary Report (2022): ENG RUS

Additional Information:

Responsible body and process:

The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and the Ministry of Health are responsible for the implementation. The targets were developed by an interagency working group with UNECE support under the EUWI+ NPD programme.

Targets set:

Targets were adopted by joint decree No. 524-No. 57 of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and the Ministry of Health. The targets set in 19 thematic areas cover the entire water cycle from access to safe drinking water to quality of discharged wastewater and from quality of bathing water to effectiveness of water resources management.


Adoption: 2021

National targets set: ENG RUS

National Summary Report (2022): ENG RUS

Additional Information:

Responsible body and process:

The main coordination body responsible for the implementation of the Protocol is the Ministry of Health. The other key responsible entities are the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection and the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services.

Targets set:

Targets, target dates and indicators to measure the progress, under article 6.2 of the Protocol, were set in 2013 by order of the Minister of Health. 

 Bosnia and Herzegovina

Adoption: 2020

National targets set: ENG

National Summary Report (2022): ENG

Additional Information:

Responsible body and process:

The main body responsible for implementing the Protocol is the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations. The Working Group, established after a consultation process with the Compliance Committee, prepared a baseline analysis of the national situation in the areas covered by the Protocol and, following a public consultation, it devised draft targets

Targets set:

Targets are defined for two entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Srpska, and also at the country's level. They correspond to the relevant national laws and strategic documents and align with international legal acts, agreements, and treaties acceded to by Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Adoption: 2017

National targets set: ENG

National Summary Report (2022): ENG

Additional Information:

Responsible body and process:

The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Environment and Energy are responsible for implementing the Protocol on Water and Health in Croatia.

Targets set:

Four targets are set in national legislation, as well as target dates and indicators.

Czech Republic

Adoption: 2020

National targets set: ENG

National Summary Report (2022): ENG

Additional Information: ENG

Responsible body and process:

The main authority responsible for the implementation of the Protocol is the Ministry of Health. An intersectoral Task Group was established to implement the Protocol, including representatives of all related ministries (Ministries of Health, Agriculture and Environment).

Targets set:

In 2019, an inter-departmental team with representatives from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Environment evaluated existing goals from 2013 and proposed an updated version. The new targets reflect the latest developments in water, sanitation and health and also specify the connection with relevant SDGs.


Adoption: 2016

National targets set: ENG

National Summary Report (2022): ENG

Additional Information:

Responsible body and process:

Targets were communicated to the secretariat by the Health Board of the Republic of Estonia, with a copy to the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Ministry of Environment.

Targets set:

The present compilation of targets comprises national targets laid down in different documents which have been approved or adopted by the Government of the Republic of Estonia. The compilation does not include those targets deriving from the EU Directives.


Adoption: 2024

National targets set: ENG

National Summary Report (2022): ENG

Additional Information:

Responsible body and process:

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health of Finland has deemed it necessary to review the national Finnish targets set under the Protocol on Water and Health. It was also decided to align the Protocol targets with the relevant Sustainable Development Goals under the Agenda 2030). The targets have been developed by a national inter-agency working group.

Targets set:

The basis for the new revised targets are the previous targets of Finland adopted in 2019. In developing the new targets, latest developments in legislation on water resources and health protection had been taken into account (including those from after 2008 which is when the first targets of Finland had been set). One or more concrete national targets have been set under each high-level target area according to article 6 of the Protocol.


Adoption: 2013

National targets set: ENG

National Summary Report (2022): ENG FRE

Additional Information:

Responsible body and process:

Targets have been developed by an inter-ministerial working group and presented jointly by the Ministry of Health and Solidarity and the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition.

Targets set:

All targets are based on EU legislation, including relevant reporting procedures. On the national level, targets are implemented through the National Plan on Health and Environment (NPHE), which is developed every five years, subject to approval of the Council of Ministers.


Adoption: 2021

National targets set: ENG GER

National Summary Report (2022): ENG

Additional Information:

Responsible body and process:

Target-setting was coordinated by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and the Federal Ministry of Health, with UBA, the Robert Koch-Institute (RKI) and sixteen responsible German federal authorities/ministries.

Targets set:

Targets and target dates following article 6 of the Protocol have been adopted. No target has been set in the areas where the Protocol requirements are fulfilled. A baseline analysis has been carried out, and when relevant, target, target date, activities and indicators have been set.


Adoption: 2008

National targets set: ENG

National Summary Report (2022): ENG

Additional Information:

Responsible body and process:

A Special Committee on water and health under auspices of the Inter-ministerial Committee on Public Health, with input from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Environment and Water, is responsible for the target-setting process.

Targets set:

Most of the targets set and the framework for their implementation are determined by the EU requirements. After a first review of progress in 2008, the targets and target dates have been slightly amended. Most target areas under Article 6.2 of the Protocol have been covered. An extra target has been set related to the expected impact of climate change.


Adoption: 2013

National targets set: ENG

National Summary Report (2022): ENG

Additional Information:

Responsible body and process:

The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia are responsible for drafting national policy and setting long-term planning objectives.

Targets set:

Targets are set for paras. 6.2 (c), (d), (j) and (n). These targets have been formally established within health and environment policy planning documents adopted by the Government of Latvia. The Strategy prescribes the achievement of relevant targets by 2023, while in the sphere of health, target dates are set separately for each target by the Ministry of Health.


Adoption: 2016

National targets set: ENG

National Summary Report (2022): ENG

Additional Information:

Responsible body and process:

In 2004 the Minister of Health and Minister of Environment created a Working Group for the implementation of the Protocol under the leadership of the Ministry of Health. The Working Group includes representatives of both governmental and non-governmental entities.

Targets set:

The first six targets were set during 2005-2008 and related to the development of the legal and organizational framework for monitoring and enforcing standards for the quality of drinking water as well as the development of surveillance systems for outbreaks of water-related diseases. In 2009, the next four targets were established to develop water management plans and to evaluate data on implementing the Protocol.


Adoption: 2017

National targets set: FRE

National Summary Report (2022): ENG FRE

Additional Information:

Responsible body and process:

The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructures, in collaboration with the national water management agency, coordinated the target formulation.

Targets set:

The targets have been adopted following article 6 of the Protocol and are mainly consequences of implementing existing EU legislation. They reflect ongoing projects and current national priorities. They cover as well infrastructural projects such as communication and sensibilization activities. The set target dates are ambitious and are supposed to maintain the dynamic and cooperation in the projects.


Adoption: 2024

National targets set: ENG

National Summary Report (2025):

Additional Information:

Responsible body and process:

The Ministry of Health and the Water Commission are responsible for implementing the Protocol on Water and Health in Montenegro. 

Targets set:

Targets and target dates under the Protocol, as well as indicators to monitor their achievement and entities responsible for implementation, are identified for period 2025-2027. Montenegro paid special attention to setting climate-sensitive targets under the Protocol.


Adoption: 2011

National targets set: ENG

National Summary Report (2022): ENG

Additional Information:

Responsible body and process:

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management had the leadership and central coordinating role in the process. All other bodies dealing with water were involved, including the relevant Ministries, the National Water Authority and Regional Water authorities, provinces, municipalities and drinking water companies.

Targets set:

Targets are formulated for subjects mentioned under articles 6.2 and 9 of the Protocol on Water and Health. Reference is made to the targets already set in current legislation, and information is collected for reporting under national or EU acts and decrees. Defined target, deadline, responsible entity and target indicator are described for almost all target areas, when available.


Adoption: 2015

National targets set: ENG

National Summary Report (2022): ENG

Additional Information:

Responsible body and process:

The coordination has been led by the Ministry of Health and Care Services with the Norwegian Food Safety Authority as secretariat, in close collaboration with the Norwegian Environment Agency and Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

Targets set:

Targets, target dates and indicators to measure the progress, following article 6.2 of the Protocol, were set in 2015.


Adoption: 2021

National targets set: POR

National Summary Report (2022): ENG

Additional Information:

Responsible body and process:

Under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Transition and the Ministry of Health, a Working Group on target setting was established, including the Water and Waste Services Regulation Authority, the Portuguese Environment Agency, the General Health Directorate and Aguas de Portugal.

Targets set:

Concrete targets and target dates, as well as indicators to monitor their achievement and entities responsible for implementation, are identified. Targets were based on Portuguese strategic plans and legislation and were subject to a public consultation process.


Adoption: 2016

National targets set: ENG

National Summary Report (2022): ENG

Additional Information:

Responsible body and process:

The Ministry of Waters and Forests and the Ministry of Health are responsible for implementing the Protocol. Targets and target dates were set by an intersectoral working team of experts and were officially adopted in 2016 and revised in 2019.

Targets set:

The targets set under Article 6.2 of the Protocol are based on EU legislation, including relevant reporting procedures, national legislation and appropriate national programmes. Following the results of the latest analysis carried out before the fourth reporting exercise in 2019, one target was revised, five target dates were modified, and one remained under consideration.


 Republic of Moldova

Adoption: 2016

National targets set: ENG RUS ROM

National Summary Report (2022): ENG

Additional Information: Publication “Setting targets and target dates in the Republic of Moldova” (2011)

Responsible body and process:

The Steering Committee for the target-setting process was composed of representatives of the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Health, and other Governmental entities (the Agency Apele Moldovei, the project institute Acvaproiect) and a representative of the NGO community (ECO-Tiras).

Targets set:

Targets and target dates have been set thanks to an assistance project financed by the Swiss Development Cooperation and supported by UNECE. Targets have been set in all target areas under Article 6.2 of the Protocol. A review of the current situation and issues was initially realized for each target area.

 Russian Federation

Adoption: 2022

National targets set: ENG   RUS

National Summary Report (2022):

Additional Information:

Responsible body and process:

The authority responsible for implementing the Protocol is the Ministry of Health. The Federal Service of the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare, the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection are the main agencies responsible for target implementation.

Targets set:

Targets were submitted in 2022 after consultation with the Compliance Committee. Targets, indicators, intermediate and final deadlines, and responsible executive authorities are detailed.


Adoption: 2015

National targets set: ENG

National Summary Report (2022): ENG

Additional Information:

Responsible body and process:

The targets were set jointly by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection.

Targets set:

Concrete targets and target dates, as well as indicators to monitor their achievement and entities responsible for implementation, are identified.


Adoption: 2014

National targets set: ENG (2007) ENG (2014)

National Summary Report (2022): ENG

Additional Information:

Progress report on setting targets and target dates submitted to the 1st meeting of the Task Force on Indicators and Reporting (2008)

Responsible body and process:

The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Environment are responsible for the Protocol's implementation. The target-setting process was carried out under the leadership of the Public Health Authority.

Targets set:

The first four national targets were set in 2001, according to the country's needs, and approved by the Slovak Government in 2003 and 2005. In July 2007, the Slovak Republic updated its targets and established nine new national targets under Article 6.2 and Article 9 of the Protocol on Water and Health.


Adoption: 2020

National targets set: ENG

National Summary Report (2022): ENG

Additional Information:

Responsible body and process:

Targets are set through an intersectoral process involving the Ministry of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare and the Ministry of Ecological Transition. The Spanish government has also transferred competency to Autonomous Communities and local entities. Hence, the targets' implementation requires coordination between ministries and national, regional and local authorities.

Targets set:

The targets set in 2015 were updated in 2020 to reflect the current national circumstances. Targets relate to the obligations arising from EU Directives on drinking water, sanitation and wastewater treatment and public participation. Concrete targets and target dates, as well as indicators to monitor their achievement and entities responsible for implementation, are identified.


Adoption: 2024

National targets set: ENG

National Summary Report (2024): ENG FRE GER ITA

Additional Information:

Responsible body and process:

Implementation of the Protocol, which the Swiss Parliament ratified in 2008, lies with the Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO) and the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN).

Targets set:

Most targets are set within Swiss national legislation. Most targets are reflected in the Swiss Water Protection Act or Swiss Food Act. Targets 6.2 (d) and (f) are considered fulfilled. 13 targets have been implemented on a national legal basis, while other targets are currently being discussed by authorities since there is a need to amend national laws for further implementation. All targets are publicly available on the website of FSVO.


Adoption: 2011

National targets set: ENG

National Summary Report (2022): ENG

Additional Information: Publication “National Targets of Ukraine to the Protocolon Water and Health" (2011)

Responsible body and process:

For the national target-setting process, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources established an Interdepartmental Working Group consisting of ministries and state committees, NGOs, research organizations and river basin organizations. The government of Norway assisted Ukraine in the national target-setting process.

Targets set:

Targets, indicators, intermediate and final deadlines, and responsible executive authorities are detailed.  The Cabinet of the Ministries of Ukraine ordered the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Youth, Science and Sport and Ministry of Health to regularly provide the Ministry of Environment with information concerning national targets.




National targets set: ENG (draft) ARM (draft)

National Summary Report (2022): PDF

Additional Information: The draft targets are currently considered for adoption.

Responsible body and process:

The following national institutions and entities were involved in the process: Ministries of Environment, Health and Territorial Administration and Infrastructure of Armenia with the participation of the NGO Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment.

Targets set:

All draft targets were revised following the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the EU-Armenia Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement, and the Strategic Programme of Armenia for 2014-2025. The draft revised targets set in priority areas were presented at the NPD Steering Committee Meeting in October 2019 and submitted to the Ministry of Environment for adoption at the relevant governmental level.


Adoption: 2016

National targets set: PDF

National Summary Report (2022):

Additional Information:

Responsible body and process:

Targets set were revised by a dedicated group of experts under the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Industry and Melioration and the Ministry of Health, with the involvement of other relevant national institutions with financial support from the Government of Finland. In late 2016, the targets were adopted by the Steering Committee of the National Policy Dialogues.

Targets set:

Targets were set in the context of article 6.2 of the Protocol and in support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.



Adoption: 2016

National targets set: PDF

National Summary Report (2022):

Additional Information:

Responsible body and process:

Targets set were revised by a dedicated group of experts under the leadership of the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources and the Ministry of Health and Social Security, with the involvement of other relevant national institutions. In late 2016, the targets were adopted by the Steering Committee of the National Policy Dialogues.

Targets set:

Targets were set in the context of article 6.2 of the Protocol and in support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Government of Finland provided financial support in the target-setting process.


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