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Task Force on Target Setting and Reporting

The Task Force on Target Setting and Reporting, co-led by Portugal, Romania and Switzerland, is the Protocol body supporting the implementation of the area of work Improving governance for water and health through setting targets, implementing measures and reporting.  Its overall aim is to reinforce the implementation of the core provisions of the Protocol on target setting and reporting (articles 6 and 7) and supported related action at the national level.

The Task Force assists Parties and other States working within the Protocol’s framework in establishing intersectoral targets on water, sanitation, hygiene and health and in translating the commitments of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and of the Ostrava Declaration on Environment and Health into concrete national targets and action.

Achievements and tools developed under the Task Force

Targets set by Protocol Parties and other States are available here.

Future work

In 2023-2025, the Task Force will: 

Support setting targets and implementing measures 

  • Discuss implementation of targets set by Parties to the Protocol and other States and their impact at the national level; 
  • Support the setting of new or revision of existing targets, in accordance with emerging and current thematic priorities and in synergy with technical areas of work under the Protocol. Special consideration will be given to COVID-19-sensitive and other targets aimed at the prevention and control of other infectious diseases, and climate-sensitive targets, with the aim of supporting the acceleration of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda; 
  • Discuss the financing of targets’ implementation; 
  • Oversee the organization of up to three national and/or subregional workshops to support target setting and implementation; 
  • Support the development of a publication on financial and economic aspects of target setting and target implementation. 

Strengthen capacity to monitor progress and reporting  

  • Promote, based on the publication Protocol on Water and Health and the 2030 Agenda: A Practical Guide for Joint Implementation, the strengthening of synergies with processes related to the relevant Sustainable Development Goals; 
  • Facilitate reporting by Parties and other States, in accordance with article 7, and support data analysis at the regional level through the full deployment of an online reporting system for the sixth reporting cycle under the Protocol; 
  • Guide the secretariat in preparing the regional implementation report, oriented towards communicating the findings and showcasing the progress made and achievements at the regional level, based on national summary reports. 

Oversee the implementation of national activities on improving governance on water and health and related projects – see more information on these activities in the programme of work for 2023-2025 


Twelfth meeting (17-18 November 2021)

Eleventh meeting (3 November 2020)

Tenth meeting (24-25 April 2018)

Ninth meeting (5 May 2017)

Workshop on setting targets under the Protocol to support implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (4-5 May 2017)

Workshop on collecting good practices on target setting and reporting (8-9 March 2016)

Eighth meeting (2 July 2015)

Seventh meeting (4 July 2014)

Sixth meeting (14 February 2013)

Fifth meeting (10-11 May 2012)

Fourth meeting (19-20 October 2011)

Third meeting (17-18February 2010)

Second meeting (12 February 2009)

First meeting (13-14 March 2008)

More information about the work carried out by the Task Force on Target Setting and Reporting

Last update date: January 24, 2023