Group of Experts on Consumer Price Indices, online
Online sessions on 2, 3, 4, 9, and 10 June 2021
02 - 10 June 2021
Programme and Report of the meeting
8120 _ Report of the CPI Expert Group Meeting 2021 _ 358014 _ English _ 773 _ 330945 _ pdf
1. New data sources – scanner data. Wednesday 2 June
8121 _ Index Compilation Techniques for Scanner Data: An Overview. Claude Lamboray, Eurostat _ 356648 _ English _ 773 _ 327760 _ pdf
Session_1_Eurostat_Presentation_0.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 655.69 KB)
8121 _ Machine Learning in the Norwegian CPI. Kjersti Nyborg Hov, Statistics Norway _ 356103 _ English _ 773 _ 326395 _ pptx
8121 _ New data sources: the case of scanner data for the French consumer price index. Maël-Luc Buron et al., INSEE, France _ 356346 _ English _ 773 _ 327078 _ pdf
8121 _ New index number methods in consumer price statistics. Alex Rose and Helen Sands, ONS, United Kingdom _ 356395 _ English _ 773 _ 327152 _ pdf
Session_1_UK_Presentation.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 2.09 MB)
8121 _ Scanner data to compile CPIs: data, Aggregation structure and the Window Linking issue. Alessandro Brunetti et al., ISTAT, Italy _ 356708 _ English _ 773 _ 327881 _ pptx
8121 _ Comparison of multilateral index extension methods: Application on seasonal items. Antonio G. Chessa, Statistics Netherlands _ 356856 _ English _ 773 _ 328224 _ pdf
Session_1_Netherlands_Presentation.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 730.8 KB)
2. New data sources – web scraping. Thursday 3 June
8122 _ How to start with web scraping in the HICP: Evidence from EU member states. Pavel Belchev, Eurostat _ 356649 _ English _ 773 _ 327762 _ pdf
Session_2_Eurostat_Presentation_0.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 472.34 KB)
8122 _ ABS reserach into the use of web-scraped data in the CPI _ 356487 _ English _ 773 _ 327358 _ pptx
8122 _ Classification progress in the UK CPI. Liam Greenhough, ONS, United Kingdom _ 356433 _ English _ 773 _ 327220 _ pptx
8122 _ Generalising Classification Below the Elementary Aggregate Level. Alice Xu and Zachary Weselake-George, Statistics Canada _ 356396 _ English _ 773 _ 327153 _ pptx
8122 _ Practical experience and methodological issues with web-scraped data in Slovenia. Črt Grahonja and Matevž Postrašija, Statistical Office of Slovenia _ 356104 _ English _ 773 _ 326396 _ pptx
8122 _ Estimating computers and peripherals price indices using web-scraped data. Roobina Keshishbanoosy and Lance Taylor, Statistics Canada _ 356164 _ English _ 773 _ 326506 _ pptx
3. Quality changes and quality adjustment methods. Friday 4 June
8123 _ Quality Adjustments of telecommunication services. Alexandra Schindlar, Statistics Austria _ 356650 _ English _ 773 _ 327764 _ docx
Session_3_Austria_Presentation.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 2.29 MB)
8123 _ Twenty-One Years of Adjustments for Quality Change in the US Consumer Price Index. Brendan K. Williams, Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States _ 356651 _ English _ 773 _ 327882 _ docx
Session_3_US_BLS_Presentation_0.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 935.23 KB)
8123 _ Price Index for Clothes and Shoes in Finland: Solving the Life-Cycle Bias in Scanner Data. Kristiina Nieminen, Finland _ 356890 _ English _ 773 _ 328522 _ pdf
Session_3_Finland_Presentation.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 1.34 MB)
8123 _ Comparing basic averages, index numbers and Hedonic methods as price change statistics. Kristiina Nieminen, S. Montonen and H. Markkanen, Statistics Finland _ 356193 _ English _ 773 _ 326556 _ pdf
8123 _ Quality Adjustment and Hedonics: A Unified Approach. Erwin Diewert, University of British Columbia, Canada (Presentation) _ 356165 _ English _ 773 _ 326507 _ pptx
8123 _ Consumer Price Index Theory, Chapter 8: Quality Adjustment Methods. Erwin Diewert, University of British Columbia, Canada (Paper) _ 356166 _ English _ 773 _ 326508 _ pdf
4. Meeting user needs. Wednesday 9 June
8124 _ Measuring households’ experience of price change: the Household Costs Indices. Christopher Payne, ONS, United Kingdom _ 356434 _ English _ 773 _ 327222 _ pdf
8124 _ The effects of changing currency on the Zimbabwe Consumer Price Index. Thomas Munyaradzi Chikadaya, Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency _ 356652 _ English _ 773 _ 327768 _ docx
Session_4_Zimbabwa_Presentation_1.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 1.34 MB)
8124 _ Measuring inflation of ride sharing services in Brazilian official CPIs. Vladimir G. Miranda, IBGE, Brazil _ 356686 _ English _ 773 _ 327825 _ pdf
Session_4_Brazil_Presentation.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 3.59 MB)
8124 _ Design methodology of the Colombian CPI by household income-level. DANE, Colombia _ 357221 _ English _ 773 _ 329013 _ pptx
8124 _ First Steps for Introducing New Weights in the CPI. Paul Armknecht, United States _ 356653 _ English _ 773 _ 327770 _ docx
Session_4_Armknecht_Presentation_1.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 273.92 KB)
8124 _ Options for publishing timely, nearly superlative indexes. Robert Cage, Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States _ 356685 _ English _ 773 _ 327823 _ pptx
5. Producing CPI under lockdown. Thursday 10 June
8125 _ A comparison of multilateral price index methods: Transactions data and stockpiling during the COVID-19 pandemic. Catherine Smyth, Australian Bureau of Statistics _ 357196 _ English _ 773 _ 328971 _ pptx
8125 _ Guide on producing CPI under lockdown (Draft) _ 356488 _ English _ 773 _ 327359 _ pdf
8125 _ Guide on producing CPI under lockdown - Presentation _ 357104 _ English _ 773 _ 328785 _ pptx
8125 _ Weight update in the HICP, by Ioannis Xirouchakis, Eurostat, and CPI weights in Practice, by Chris Jenkins, ONS, United Kingdom _ 356161 _ English _ 773 _ 326503 _ pptx
8125 _ Incongruous Expenditure and Index Reference Periods. Anya Stockburger, Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States _ 356762 _ English _ 773 _ 327987 _ pptx
8125 _ Weight update in Mexico’s CPI – 2022. Rafael Gaona Lopez, Mexico (INEGI) _ 356951 _ English _ 773 _ 328432 _ pdf
6. Items for information
12311 _ UN Task Team on Scanner Data. Tanya Flower, Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom _ 356754 _ English _ 773 _ 327969 _ pptx
12311 _ The 2020 CPI Manual - Presentation _ 357105 _ English _ 773 _ 328786 _ pptx