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Hazardous events and disasters

We support national official statistical offices and other organizations in the national statistical systems that would like to engage in the measurement of hazardous events and disasters.
National statistical systems hold a wealth of information that may be applied in all phases of disaster risk management. In addition, national statistical systems have other competencies that are useful in the work in this area, such as experience in coordinating different data producers, use of common standards and classifications, and adherence to strict professional principles and quality criteria. However, national statistical systems often do not support disaster risk management to the extent that they could.
We work to:
  • Harmonize concepts and definitions
  • Improve official statistics for this purpose
  • Build collaboration between official statisticians and disaster risk agencies.

The work contributes to SDG monitoring in several areas, especially on SDGs 11 and 13, and to the monitoring of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

CES Recommendations on the Role of Official Statistics in Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters

In June 2019, the Conference of European Statisticians (CES) adopted the CES Recommendations on the Role of Official Statistics in Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters
The Recommendations aim to:
  • Clarify the role of national statistical offices and other members of national statistical systems in providing information related to hazardous events and disasters, an
  • Identify practical steps needed for these organizations, in coordination with national agencies responsible for disaster risk management, to better support disaster risk management efforts.

 The Recommendations is available at publication page on this website or simply download here En, Ru


ESCAP Disaster-related Statistics Framework (DRSF) - The CES Recommendations complement the Disaster-related Statistics Framework prepared by an ESCAP expert group and adopted by ESCAP in May 2018. It is a statistical framework for developing disaster-related statistics, which includes a basic set of disaster-related statistical indicators to monitor progress toward international targets, particularly the Sendai Framework. The UNECE Task Force and the ESCAP Expert Group collaborated closely in the preparation of the two complimentary documents.