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Presentations and speeches

Second session, 23-25 November 2010, Bucharest, Romania Parliament Palace
Main page of the second session
Document Title ENG FRE RUS
Item 1. Adoption of the agenda

Opening speech by H.E. Mr. László Borbély, Minister of Environment and Forests, Romania

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Opening speech by H.E. Mr. Attila Cseke, Minister of Health, Romania

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Opening speech by Mr. Andrey Vasilyev, Deputy-Executive Secretary UNECE on behalf of Mr. Jan Kubis, Executive Secretary of UNECE

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Opening speech by Mr. Srdan Matic, Coordinator Environment and Health, WHO-EURO on behalf of Ms. Zsuzsanna Jakab, Regional Director of the WHO Regional Office for Europe

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Item 4. Status of implementation of the Protocol on Water and Health

(a) Statements by Parties, Signatories and other observers (in alphabetic order)



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Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Czech Republic

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Republic of Moldova

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The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

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(c) Report on activities of relevance under the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (WHO-EURO) and mainstreaming of activities under the Protocol into the policymaking of WHO-EURO

From Parma to Bucharest.

Mr. Roger Aertgeerts, Joint Secretariat of the Protocol, WHO-EURO

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Mainstreaming of the work under the Protocol into the work of WHO-EURO.

Mr. Roger Aertgeerts, Joint Secretariat of the Protocol, WHO-EURO

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Item 5. Work of the Task Forces

(a) Setting targets and reporting under the Protocol

Task Force on Indicators and Reporting TFIR.

Mr. Pierre Studer, Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, Chair of the Task Force on Indicators and Rreporting

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(b) Surveillance and early-warning systems, contingency plans and response capacities

Task Force on Surveillance

Mr. Enzo Funari, National Institute of Health, Italy, Chair of the Task Force on Surveillance

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(c) Water supply and sanitation in short-term critical situations and adaptation to climate change

Water supply and sanitation in extreme weather events: coping with facts.

Ms. Luciana Sinisi, Chair of the Task Force Extreme Weather Events under the Protocol on Water and Health

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Item 6. Procedure and mechanisms facilitating the implementation of the Protocol

(a) National summary reports on implementation

Regional report on the status of implementation of the Protocol.

Ms. Francesca Bernardini, Joint Secretariat of the Protocol, UNECE

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(c) Guidelines and template for summary reports in accordance with article 7


The Guidelines and template for summary reports in accordance with article 7.

Mr. Pierre Studer, Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, Chair of the Task Force on Indicators and Rreporting

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(d) Ad Hoc Project Facilitation Mechanism


Project Facilitation Mechanism Progress and Achievements.
Ms. Carola Bjorklund, Ministry of the Foreign Affairs, Norway, Chair of the Project Facilitation Mechanism


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Environmental protection and management of water resources for the reduction of the burden of water-related diseases in small scale water supply areas.

Ms. Nana Gabriadze, National Center for Disease Control and Public Health, Georgia


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Setting targets and target dates under the Protocol on Water and Health in Moldova. Mr. Ion Salaru, National Centre of Public Health, Republic of Moldova

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Item 7. Capacity building and sharing of experience



(a) Public awareness, education, training, research and development and information


Public awareness, access to information and public participation.
Ms. Ana Drapa, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Romania

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Concept Note on Access to Information and Public Participation under the Protocol on Water and Health.

Ms. Sascha Gabizon, Women in Europe for a Common Future

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Statement on the outcome of the first meeting of the Task Force on Public Participation in Decision-Making under the Aarhus Convention and views on future cooperation

Mr. Phil Kearney, Aarhus Convention Task Force on Public Participation in Decision-Making

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(b) Equitable access


Capacity-building and sharing of experience: Equitable access to water and sanitation.

Ms. Chantal Gatignol, Ministry of Health, France

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(c) Small-scale water supplies


Small-scale Water Supplies and Sanitation.

Mr. Oliver Shmoll and Ms. Bettina Rickert, Federal Environment Agency Germany - Mr. Frantisek Kozisek, National Institute of Public Health, Czech Republic

Ms. Sascha Gabizon and Magriet Samwel, Women in Europe for a Common Future

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(d) Regional and subregional workshops


Workshop on the protection of groundwater as a source of drinking water in karst areas, Malinska, Island KrK (Croatia), 14-15 April 2008.

Mr. Darko Rajhenbah, Ministry of Regional Development, Forestry and Water Management, Croatia


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Health aspects of pool and spa operations.

Mr. Luis Simas, The Water and Waste Services Regulation Authority Portugal,
Mr. Mihaly Kadar, National Institute of Environmental Health, Hungary

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Item 8. Promotion of the Protocol and the role of focal points

How to better promote the Convention and its Protocol on Water and Health: a guide for focal points.

Ms. Ana Drapa, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Romania

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Item 9. Programme of work for 2011–2013 and resources needed for its implementation

Draft Programme of work 2011-2013

Mr. Kjetil Tveitvan, Chair of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health, Ministry of Health and Care Services, Norway

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Meeting the resource needs.

Mr. Srdan Matic, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe


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Item 10. Partners in cooperation: links with other organizations and programmes


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