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Seventeenth meeting of the UNECE Steering Committee on Education for Sustainable Development

30 - 31 May 2022
Palais des Nations (Hybrid) TPS-3 Geneva Switzerland

The Committee is expected to address:

• Implementation of the UNECE Strategy for ESD:

   (a) Progress in implementing the Strategy;
   (b) Regional framework of cooperation for sustainable development: participation in the 2022 Regional Forum on Sustainable Development and outcomes of the peer learning round table on SDG-4 “Rebalancing people, planet and prosperity: ESD as key enabler for the 17 SDGs and Agenda 2030”;
   (c) Outcomes of the survey on the focus of capacity-building activities;
   (d) Building capacity in implementing priority action areas of the newly drafted implementation framework.

• Update on the preparations for the UNECE Third High-level Meeting of Education and Environment Ministries (Nicosia, 5–7 October 2022)
• Updates on the outcomes of the work of the Ad Hoc Groups on Strategic Planning and on Indicators.
• ESD and youth: update on the activities of the UNECE for ESD Youth Platform held since the previous meeting.
• Recent activities to promote ESD in other international forums and other current issues according the agenda.

.. And other issues as set on the agenda (see the agenda uploaded under item 1)

Agenda item 1: Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda

24941 _ ECE/CEP/AC.13/2022/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the seventeenth meeting _ 366399 _ English _ 773 _ 350999 _ pdf
24941 _ ECE/CEP/AC.13/2022/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the seventeenth meeting _ 366399 _ French _ 780 _ 351000 _ pdf
24941 _ ECE/CEP/AC.13/2022/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the seventeenth meeting _ 366399 _ Russian _ 864 _ 351001 _ pdf

Agenda item 2: Implementation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development - (a) Progress in implementing the Strategy

24942 _ Armenia _ 367531 _ English _ 773 _ 353803 _ pdf
24942 _ Austria _ 367649 _ English _ 773 _ 354090 _ pdf
24942 _ Belgium _ 367527 _ English _ 773 _ 353796 _ pdf
24942 _ Georgia _ 367947 _ English _ 773 _ 354850 _ PDF
24942 _ Germany _ 367647 _ English _ 773 _ 354076 _ pdf
24942 _ Hungary _ 367528 _ English _ 773 _ 353797 _ pdf
24942 _ Hungary (presentation) _ 367545 _ English _ 773 _ 353874 _ pdf
24942 _ Kyrgyzstan _ 367532 _ English _ 773 _ 353804 _ pdf
24942 _ Monaco _ 367533 _ English _ 773 _ 353805 _ pdf
24942 _ Montenegro _ 367534 _ English _ 773 _ 353806 _ pdf
24942 _ Poland _ 367535 _ English _ 773 _ 353807 _ pdf
24942 _ Romania _ 367536 _ English _ 773 _ 353808 _ pdf
24942 _ Serbia _ 367728 _ English _ 773 _ 354270 _ pdf
24942 _ Slovakia _ 367557 _ English _ 773 _ 353925 _ pdf
24942 _ Ukraine _ 367537 _ English _ 773 _ 353809 _ pdf
24942 _ Good practice example from Scotland (UK) _ 368258 _ English _ 773 _ 355819 _ PDF

Agenda item 2: (b) Regional framework of cooperation for sustainable development: participation in the 2022 Regional Forum on Sustainable Development and outcomes of the peer learning round table on Sustainable Development Goal 4

Agenda item 2: (c) Outcomes of the survey on the focus of capacity-building activities

Inputs received from the members

Agenda item 2: (d) Building capacity in implementing priority action areas of the newly drafted implementation framework: outcomes of the int'l conference on implementing the whole institution/school approach, Lunteren, the Netherlands, 28-30 Mar 2022

Agenda item 3: Update on the preparations for the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Third High-level Meeting of Education and Environment Ministries (Nicosia, 5–7 October 2022)

Agenda item 3: (a) Organizational issues for the Ninth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference (Nicosia, 5–7 October 2022)

Agenda item 3: (b) Decisions of the Special Session of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Committee on Environmental Policy (Geneva (hybrid), 9–12 May 2022) of relevance to the Steering Committee

Agenda item 3: (c) Host country preparations

Agenda item 3: (d) Draft Ministerial Statement of the Third High-level Meeting of Education and Environment Ministries

24950 _ ECE/CEP/AC.13/2022/7 - Draft Nicosia Ministerial Statement on Education for Sustainable Development _ 367026 _ English _ 773 _ 352467 _ pdf
24950 _ ECE/CEP/AC.13/2022/7 - Draft Nicosia Ministerial Statement on Education for Sustainable Development _ 367026 _ French _ 780 _ 352466 _ pdf
24950 _ ECE/CEP/AC.13/2022/7 - Draft Nicosia Ministerial Statement on Education for Sustainable Development _ 367026 _ Russian _ 864 _ 352465 _ pdf

Agenda item 3: (e) Organization of side events

Agenda item 3: (f) Resource requirements

Agenda item 4: Update on the outcomes of the work of the Ad Hoc Group on Strategic Planning - (a) Framework for the implementation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development from 2021 to 2030

Agenda item 4: (b) Draft workplan for the implementation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development from 2021 to 2025

Agenda item 5: Update on the outcomes of the work of the Ad Hoc Group on Indicators: the draft template for reporting on the future implementation of the Strategy (2021–2030)

24957 _ State of the Art Indicators, Mr. Roel van Raaij _ 368488 _ English _ 773 _ 356363 _ pdf

Agenda item 6: Education for sustainable development and youth: update on the activities of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Education for Sustainable Development Youth Platform held since the previous meeting

24958 _ Activities of the UNECE ESD Youth Platform, Mr.Simon Herteleer _ 368489 _ English _ 773 _ 356364 _ PPT

Agenda item 6: (a) An activity plan for the Youth Platform in the region for the period 2021–2025

Agenda item 6: (b) Possible activities and side events on “Youth and Education for Sustainable Development” that could be organized during the forthcoming Ninth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference

Agenda item 8: Participation of the Steering Committee in upcoming regional and international forums

Agenda item 9: Strengthening synergies with other organizations and processes

24963 _ Georgia _ 368490 _ English _ 773 _ 356365 _ pdf

Agenda item 10: Publications on education for sustainable development from the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe region

Agenda item 11: Mainstreaming gender issues in education for sustainable development

24965 _ Report on CAREC activities _ 368494 _ English _ 773 _ 356371 _ pdf

Agenda item 12: Matters related to the trust fund

Agenda item 12: (a) Status of the extrabudgetary technical cooperation project “Strengthening the capacity of UNECE member States in implementation of the UNECE Strategy for Education on Sustainable Development”

Agenda item 12: (b) Establishment of a successor project: matters for the decision of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Executive Committee

Agenda item 12: (c) Voluntary scheme of contributions

Agenda item 13: Calendar of meetings

Post Session documents

List of Participants

38496 _ LOP _ 375142 _ English _ 773 _ 372822 _ pdf