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Launch of the National Policy Dialogue (NPD): 2007, relaunch in 2016 under the EUWI+

NPD Chair and strategic partners: Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, State Agency of Water Resources

Donors: European Union through the EUWI+ programme and previous EUWI phases

Current priority areas for UNECE support under the EUWI+ programme until 2020:

  • Development of a National Water Policy Paper and Strategy (OECD-led)
  • Revision of national targets and preparation of a new implementation plan for the UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health and support to reporting under the Protocol
  • Support to drafting a water and sanitation chapter for the National Water Strategy
  • Development of transboundary cooperation on sustainable management of water resources and support to Ukraine’s engagement under the ICPDR

Key achievements:

  • In 2019, under the EUWI+, UNECE provided methodological support to the preparation of the National Summary Report of Ukraine under the Protocol on Water and Health, the English version is available here.
  • Revised targets under the Protocol on Water and Health were finalized in early 2019 and submitted for adoption.
  • A bilateral treaty on the transboundary Dniester river was signed with Moldova in 2012 and later ratified by the Parliament. The bilateral Moldovan-Ukrainian Dniester Commission was established in 2018 and holds regular meetings.
  • Original national targets were drafted and adopted in 2011 under the UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health with reference to the work in other EECCA countries.
  • In 2009, the State Programme on Water Sector Development up to 2020 was adopted. This addresses climate change adaptation issues, and the implementation of river basin management principles. The NPD contributed to a strengthened legal, institutional and managerial framework that helps to cope with climate change.
  • The State Programme on Flood Protection in the basins of the rivers Dniester, Prut and Seret was prepared and adopted in 2008. A bilateral agreement was signed with Moldova on water cooperation.


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