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Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Steering Committee of the National Policy Dialogue on Integrated Water Resources Management in Ukraine and a Thematic Workshop on Nature-Based Solutions

15 June (10:00) - 16 June (13:00) 2023
Online and Kyiv, Ukraine


45268 _ Agenda _ 380238 _ English _ 773 _ 385421 _ pdf
45268 _ Agenda _ 380238 _ Ukrainian _ 900 _ 385422 _ pdf
45268 _ Hydromorphological measures: Methodology library of measures _ 380338 _ Ukrainian _ 900 _ 385803 _ xlsx
45268 _ Summary of discussion _ 387155 _ English _ 773 _ 402715 _ pdf


45269 _ Results of the EU4Water and Data Programme in Ukraine _ 380133 _ English _ 773 _ 385098 _ pdf
45269 _ Nature based Solutions - Karin Zaunberger, UNECE _ 380244 _ English _ 773 _ 385427 _ pdf
45269 _ Vodokanal of Orhei - Vitaly Karp _ 380251 _ Ukrainian _ 900 _ 385441 _ pdf
45269 _ Nature based solutions in France _ 380254 _ English _ 773 _ 385445 _ pdf