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Group of Experts on Population and Housing Censuses

Group of Experts on Population and Housing Censuses

24 - 25 May 2012
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

ECE/CES/GE.41/2012 /...

NOTE: The UNECE launched a new wiki site on population and housing censuses.  The Wiki hosts a table presenting information and material related to the population and housing censuses of the 2010 round in UNECE member countries. This includes: type of census, reference date, census questionnaires used, technical papers, reports, and links to the national census websites. More content and interactive services for registered users will be added in the future to the UNECE Census Wiki, also in connection with the preparatory work for the 2020 round of censuses and the revision of the CES Recommendations.

Document Title
Documents Presentations
INF.1 Information Note PDF - -  
  Registration Form DOC - -  
1. Agenda PDF PDF PDF   
1/Add.1 Tentative timetable (18 May) PDF - -  
2. Report of the meeting PDF      
  item 1b. Information session on the 2010 Round of Population and Housing Censuses        
20. Overview of 2010 round of censuses in the UNECE region with focus on the use of registers (UNECE) PDF - PDF PPT
21. New developments in the 2010 round of censuses in terms of census methods and use of modern technologies, from a global perspective (UNSD) PDF - - PPT
  item 2. Full enumeration versus sample survey        
3. The introduction of the American Community Survey and its benefits to the 2010 Census (USA) PDF PDF PDF PPTX
4. Full enumeration or sample survey? (CIS-STAT) PDF PDF PDF PPTX
14. Modern census in Poland (Poland) PDF  - - PPTX
17. Transition from traditional census to sample survey? (Experience from Population and Housing Census 2011) (Slovakia) PDF  - - PPTX
  item 3. Access to microdata        
9. Plans for access to United Kingdom microdata from 2011 census (UK) PDF PDF PDF PPTX
10. Place of Work Census Anonymised Records. Irish Census of Population (Ireland)   PDF PDF PDF  
18. IPUMS - International and Integrated European Census' Microdata Projects reduce risks of managing trans-border access and add significant value PDF - PDF PDF
  item 4. Address/dwelling listing        
5. Experience with address lists and other preliminary work (Italy) PDF PDF PDF PPT
11. Building the address register for the 2011 Census – England and Wales (UK) PDF - PDF PPTX
15. Dwelling and Building Register Based on Municipal Taxation List – Quality and Distinctiveness (Israel) PDF - - PDF
19. 2010 Population and Housing census in Mexico. Embedding the building list as a basisi for the generation of the dwelling inventory (Mexico) PDF - - PDF
  item 5. Internet data collection        
6. Internet data collection in the Canadian census of population (Canada) PDF PDF PDF PPT
7. The web-based information system of the Italian Population Census (Italy) PDF PDF PDF PPT
8. 2011 Census in Portugal - Implementation of the e-Census system (Portugal) PDF PDF PDF PPTX
12. 2011 Census for England and Wales: Internet Data Capture (United Kingdom) PDF - PDF PPT
13. Internet data collection in the 2011 Population and Housing Census in the Czech Republic (Czech Republic) PDF - PDF PPT
16. Internet data collection in 2011. Poluation and housing census in Lithuania (Lithuania) PDF - - PPT
22. Development of internet survey method in Japan (Japan) PDF