The 2023 Edition of the UNECE Guidelines for the Application of Environmental Indicators have been published in English. See this news article for a summary.
Metadata for indicators will be added to this page, in English and Russian, over the coming months, grouped by FDES (UN Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics) Component.
Subcomponent “physical conditions” |
Topic “atmosphere, climate and weather” |
ID |
Name of the indicator |
Metadata |
B-1.1 |
Mean temperature anomaly (compared to climate normal 1961–1990) |
English |
Russian |
B-1.2 |
Annual average temperature (in country, in capital, second major city, area or region) |
English |
Russian |
Topic “soil characteristics” |
D-1.1 |
Share of total protected areas (categories of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)) in the country area |
English |
Russian |
D-4.2 |
Share of species threatened (mammals, birds, fishes, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, vascular plants, mosses, lichens, fungi, algae) |
English |
Russian |
D-4.4 |
Red List Index (SDG indicator 15.5.1) |
English |
Russian |
Topic “forests” |
D-3.1 |
Forest area as a proportion of total land area (SDG indicator 15.1.1) |
English |
Russian |
D-3.8 |
Forest fires (area burnt by forest fires) |
English |
Russian |
Subcomponent “environmental quality” |
Topic “air quality” |
A-2.10 |
PM10: Annual mean concentration in cities |
English |
Russian |
A-2.8 |
Annual mean level of PM10 in cities (population weighted) (SDG indicator 11.6.2) |
English |
Russian |
A-2.9 |
PM2.5: Annual mean concentration in cities |
English |
Russian |
A-2.7 |
Annual mean level of PM2.5 in cities (population weighted) (SDG indicator 11.6.2) |
English |
Russian |
A-2.11 |
SOx: Annual mean concentration in cities |
English |
Russian |
A-2.12 |
NOx: Annual mean concentration in cities |
English |
Russian |
Topic “freshwater quality” |
C-17.2 |
Proportion of bodies of water with good ambient water quality (SDG indicator 6.3.2) |
English |
Russian |
Component “environmental resources and their use” |
I-1.4 |
Material footprint, material footprint per capita, and material footprint per GDP (SDG indicator 12.2.1) |
English |
Russian |
I-1.5 |
Domestic material consumption, domestic material consumption per capita, and domestic material consumption per GDP (SDG indicator 12.2.2)) |
English |
Russian |
Subcomponent “energy resources” |
Topic “production, trade and consumption of energy” |
G-1.3 |
Total energy use by the national economy |
English |
Russian |
G-1.4 |
Energy use by resident households per capita |
English |
Russian |
G-2.1 |
Total primary energy supply (TPES) |
English |
Russian |
G-3.1 |
Energy intensity measured in terms of primary energy and GDP (SDG indicator 7.3.1) |
English |
Russian |
G-4.1 |
Renewable energy share in the total primary energy supply |
English |
Russian |
Subcomponent “land” |
Topic “land use” |
E-1.2 |
Net land take |
English |
Russian |
Topic “use of forest land” |
D-3.3 |
Share of natural forest of total forest area |
English |
Russian |
D-3.12 |
Progress towards sustainable forest management (SDG indicator 15.2.1) |
English |
Russian |
Subcomponent “biological resources” |
Topic “aquatic resources” |
D-5.2 |
Proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels (SDG indicator 14.4.1) |
English |
Russian |
Subcomponent “water resources” |
Topic “water resources” |
C-1.1 |
Renewable freshwater resources |
English |
Russian |
Topic “abstraction, use and returns of water” |
C-2.1 |
Total freshwater abstracted by source |
English |
Russian |
C-2.3 |
Water exploitation index (WEI) |
English |
Russian |
C-2.4 |
Level of Water Stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources (SDG indicator 6.4.2) |
English |
Russian |
C-3.2 |
Total freshwater use |
English |
Russian |
C-3.6 |
Change in water use efficiency over time (SDG indicator 6.4.1) |
English |
Russian |
C-4.2 |
Total household water use per capita |
English |
Russian |
Component “residuals” |
Subcomponent “emissions to air” |
Topic “emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs)” |
ID |
Name of the indicator |
Metadata |
B-3.1 |
Total GHG emissions per capita |
English |
Russian |
B-3.4 |
Total GHG emissions by sector |
English |
Russian |
B-3.7 |
CO2 emission per unit of value added (SDG indicator 9.4.1) |
English |
Russian |
B-3.10 |
GHG emissions from LULUCF |
English |
Russian |
B-3.11 |
CO2 emissions from fuel combustion within the national territory |
English |
Russian |
B-3.12 |
Total GHG emissions from production activities |
English |
Russian |
B-3.13 |
GHG emission intensity of production activities |
English |
Russian |
A-1.19 |
Total emissions of SOx |
English |
Russian |
A-1.1 |
Emissions of SOx per capita |
English |
Russian |
A-1.20 |
Total emissions of NOx |
English |
Russian |
A-1.7 |
Emissions of NMVOCs per capita |
English |
Russian |
Topic “consumption of ozone depleting substances (ODSs)” |
A-3.1 |
Total consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) |
English |
Russian |
Topic “emissions of other substances to air” |
A-1.28 |
Emissions of ammonia per capita |
English |
Russian |
A-1.21 |
Total emissions of PM2.5 |
English |
Russian |
A-1.17 |
Share of PM10 emissions from stationary or mobile sources |
English |
Russian |
A-1.18 |
Share of PM2.5 emissions from stationary or mobile sources |
English |
Russian |
Subcomponent “generation and management of wastewater” |
Topic “collection and treatment of wastewater” |
C-15.1 |
Treatment capacity of urban wastewater-treatment plants in terms of population equivalent (p.e.) |
English |
Russian |
C-16.2 |
Proportion of domestic and industrial wastewater flows safely treated (SDG indicator 6.3.1) |
English |
Russian |
C-15.5 |
Percentage of BOD5 removed from generated wastewater before discharge into the environment |
English |
Russian |
Topic “discharge of wastewater to the environment” |
C-16.1 |
Share of total wastewater discharged to the environment after treatment |
English |
Russian |
Subcomponent “generation and management of waste” |
Topic “generation of waste” |
I-1.2 |
Total waste generation |
English |
Russian |
I-1.1 |
Municipal waste generated per capita |
English |
Russian |
I-1.3 |
Waste generation intensity per unit of GDP |
English |
Russian |
I-2.1 |
Hazardous waste generated per capita (SDG indicator 12.4.2) |
English |
Russian |
Topic “management of waste” |
I-3.2 |
National recycling rate, tons of material recycled (SDG indicator 12.5.1) |
English |
Russian |
I-2.2 |
Proportion of hazardous waste treated, by type of treatment (SDG indicator 12.4.2) |
English |
Russian |
Subcomponent “release of chemical substances” |
Topic “release of chemical substances” |
F-2.1 |
Consumption of mineral fertilizers per unit of agricultural area |
English |
Russian |
F-2.3 |
Consumption of organic fertilizers per unit of agricultural area |
English |
Russian |
Component “extreme events and disasters” |
Subcomponent “natural extreme events and disasters” |
Topic “Impact of natural extreme events and disasters” |
K-1.6 |
Direct economic loss attributed to disasters in relation to GDP (SDG indicator 1.5.2/11.5.2, Sendai Framework indicator C-1)) |
English |
Russian |
K-1.7 |
Number of deaths attributed to disasters, per 100,000 population (Sendai Framework indicator A-2) |
English |
Russian |
Component “human settlements and environmental health” |
Subcomponent “human settlements” |
Topic “access to selected basic services” |
C-6.1 |
Share of total population (urban and rural) connected to the water supply industry |
English |
Russian |
C-6.2 |
Proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services (SDG indicator 6.1.1) |
English |
Russian |
C-14.1 |
Percentage of total population connected to a wastewater collecting system |
English |
Russian |
I-4.1 |
Proportion of population served by municipal waste collection |
English |
Russian |
Topic “access to selected basic services” |
H-1.1 |
Passenger and freight volumes, by mode of transport (SDG indicator 9.1.2) |
English |
Russian |
H-1.2 |
Total passenger transport demand per capita |
English |
Russian |
H-3.2 |
Road vehicle fleet in the country by fuel type (gasoline, diesel, gas, electricity, biofuels, other) |
English |
Russian |
Component “environmental protection, management and engagement” |
Subcomponent “environmental protection and resource management expenditure” |
J-1.1 |
National expenditure on environmental protection as percentage of GDP |
English |
Russian |
Subcomponent “environmental governance and regulation” |
Topic “environmental regulation and instruments” |
J-1.2 |
Environmental tax revenues as a proportion of GDP |
English |
Russian |
J-1.6 |
Amount of fossil-fuel subsidies (production and consumption) per unit of GDP (SDG indicator 12.c.1) |
English |
Russian |
The 2014 revised Guidelines for the Application of Environmental Indicators in Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia and South-Eastern Europe were made available online only. Each indicator is presented through three files: description of the indicator, table for the production of the indicator, and glossary of terms. The latest update for each indicator is indicated with a relevant date.