Drin Dialogue. Consultation process for the establishment of a Shared Vision for the management of the extended Drin Basin
1st National Consultation Meeting – Ohrid, 2 November 2010
2nd National Consultation Meeting – Tirana, 5 April 2011
Drin Core Group
1st Meeting - 01 December 2009, Podgorica, Montenegro
2nd Meeting - 03 November 2010, Ohrid, FYR Macedonia
3rd Meeting - 06 April 2011, Tirana, ALBANIA
5th Meeting - 24 November 2011, Tirana, ALBANIA
6th Meeting - 30 May 2012, Ohrid, FYR Macedonia
- Decisions
- Annex I. Agenda
- Annex II. List of Participants
- Annex III. Memorandum of Understanding for the management of the Drin Basin
- Annex IV. Action Plan for the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding
- Annex V. Terms of reference of the Expert Working Group on Water Framework Directive implementation
- Annex VI. Terms of reference of the Expert Working Group on Monitoring and Information Exchange
- Annex VII. Terms of reference of the Expert Working Group on Biodiversity and Ecosystems