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Republic of Moldova



Launch of the National Policy Dialogue (NPD): 2006


NPD Chair and strategic partners: Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Health. 

Donors:  European Union through the EU4Environment Programme, EUWI+ programme and previous EUWI phases, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (work on the Protocol on Water and Health until 2016)

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with UNECE: 2015 (in English and Russian)

Key achievements

  • The new Water Law  discussed and adopted (2011). 
  • A major set of amendments to the Water Law developed and adopted (2018). 
  • New technical norms for small-scale water supply systems developed, officially adopted (2018). 
  • National targets under the UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health adopted by the Government. The Clearing House on the Protocol  established as an outstanding example for the entire region (2013). 
  • A National Financing Strategy for urban and rural Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) developed: it informed development of the national WSS Strategy and associated mid-term Action- and Investment Plan adopted (2014). Several institutional changes unfolded, e.g. as the creation of an independent regulator for WSS, and actions to overcome over-fragmentation of WSS services. The WSS Strategy also facilitated a significant increase in government- and external funding for municipal water supply and sanitation. The NPD also contributed to the ongoing update of the WSS Strategy and the development of a new mid-term Action Plan for the next implementation period. 
  • Revision of the National Strategy on Water Supply and Sanitation until 2028 and elaboration of the new mid-term Action Plan (OECD-led). 
  • Support to implementation of selected measures from the National Programme to implement national targets under the UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health until 2025 and its revision. 
  • Sustainable business models for sanitation in small towns and villages recommended. This served as an input to Germany’s work on regional development in Moldova. 
  • Recommendations on improving domestic financial support mechanisms for WSS developed. 
  • Revision of implementation of the National Programme for the implementation of the Protocol on Water and Health in the Republic of Moldova for 2016-2025.  
  • Support to the implementation of the Dniester treaty with Ukraine by supporting bilateral exchange and joint planning of activities as feed-in into a GEF project. 
  • Moldovan-Ukrainian Dniester River Commission supported (Commission meetings, WGs meetings, 2022-24). 
  • Development (2021-23) and signing (2024) the Moldovan-Romanian-Ukrainian Prut Trilateral Declaration.  
  • Support for data collection and reporting under SDG 6.5.2 (2021, 2023). 
  • Field revision of the legal and illegal dams at the Iasnovat river (the Dniester tributary), recommendations to the methodology on identification and removal of illegal dams developed (2024). 


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