The Committee is expected to address:
- Outcomes of the Third High-level Meeting of Education and Environment Ministries (Nicosia, 5 October 2022);
- Implementation of the UNECE Strategy for ESD, including progress in implementing the Strategy; outcomes of the 2023 Regional Forum on Sustainable Development and of the side event “Unleashing the power of youth through education: sustainable solutions for a better future” (28 March 2023) organized in the framework of the Forum, and other;
- Updates on the outcomes of the work of the Ad Hoc Groups on Strategic Planning and Indicators;
- Preparations for the next mandatory reporting cycle (2021–2025) under the Strategy;
- Planning of capacity-building activities for facilitating national reporting on implementing the new implementation framework of the UNECE Strategy for ESD;
- Adoption of the final draft of the workplan;
- Proposal for developing an outline of activities for implementing the 2nd strand on the whole institution (school) approach outlined in the draft workplan;
- Draft concept note and planning of the first capacity-building activity to be organized in 2023 or 2024 under the Swiss project (2023–2025) on implementing the 4th strand on “Entrepreneurship, employment, innovation and ESD” of the implementation framework ;
- ESD and youth: update on the activities of the UNECE for ESD Youth Platform held since the previous meeting and plans for the future;
- Recent activities to promote ESD in other international forums and other current issues according to the agenda.
.. And other issues as set on the agenda (see the agenda uploaded under item 1)