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Expert Group Meeting on Censuses Using Registers

Expert Group Meeting on Censuses Using Registers

22 - 23 May 2012
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

NOTE: The UNECE launched a new wiki site on population and housing censuses.  The Wiki hosts a table presenting information and material related to the population and housing censuses of the 2010 round in UNECE member countries. This includes: type of census, reference date, census questionnaires used, technical papers, reports, and links to the national census websites. More content and interactive services for registered users will be added in the future to the UNECE Census Wiki, also in connection with the preparatory work for the 2020 round of censuses and the revision of the CES Recommendations.

Document Title
Documents Presentations
INF.1 Information Note PDF -  
  Registration Form DOC  -  
1. Agenda and tentative timetable (18 May) PDF -  
2. Report of the meeting PDF    
  Information session on the 2010 Round of Population and Housing Censuses      
20. Overview of 2010 round of censuses in the UNECE region with focus on the use of registers (UNECE) PDF PDF PPT
  Session 1: Experiences with the use of registers in censuses      
3. Comparing approaches of different (partly) register-based countries (Netherlands) PDF PDF PPT
4. A general approach to the importance and use of registers in the Spainsh Census (Spain) PDF PDF PPT
5. Model of transformation administrative data to statistical data (Poland) PDF PDF PPTX
17. Using registers for improving the quality of census data and estimated population size: Estonian example (Estonia) PDF - PPTX
18. The 2011 population and housing census in Turkey (Turkey) PDF - PPT
  Session 2: Should we use registers for our census?      
6. Beyond 2011-The future of population statistics? (United Kingdom) PDF - PPTX
7. The canadian census of population: A review in preparation for 2016 (Canada) PDF PDF PPTX
15. A census is a census is a census? (Eurostat) PDF - PPT
  Session 3: Availability, completeness and quality of data from registers and other sources      
8. Quality of registers used for the Dutch census (Netherlands) PDF PDF PPT
9. The use of population registers in the 15th Italian census: challenges and preliminary evidence (Italy) PDF PDF PPTX
10. Register-based census 2011 in Slovenia - some quality aspects (Slovenia) PDF PDF PPTX
11. Use of Survey data (LFS) to evaluate the quality of register-based census in Finland (Finland) PDF PDF PPTX
12. The register of addresses and buildings - a combination of different registers (Germany) PDF PDF PPT
13. The population registers in Germany - the main data source in the 2011 Census (Germany) PDF PDF PPT
16. Quality assessment of register-based census data in Austria (Austria) PDF - PPTX
  Session 4: Methodology for estimating information missing in registres      
14. Methodology used for estimating Census tables based on incomplete information (Netherlands) PDF PDF PPT