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The 16th NPD Steering Committee

The 16th NPD Steering Committee

20 June 2017
Bishkek Kyrgyzstan
Documents and presentations ENG RUS
Agenda (Повестка дня) PDF PDF
Minutes (Протокол)   PDF
List of participants (Список участников) PDF PDF
Introduction to the activities in the context of the Protocol on Water and Health in Kyrgyzstan
Mr. Erkin Orolbaev, UNECE consultant
Revision of the national targets in the context of the Protocol on Water and Health
Ms. Bubujan Arykbaeva, Ministry of Health
Plan of implementation for the national targets in the context of the Protocol on Water and Health
Mr. Kirill Valentini, UNECE expert
Developing national indicators of water security, energy security and food security in Kyrgyzstan
Ms. Kanykei Orozbaeva, National Statistical Committee
Developing national indicators of water security, energy security and food security in Kyrgyzstan (water security chapter)
Mr. Abdybai Djailoobaev, GWP-Kyrgyzstan
Regional project on Water, energy, food and ecosystems nexus by CAREC
Ms. Lyudmila Kiktenko, Manager of the Environmental Management Programme
Introduction to the project for increasing the water security by reforming the rural water supply and sanitation (WSS) and business models
Mr. Alexandre Martoussevitch, OECD
Development of new design standards for construction of rural WSS with less than 3000 inhabitants
Mr. Valentin Bordenuk, OECD project expert
Development of new design standards for construction of rural WSS with less than 3000 inhabitants
Mr. Seitbek Imanbekov, OECD project expert
Development of guidelines for reforms in rural WSS
Mr. Bakyt Baisakov, OECD local lead expert
Pilot application of guidelines for rural WSS in villages and relevant business models
Mr. Bakyt Baisakov, OECD local lead expert
Adoption of targets and instruments for rural development, villages and water policy
Ms. Gloria De Paoli, OECD expert
Implementation of FinWaterWEI II programme in Kyrgyzstan
Ms. Olivia Gruzdova
FinWaterWEI II funded project implemented by UN Women
Ms. Tatiana Prohorova
GEF project “Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Chu and Talas River Basins”
Mr. Talaibek Makeev
The World Bank project "Agricultural productivity and nutrition improvement" (APNIP)
Mr. Kydykbek Beishekeev
CAREC projects in water sector
Ms. Zuura Mamadalieva