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Second Workshop “River Basin Commissions and Other Joint Bodies for Transboundary Water Cooperation: Technical Aspects”

Second Workshop “River Basin Commissions and Other Joint Bodies for Transboundary Water Cooperation: Technical Aspects”

09 - 10 April 2014
Geneva Switzerland

Recognizing the importance of exchange of experience on the establishment and functioning of river basin commissions and other joint bodies for transboundary water cooperation, the Parties to the Water Convention have included in the Work Programme for 2013–2015 two workshops to promote the exchange of experience and good practices between joint bodies worldwide and to draw lessons learned and recommendations.

The First Workshop, organised in Geneva from 23 to 24 September 2013, concentrated on the legal and institutional aspects, and attracted an active participation.

This Second Workshop focused on selected technical aspects in the work of joint bodies, notably inter-sectoral coordination, infrastructure, groundwater management, environmental protection and selected management issues, including financing and communication.The Workshop was organized under the leadership of the Governments of Finland and Germany, and with the support of a broad partnership of international organisations.


Information notice PDF PDF PDF  
Provisional agenda PDF PDF PDF PDF
Description of Marketplace session PDF PDF PDF PDF
List of participants PDF      
Draft Principles for effective joint bodies DOC DOC DOC DOC

Background documents

Conclusions of the first Joint Bodies workshop PDF   PDF  
Reference document, prepared for the first Joint Bodies workshop PDF      
Convention as amended, along with decision VI/3 clarifying the accession procedure see publication
River basin commissions and other institutions for transboundary water cooperation see publication
Brochure "The global opening of the 1992 UNECE Water Convention see publication
Model Provisions on Transboundary Groundwaters see publication
Second Assessment of Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and Groundwaters see publication


Opening session        
Key note address: Lessons learnt from the support to transboundary
cooperation world-wide funded by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF)
Ms. Astrid Hillers, Senior Environmental Specialist, GEF
Introduction to the objectives and program of the workshop
Ms. Annukka Lipponen, Environmental Affairs Officer, UNECE
Session 1: Making environmental protection work in transboundary
Transboundary cooperation on Lake Ohrid
Mr. Dejan Panovski, Head of Unit for protection of Ohrid Lake, former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Transboundary environmental challenges in the Volta River Basin and
what can be done to address them
Mr. Charles Biney, Executive Director, Volta Basin Authority
Setting up cooperation to reduce pollution of the River Plate
Mr. Marco Vermaasen, Argentine National Coordinator, Freplata GEF project
Making space for the nature in a developed river basin – the Master Plan
Migratory Fish and Habitat patch connectivity atlas for the Rhine
Mr. Ben van de Wetering, Secretary General, International Commission for
the Protection of the Rhine
Session 2: Cooperation in the development and management of
The regional infrastructure programme in the Senegal River Basin
Mr. Mohamed Fawzi Bedredine, Organisation for the Development of the
Senegal River (OMVS)
Transboundary cooperation in the operation and maintenance of water
management infrastructure in the Chu and Talas River Basins
Mr. Tilek Isabekov, Head of the Kyrgyz section of the Secretariat of the
Chu-Talas Commission
Joint development of infrastructure on transboundary rivers, sharing costs
and benefits: experience of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Mr. Jabbar Vatanfada, General Director and Mr. Changiz Hajimesgari,
Director of Dusti Dam Operation, Boundary Rivers and Shared Water
Resources, Ministry of Energy (Water and Electricity), Iran
Albufeira convention: cooperation in the management of infrastructures
and coordination of water demands in transboundary context
Ms. Tania Gutiérrez, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Spain
Session 3: Funding transboundary cooperation        
Funding mechanisms of river basin organisations: an overview and some
Ms. Susanne Schmeier, Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Sustainable financing of joint bodies – perspective of a joint bodies’ party
Ms. Heide Jekel, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation,
Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), Germany
Session 4: Coordinating different water uses and accommodating
them better
Assessment of the Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus in the
Alazani/Ganykh Basin under the Water Convention
Ms. Mariam Makarova, Head Water Resources Management Service,
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection, Georgia
Costa Rica – Panama bilateral commission for integrated management of
the Sixaola River Basin
Mr. José Joaquin Chacon, Deputy Director, Water Directorate, Ministry of
Environment and Energy, Costa Rica
Guidelines for balancing different water uses: navigation and environment,
sustainable hydropower development,
Mr. Raimund Mair, Technical Expert on River Basin Management,
International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR)
Session 6: Challenges in the management of joint bodies:
Communication and establishing contacts with different stakeholders
Towards better communication strategy and stakeholder engagement:
experience from the International Sava River Basin Commission (ISRBC),
Mr. Dejan Komatina, Secretary, ISRBC
Session 7: Management of transboundary groundwater resources        
Stampriet aquifer: the setting, need for transboundary cooperation in
managing the resource, and the process for developing a joint
coordination mechanism
Ms. Aina Ileka, Chief Hydrogeologist, Ministry of Agriculture, Water and
Forestry, Namibia
Coordination mechanism on the North-West Sahara Aquifer System,
development scenarios and the future outlook
Mr. Djamel Latrech, Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS), Tunisia
Plan/options for supporting inter-sectoral coordination in managing the
transboundary Dinaric Karst Aquifer System in the DIKTAS project
Ms. Mirela Hahn, Directorate for Water Management, Ministry of
Agriculture, Croatia
Assessment of transboundary groundwater bodies in the Scheldt River
Basin, transboundary coordination of measures and linking to River Basin
Management Plan
Mr. Arnould Lefébure, Secretary General, International Scheldt
Commission (ISC)


Capacity building tools applied in the framework of the Nile Basin Initiative,
Mr. Abdul Karim Seid, Head, Water Resources Management, Nile Basin Initiative Secretariat
Nile Basin Decision support system - brochure PDF    
Tisza Group for Sub-basin Cooperation of Five Countries,
Mr. Peter Kovacs, Head of River Basin Management Department at the Ministry of Interior, Hungary
The Lake Chad water charter as a vehicle for sub-regional integration and security,
Mr. Nguemadjita Djasrabe, Head of Hydrology Division, Directorate of Water Resources and Meteorology, Chad
Integrated Water resources management in the Congo basin, the water development and management Master plan (SDAGE), Mr. Blaise-Léandre Tondo, Expert Principal, International Commission of the Congo-Oubangui-Sangha Basin (CICOS)   PDF  
Approaches towards a climate change adaptation strategy in the Rhine and the Moselle-Saar Basins,
Mr. André Weidenhaupt, First Counsellor of Government, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure, Luxembourg