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Expert Workshop: "Beyond water: Regional economic integration and geopolitical benefits of transboundary water cooperation"

Expert Workshop: "Beyond water: Regional economic integration and geopolitical benefits of transboundary water cooperation"

28 - 29 January 2015
Tallinn Estonia

Transboundary water cooperation, through improved water management, generates a range of economic, social and environmental benefits. Transboundary water cooperation may also have spill-over benefits in terms of regional economic integration, peace and security and other foreign policy goals.

The Expert Workshop “Beyond water” gathered 35 participants from regional economic integration and foreign policy communities, as well as water practitioners and representatives from international organizations and NGOs.

The experts produced recommendations on how to identify, assess and communicate the regional integration and geopolitical benefits of transboundary water cooperation, to contribute to the further development of a Policy Guidance Note on Identifying, Assessing and Communicating the Benefits of Transboundary Water Cooperation.News release:
UNECE facilitates reflection on the regional integration, peace, security and stability benefits of transboundary water cooperation


Information notice PDF  
Agenda PDF  
Revised draft of the Policy Guidance Note on Identifying, Assessing and Communicating the Benefits of Transboundary Water Cooperation DOC  
List of participants PDF


Title ENG
The Water Convention and the work on assessing the benefits of transboundary water cooperation
Ms. Chantal Demilecamps, UNECE
Overview of the policy guidance and introduction to the objectives and organization of the workshop
Mr. Roberto Martin Hurtado, consultant to UNECE
Identifying the regional economic integration benefits of transboundary water cooperation  
Case study of the Rusumo Falls Hydro Electric Project - Burundi, Rwanda and Tanzania
Mr. Fred Mwango, Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)
The Story of Nile River: Past, Present and Future
Mr. John Rao Nyaoro, Nile Basin Initiative
Assessing and communicating the regional economic integration benefits of transboundary water cooperation  
Experiences from the Danube River Basin
Mr. Benedikt Mandl, International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR)
How to influence the Ministry of Finance
Mr. Jonathan Fisher, Environmental economics expert
Identifying the geopolitical benefits of transboundary water cooperation  
Geopolitical benefits of transboundary water cooperation: The OSCE perspective
Mr. Leonid Kalashnyk, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Assessing and communicating the geopolitical benefits of transboundary water cooperation  
The case of the Isfara River
Mr. Volker Frobarth, Programme Transboundary Water Management Programme in Central Asia, GIZ
The Mekong River Basin Case
Mr. Anoulak Kittikhoun, Mekong River Commission (MRC) Secretariat
The Case of the Jordan River Basin
Ms. Elizabeth Yaari, Ecopeace Middle East
Summary of the outcome messages of the Expert workshop relevant for the Policy Guidance Note
Mr. Roberto Martin Hurtado, consultant to UNECE