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Regional Training on How to Use the Two Global Water Conventions to Advance Transboundary Cooperation on the Ground

Regional Training on How to Use the Two Global Water Conventions to Advance Transboundary Cooperation on the Ground

18 - 19 June 2019
Dakar Senegal

The Regional Training on "How to Use the Two Global Water Conventions to advance Transboundary Cooperation of the ground" was held on 18-19 June 2019 in Dakar, Senegal. The training focused on experts active in francophone countries in Western, North and Central Africa. It was designed to strengthen the capacities of actors engaged in promoting sustainable development and transboundary water cooperation. Furthermore, the training aimed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills required to promote and apply the two global Water Conventions: the 1997 Convention on the Law of Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses (Watercourses Convention); and the 1992 Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention).

Specific aims for this regional training were:

  • to deepen knowledge and understanding of the value of the two Conventions in the region across different contexts;
  • to clarify the relationship between the two Conventions, shed light on the misinterpreted elements of the Conventions, and frequently asked questions;
  • to promote the sharing of experiences on the implementation of the Conventions and discuss how to promote effective, practical cooperation using them as their tools;
  • to enable the participants to assess the usefulness of the technical and policy guidance developed under the Water Conventions to support their ongoing transboundary water-related activities within Africa (e.g. on monitoring and assessment, climate change adaptation, groundwater management, flood management, on the benefits of cooperation and the assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosystem nexus);
  • to discuss lessons learned from recent accession processes (i.e. Chad and Senegal) and the role of partners in fostering accession of the Conventions;

The training was held in French only.

The meeting was by invitation only.


Documents ENG FR
Concept Note                                                                  PDF PDF
Agenda   PDF
List of Participants   PDF
18 June 2019 (day 1)    
Session 3    
Introduction au droit international de l'eau, état actuel et évolution des deux Conventions mondiales, introduction aux règles substantielles et procédurales
Ms. Fani Dascalopoulou-Livada, Expert
La Convention d'Helsinki de 1992 et la Convention de New York de 1997: Contenu, Dispositions principales et cadre institutionnel
Dr. Komlan Sangbana, University of Geneva
Liens entre les Conventions sur l'Eau et les Projets transfrontaliers et régionaux de la Banque Africaine de développement
Mr. Francis Bougaire, African Development Bank
Session 4    
Points de Convergence entre la Convention sur l'Eau d'Helsinki de 1992, la Convention de New York de 1997 sur les cours d'eau et la Charte de l'eau du Bassin du Niger
Dr. Kaigama Kiari Noudjia, Niger Basin Authority
En quoi la présence du Secrétariat de la Convention sur l'eau au Conseil des Ministres qui s'est tenu récemment s'est-elle révélée utile?
Mr. Dibi Millogo, Volta Basin Authority
Protection de l'environment
Dr. Aboubacar Awaiss, UICN West and Central Africa, Mr. Diego Jara and Ms. Camille Jepang
Initiatives sur l'Economie bleue en Côte d'Ivoire: Quelles contributions à la mise en oeuvre des Conventions sur l'eau
Mr. Bernard Brou, UNDP Côte d'Ivoire
La Convention d'Helsinki sur la protection et l'utilisation des cours d'eaux transfrontières et des lacs internationaux et la Convention de New York sur le droit relatif aux utilisations des cours d'eaux internationaux à des fins autres que la navigation, Règlement et prévention des conflits et facilitation de la mise en oeuvre des Convention
Mr. Alexandros Kolliopoulos, Expert
Session 5    
Rapport de la Journée 1
Ms. Camille Jepang, IUCN West and Central Africa
19 June 2019 (day 2)    
Session 6    
Dr. Komlan Sangbana, University of Geneva
Session 8    
Le Processus d'Adhésion du Tchad à la Convention de l'Eau de 1992: Historique et les Leçons apprises
Mr. Moussa Mahamat Alifa, Chad
Guide générale sur la manière de procéder étape par étape pour adhérer à la Convention
Dr. Komlan Sangbana, University of Geneva
Promouvoir la mise en oeuvre de la Convention sur l'eau en se focalisant sur les eaux souterraines
Mr. Niokhor Ndour, Senegal
Reference Materials    
Convention texts  
Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes
Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational
Uses of International Watercourses.
New York, 21 May 1997
Guide to implementing the Water Convention
The Water Convention: responding to global water challenges
Policy Guidance Note on the Benefits of Transboundary Water Cooperation: Identification, Assessment and Communication
Guide de l'utilisateur de la Convention des Nations Unies sur les cours d'eau, Dundee: CWLPS
Rieu-Clarke, A., Moynihan, R. et Magsig, B-O. (2012)
Web sites and online course    
Convention d’Helsinki sur l'eau Link
Guide de l'utilisateur en ligne de la Convention des Nations Unies sur les cours d'eau Link
MOOC - Module 2: L'évolution de la réglementation internationale sur les ressources en eau douce Link