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First meeting of the Expert Group on the Transboundary Water Allocation Handbook

First meeting of the Expert Group on the Transboundary Water Allocation Handbook

21 October 2019
Geneva Switzerland

The Programme of Work for 2019-2021 under the Water Convention, adopted by Meeting of the Parties at its eighth session (Nur-Sultan, 10-12 October 2018), includes Programme Area 3 on Promoting an integrated and intersectoral approach to water management at all levels, which aims, among others to “support the development of equitable and sustainable transboundary arrangements on water allocation, and, to this end, increase understanding and knowledge of the criteria, mechanisms, tools and good practices for water allocation in transboundary basins and aquifers”. An Expert Group, which is comprised of nominated individuals with relevant expertise in water allocation, met to provide strategic advice and inputs for the development of a Handbook on Transboundary Water Allocation. This was a closed meeting not open to the general public. 


Documents ENG
Concept Note PDF
Agenda PDF
List of participants PDF


Presentations ENG
Session 1: First Meeting of the Expert Group on the Transboundary Water Allocation Handbook PDF
Session 2: Overview of the handbook development, team and rationale for the scope, structure and content of the Handbook PDF
Session 2: Handbook on Water Allocation in Transboundary Context,
Prof. Anna-Stiina Heiskanen, Director, Freshwater Centre, Finnish Environment Institute - SYKE and Prof. Antti Belinskij, Law School, University of Eastern Finland
Session 3: Group work by thematic expertise PDF
Session 4: Rapporteurs feedback from thematic groups PDF
Session 5: Group work to brainstorm case studies PDF
Session 6: Update on content, proposed case studies and workshop/meetings for information gathering PDF
Session 7: Next steps for Expert Group in Handbook development PDF