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Group of Experts on Migration Statistics
26 - 28 October 2022
Palais des Nations, Room XXII, Geneva, Switzerland
29869 _ Call for papers _ 369457 _ English _ 773 _ 358705 _ pdf
29869 _ Template for papers _ 369045 _ English _ 773 _ 357789 _ docx
29869 _ Logistical information note (updated on 1 September 2022) _ 369459 _ English _ 773 _ 360754 _ pdf
29869 _ Timetable (updated on 25 October 2022) _ 371689 _ English _ 773 _ 366390 _ pdf
29869 _ Timetable (updated on 25 October 2022) _ 371689 _ Russian _ 864 _ 366389 _ pdf
A: Improvements in use of administrative data for migration statistics
33964 _ WP1 - Using administrative data to produce timely estimates of migration for the UK (United Kingdom) _ 371631 _ English _ 773 _ 364845 _ pdf
33964 _ WP1 - Using administrative data to produce timely estimates of migration for the UK (United Kingdom) _ 371631 _ Russian _ 864 _ 366007 _ pdf
33964 _ WP2 - A machine learning approach to classifying UK long-term international migrants using administrative data (United Kingdom) _ 371632 _ English _ 773 _ 364847 _ pdf
33964 _ WP2 - A machine learning approach to classifying UK long-term international migrants using administrative data (United Kingdom) _ 371632 _ Russian _ 864 _ 366009 _ pdf
33964 _ -- WP1 & WP2/PRES - Presentation _ 372258 _ English _ 773 _ 366297 _ pdf
33964 _ WP3 - Evaluating coverage of the US Census Bureau’s Integrated Database for International Migration (IDIM) (United States) _ 375141 _ English _ 773 _ 372817 _ pdf
33964 _ WP3 - Evaluating coverage of the US Census Bureau’s Integrated Database for International Migration (IDIM) (United States) _ 375141 _ Russian _ 864 _ 372818 _ pdf
33964 _ -- WP3/PRES - Presentation _ 372280 _ English _ 773 _ 366298 _ pdf
33964 _ WP4 - Bases for the conformation of a statistical registry of migrant population (Colombia) _ 371653 _ English _ 773 _ 368307 _ pdf
33964 _ WP4 - Bases for the conformation of a statistical registry of migrant population (Colombia) _ 371653 _ Russian _ 864 _ 366011 _ pdf
33964 _ WP5 - Opportunities and challenges of using statistical population register for production of international migration statistics (Lithuania) _ 371656 _ English _ 773 _ 364908 _ pdf
33964 _ WP5 - Opportunities and challenges of using statistical population register for production of international migration statistics (Lithuania) _ 371656 _ Russian _ 864 _ 366304 _ pdf
33964 _ -- WP5/PRES - Presentation _ 372284 _ English _ 773 _ 366472 _ pdf
33964 _ WP6 - Population estimates and migration in Israel: challenges in the integration of multiple data sources and various types of migrants (Israel) _ 371657 _ English _ 773 _ 364909 _ pdf
33964 _ WP6 - Population estimates and migration in Israel: challenges in the integration of multiple data sources and various types of migrants (Israel) _ 371657 _ Russian _ 864 _ 366306 _ pdf
33964 _ -- WP6/PRES - Presentation _ 372285 _ English _ 773 _ 366307 _ pdf
33964 _ WP7 - Exploring immigration reasons by linking administrative and survey data (Switzerland) _ 371658 _ English _ 773 _ 368305 _ pdf
33964 _ WP7 - Exploring immigration reasons by linking administrative and survey data (Switzerland) _ 371658 _ Russian _ 864 _ 366308 _ pdf
33964 _ -- WP7/PRES - Presentation _ 372184 _ English _ 773 _ 366070 _ pdf
33964 _ WP8 - Finding family relations: About quality issues regarding family immigration statistics and their potential solution using administrative data (Norway) _ 371659 _ English _ 773 _ 365770 _ pdf
33964 _ WP8 - Finding family relations: About quality issues regarding family immigration statistics and their potential solution using administrative data (Norway) _ 371659 _ Russian _ 864 _ 374187 _ pdf
33964 _ -- WP8/PRES - Presentation _ 372059 _ English _ 773 _ 365771 _ pdf
33964 _ WP9 - New citizens in Italy: number, characteristics and behaviours (Italy) _ 371660 _ English _ 773 _ 364894 _ pdf
33964 _ WP9 - New citizens in Italy: number, characteristics and behaviours (Italy) _ 371660 _ Russian _ 864 _ 366457 _ pdf
33964 _ -- WP9/PRES - Presentation _ 372060 _ English _ 773 _ 365773 _ pdf
33964 _ Update on improvements in countries in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia _ 372328 _ English _ 773 _ 366462 _ pdf
33964 _ Update on improvements in countries in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia _ 372328 _ Russian _ 864 _ 372827 _ pdf
33964 _ WP11 - Improvement of population and migration statistics in Armenia _ 372114 _ English _ 773 _ 365925 _ pdf
33964 _ WP11 - Improvement of population and migration statistics in Armenia _ 372114 _ Russian _ 864 _ 368308 _ pdf
33964 _ -- WP11/PRES - Presentation _ 372253 _ English _ 773 _ 366210 _ pdf
33964 _ WP12 - Migration in the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan) _ 372062 _ English _ 773 _ 366296 _ pdf
33964 _ WP12 - Migration in the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan) _ 372062 _ Russian _ 864 _ 365774 _ pdf
33964 _ -- WP12/PRES - Presentation _ 372063 _ Russian _ 864 _ 365775 _ pdf
33964 _ WP13 - Improvement in the use of administrative statistics on migration for policy development (Republic of Moldova) _ 372296 _ English _ 773 _ 374203 _ pdf
33964 _ WP13 - Improvement in the use of administrative statistics on migration for policy development (Republic of Moldova) _ 372296 _ Russian _ 864 _ 374204 _ pdf
33964 _ -- WP13/PRES - Presentation _ 372252 _ Russian _ 864 _ 366209 _ pdf
B: Results on migration from the 2020 population census round
33957 _ WP14 - The migration theme in the 2020 census programs in the CIS member states _ 372064 _ English _ 773 _ 366309 _ pdf
33957 _ WP14 - The migration theme in the 2020 census programs in the CIS member states _ 372064 _ Russian _ 864 _ 365776 _ pdf
33957 _ -- WP14/PRES - Presentation _ 372067 _ English _ 773 _ 366518 _ pdf
33957 _ -- WP14/PRES - Presentation _ 372067 _ Russian _ 864 _ 365778 _ pdf
33957 _ The migration characteristics of the population of the Republic of Belarus according to the results of the 2019 population census (Belarus) _ 372251 _ English _ 773 _ 372824 _ pdf
33957 _ The migration characteristics of the population of the Republic of Belarus according to the results of the 2019 population census (Belarus) _ 372251 _ Russian _ 864 _ 366208 _ pdf
C: Use of new data sources for measuring migration statistics - Task force
33958 _ WP15 - Update on final report of the UNECE Task force on the use of new data sources for measuring migration statistics _ 372115 _ English _ 773 _ 365926 _ pdf
33958 _ WP15 - Update on final report of the UNECE Task force on the use of new data sources for measuring migration statistics _ 372115 _ Russian _ 864 _ 368306 _ pdf
33958 _ -- WP15/PRES - Presentation _ 372286 _ English _ 773 _ 366310 _ pdf
D: Post pandemic migration flows
33959 _ WP16 - Mixed migration by land and by sea to Europe: recovery after a transient pandemic impact (International Organization for Migration) _ 371686 _ English _ 773 _ 364958 _ pdf
33959 _ WP16 - Mixed migration by land and by sea to Europe: recovery after a transient pandemic impact (International Organization for Migration) _ 371686 _ Russian _ 864 _ 366458 _ pdf
33959 _ -- WP16/PRES - Presentation _ 372326 _ English _ 773 _ 366455 _ pdf
33959 _ WP17 - The corona pandemic and migration to Sweden (Sweden) _ 371722 _ English _ 773 _ 365013 _ pdf
33959 _ WP17 - The corona pandemic and migration to Sweden (Sweden) _ 371722 _ Russian _ 864 _ 366459 _ pdf
33959 _ -- WP17/PRES - Presentation _ 372074 _ English _ 773 _ 365787 _ pdf
33959 _ The importance of migration in Luxembourg before, during and after the COVID crisis (Luxembourg) _ 372068 _ English _ 773 _ 366319 _ pdf
33959 _ The importance of migration in Luxembourg before, during and after the COVID crisis (Luxembourg) _ 372068 _ Russian _ 864 _ 372826 _ pdf
33959 _ WP10 - Evaluating Canada’s adjusted estimates of emigration in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic (Canada) _ 372070 _ English _ 773 _ 365782 _ pdf
33959 _ WP10 - Evaluating Canada’s adjusted estimates of emigration in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic (Canada) _ 372070 _ Russian _ 864 _ 374189 _ pdf
33959 _ -- WP10/PRES - Presentation _ 372071 _ English _ 773 _ 366581 _ pdf
E: Measuring large flows of refugees
33960 _ Insights into Refugee Outcomes in the UK (United Kingdom) _ 372086 _ English _ 773 _ 365836 _ pdf
33960 _ Insights into Refugee Outcomes in the UK (United Kingdom) _ 372086 _ Russian _ 864 _ 372825 _ pdf
33960 _ WP21 - Measuring large flows of refugees in the Republic of Moldova, after the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine (Republic of Moldova) _ 372077 _ English _ 773 _ 366311 _ pdf
33960 _ WP21 - Measuring large flows of refugees in the Republic of Moldova, after the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine (Republic of Moldova) _ 372077 _ Russian _ 864 _ 365795 _ pdf
33960 _ -- WP21/PRES - Presentation _ 372250 _ Russian _ 864 _ 366207 _ pdf
33960 _ Statistics and surveys on refugees from Ukraine: lessons learn from UNHCR’s work and opportunities for improved coordination _ 372151 _ English _ 773 _ 366006 _ pdf
33960 _ Statistics and surveys on refugees from Ukraine: lessons learn from UNHCR’s work and opportunities for improved coordination _ 372151 _ Russian _ 864 _ 372821 _ pdf
33960 _ EGRISS and the International Recommendations on Refugee Statistics (IRRS) _ 372079 _ English _ 773 _ 365797 _ pdf
33960 _ EGRISS and the International Recommendations on Refugee Statistics (IRRS) _ 372079 _ Russian _ 864 _ 372819 _ pdf
33960 _ Improving Statistics on Refugees and Asylum Seekers: The case of Italy _ 372078 _ English _ 773 _ 365796 _ pdf
33960 _ Improving Statistics on Refugees and Asylum Seekers: The case of Italy _ 372078 _ Russian _ 864 _ 372820 _ pdf
F: Measuring undocumented migration
33961 _ Can integrated statistical and geographical datasets provide insights on migrants in transit relevant municipalities in Mexico? An ongoing process towards a proxy of SDG 10.7.3 _ 372080 _ English _ 773 _ 365799 _ pdf
33961 _ Can integrated statistical and geographical datasets provide insights on migrants in transit relevant municipalities in Mexico? An ongoing process towards a proxy of SDG 10.7.3 _ 372080 _ Russian _ 864 _ 372823 _ pdf
G: Measuring emigration
33962 _ WP19 - A new measure of Italian emigration by the integration and analysis of administrative data sources (Italy) _ 371723 _ English _ 773 _ 365792 _ pdf
33962 _ WP19 - A new measure of Italian emigration by the integration and analysis of administrative data sources (Italy) _ 371723 _ Russian _ 864 _ 374190 _ pdf
33962 _ -- WP19/PRES - Presentation _ 372075 _ English _ 773 _ 365793 _ pdf
33962 _ WP20 - Statistics register for Migration and integration statistics: Present and future (Sweden) _ 371724 _ English _ 773 _ 365794 _ pdf
33962 _ WP20 - Statistics register for Migration and integration statistics: Present and future (Sweden) _ 371724 _ Russian _ 864 _ 366456 _ pdf
33962 _ -- WP20/PRES - Presentation _ 372288 _ English _ 773 _ 366531 _ pdf