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(AC.10/C.4) Sub-Committee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (43rd session)

(AC.10/C.4) Sub-Committee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (43rd session)

07 - 09 December 2022

Deadline for submission of the official documents: 14 September 2022


29706 _ ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/85 - Agenda for the forty-third session (Secretariat) _ 369854 _ English _ 773 _ 359783 _ docx ST-SG-AC10-C4-85e.pdf (application/pdf, 102.8 KB) pdf
29706 _ ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/85 - Agenda for the forty-third session (Secretariat) _ 369854 _ French _ 780 _ 366029 _ docx ST-SG-AC10-C4-85f.pdf (application/pdf, 147.52 KB) pdf
29706 _ ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/85/Add.1 - Provisional agenda for the forty-third session (Secretariat) _ 371028 _ English _ 773 _ 363163 _ docx ST-SG-AC10-C4-85a1e.pdf (application/pdf, 168.25 KB) pdf
29706 _ ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/85/Add.1 - Provisional agenda for the forty-third session (Secretariat) _ 371028 _ French _ 780 _ 366124 _ docx ST-SG-AC10-C4-85a1f.pdf (application/pdf, 174.58 KB) pdf

Working Documents

29708 _ ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2022/8, ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2022/47 - Amendment of definition “pyrotechnic substance” and introduction of definition “explosive or pyrotechnic effect” (Sweden) _ 370469 _ English _ 773 _ 361628 _ docx ST-SG-AC.10-C.4-2022-8e-ST-SG-AC.10-C.3-2022-47e.pdf (application/pdf, 186.63 KB) pdf
29708 _ ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2022/9, ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2022/48 - Some issues arising from the GHS work on combinations of physical hazards (Germany) _ 370471 _ English _ 773 _ 361630 _ docx ST-SG-AC.10-C.4-2022-9e-ST-SG-AC.10-C.3-2022-48e_0.pdf (application/pdf, 182.78 KB) pdf
29708 _ ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2022/9, ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2022/48 - Some issues arising from the GHS work on combinations of physical hazards (Germany) _ 370471 _ French _ 780 _ 364635 _ docx ST-SG-AC.10-C.4-2022-9f-ST-SG-AC.10-C.3-2022-48f.pdf (application/pdf, 208.05 KB) pdf
29708 _ ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2022/17, ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2022/66 - Metal powders and powders of metals or metal alloys in Test N.1 (China) _ 370488 _ English _ 773 _ 361660 _ docx ST-SG-AC.10-C.4-2022-17e-ST-SG-AC.10-C.3-2022-66e.pdf (application/pdf, 240.26 KB) pdf
29708 _ ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2022/17, ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2022/66 - Metal powders and powders of metals or metal alloys in Test N.1 (China) _ 370488 _ French _ 780 _ 365207 _ docx ST-SG-AC.10-C.4-2022-17f-ST-SG-AC.10-C.3-2022-66f.pdf (application/pdf, 233.52 KB) pdf
29708 _ ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2022/19 - Clarification of the criteria for classification for skin sensitization using animal studies (Japan) _ 370664 _ English _ 773 _ 362121 _ docx ST-SG-AC10-C4-2022-19e.pdf (application/pdf, 196.84 KB) pdf
29708 _ ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2022/19 - Clarification of the criteria for classification for skin sensitization using animal studies (Japan) _ 370664 _ French _ 780 _ 366118 _ docx ST-SG-AC10-C4-2022-19f.pdf (application/pdf, 240.88 KB) pdf

Informal documents

29709 _ UN/SCEGHS/43/INF.1 - List of documents (Secretariat) _ 373797 _ English _ 773 _ 369723 _ docx UN-SCEGHS-43-INF01e.pdf (application/pdf, 100.65 KB) pdf
29709 _ UN/SCEGHS/43/INF.2 - List of documents under agenda item (Secretariat) _ 373798 _ English _ 773 _ 369727 _ docx UN-SCEGHS-43-INF02e.pdf (application/pdf, 156.52 KB) pdf
29709 _ UN/SCEGHS/43/INF.5, UN/SCETDG/61/INF.4 - Amendments to the classification of desensitized explosives according to the GHS (Germany, United States of America) _ 370546 _ English _ 773 _ 361785 _ docx UN-SCETDG-43-INF05e_UN-SCEGHS-61-INF04e.pdf (application/pdf, 176.53 KB) pdf
29709 _ UN/SCEGHS/43/INF.8 - Amendments to the proposal in ST/SG/AC.10/2022/14 (United Kingdom, Netherlands) _ 372789 _ English _ 773 _ 367487 _ docx UN-SCEGHS-43-INF08e.pdf (application/pdf, 197.63 KB) pdf
29709 _ UN/SCEGHS/43/INF.10, UN/SCETDG/61/INF.12 - Draft Resolution 2023/… of the Economic and Social Council (secretariat) _ 372582 _ English _ 773 _ 367120 _ docx UN-SCEGHS-43-INF10e-UN-SCETDG-61-INF12e.pdf (application/pdf, 206.93 KB) pdf
29709 _ UN/SCEGHS/43/INF.10, UN/SCETDG/61/INF.12 - Draft Resolution 2023/… of the Economic and Social Council (secretariat) _ 372582 _ English _ 773 _ 367581 _ docx
29709 _ UN/SCEGHS/43/INF.10/Rev.1, UN/SCETDG/61/INF.12/Rev.1 - Draft Resolution 2023/… of the Economic and Social Council (Secretariat) _ 373723 _ English _ 773 _ 369544 _ docx UN-SCETDG-43-INF10r1e-UN-SCEGHS-61-INF12r1e_0.pdf (application/pdf, 209.23 KB) pdf
29709 _ UN/SCETDG/43/INF.10/Rev.1 track, UN/SCEGHS/61/INF.12/Rev.1 track - Draft Resolution 2023/… of the Economic and Social Council (Secretariat) _ 373722 _ English _ 773 _ 369540 _ docx UN-SCEGHS-43-INF10e-UN-SCETDG-61-INF12e.version trackée.pdf (application/pdf, 214.67 KB) pdf
29709 _ UN/SCEGHS/43/INF.11 - Provisional timetable, working arrangements and other practical information (Secretariat) _ 372918 _ English _ 773 _ 367676 _ docx UN-SCEGHS-43-INF11e.pdf (application/pdf, 254.22 KB) pdf
29709 _ UN/SCEGHS/43/INF.14 - Review of the use of human data for the classification of skin sensitisers in Chapter 3.4 of the GHS (Germany) _ 372920 _ English _ 773 _ 367680 _ docx UN-SCEGHS-43-INF14e.pdf (application/pdf, 135.84 KB) pdf
29709 _ UN/SCEGHS/43/INF.15 - Correction to ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2022/13 (United Kingdom, Netherlands) _ 373145 _ English _ 773 _ 368324 _ docx UN-SCEGHS-43-INF15e.pdf (application/pdf, 66.08 KB) pdf
29709 _ UN/SCEGHS/43/INF.19 - Comments on ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2022/16 (United Kingdom) _ 373332 _ English _ 773 _ 368688 _ docx UN-SCEGHS-43-INF19e_0.pdf (application/pdf, 113.54 KB) pdf
29709 _ UN/SCEGHS/43/INF.20 - Corrections aux conseils de prudence concernant l’intervention médicale (Secretariat) _ 373356 _ French _ 780 _ 368741 _ docx UN-SCEGHS-43-INF20f.pdf (application/pdf, 119.81 KB) pdf
29709 _ UN/SCEGHS/43/INF.21 - Status of the work of the annexes 1 to 3 informal working group (United Kingdom) _ 373357 _ English _ 773 _ 368743 _ docx UN-SCEGHS-43-INF21e.pdf (application/pdf, 67.79 KB) pdf
29709 _ UN/SCEGHS/43/INF.25 - Addendum to ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2022/18 - unaddressed hazards: endocrine disruptors (European Union) _ 373512 _ English _ 773 _ 369110 _ docx UN-SCEGHS-43-INF25e.pdf (application/pdf, 175.02 KB) pdf
29709 _ UN/SCEGHS/43/INF.31 - Correction to ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2022/13 (Secretariat) _ 373663 _ English _ 773 _ 369379 _ docx UN-SCEGHS-43-INF31e.pdf (application/pdf, 64.94 KB) pdf
29709 _ UN/SCEGHS/43/INF.33 - Comments on document ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2022/18 (croplife international) _ 373692 _ English _ 773 _ 369436 _ docx UN-SCEGHS-43-INF33e.pdf (application/pdf, 84.68 KB) pdf