See also Workshop on Gender Statistics
Group of Experts on Gender Statistics
Group of Experts on Gender Statistics
10 - 12 May 2023
Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
38062 _ ECE/CES/GE.30/2023/2 - Report of Meeting _ 381513 _ English _ 773 _ 388679 _ pdf
38062 _ ECE/CES/GE.30/2023/2 - Report of Meeting _ 381513 _ Russian _ 864 _ 388680 _ pdf
38062 _ ECE/CES/GE.30/2023/2 - Report of Meeting _ 381513 _ French _ 780 _ 388681 _ pdf
38062 _ Timetable (updated on 4 May) _ 377863 _ English _ 773 _ 380486 _ pdf
38062 _ Call for papers _ 374903 _ English _ 773 _ 373605 _ pdf
38062 _ Template for papers _ 374900 _ English _ 773 _ 371854 _ docx
38062 _ Logistical information note _ 375484 _ English _ 773 _ 373607 _ pdf
38062 _ ECE/CES/GE.30/2023/1 - Annotated Provisional Agenda _ 378019 _ English _ 773 _ 379693 _ pdf
38062 _ ECE/CES/GE.30/2023/1 - Annotated Provisional Agenda _ 378019 _ Russian _ 864 _ 379694 _ pdf
38062 _ ECE/CES/GE.30/2023/1 - Annotated Provisional Agenda _ 378019 _ French _ 780 _ 379695 _ pdf
A. Gender pay gap and income inequality
38066 _ WP1 - Gender pay gaps in the European Union (EUROSTAT) _ 377380 _ English _ 773 _ 377991 _ pdf
38066 _ WP1 - Gender pay gaps in the European Union (EUROSTAT) _ 377380 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380038 _ pdf
38066 _ -- WP1/PRES - Presentation _ 378281 _ English _ 773 _ 380534 _ pdf
38066 _ -- WP1/PRES - Presentation _ 378281 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380536 _ pdf
38066 _ WP2 - Measurement of gender inequalities in the French labour market using efficiency measures _ 377864 _ English _ 773 _ 379180 _ pdf
38066 _ WP2 - Measurement of gender inequalities in the French labour market using efficiency measures _ 377864 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380035 _ pdf
38066 _ -- WP2/PRES - Presentation _ 378284 _ English _ 773 _ 380538 _ pdf
38066 _ PRES - Measuring the gender pay gap: methodology and key findings in brief, Armenia _ 378462 _ English _ 773 _ 380970 _ pdf
38066 _ WP4 - Measuring Gender Income Gaps in Switzerland (Switzerland) _ 377936 _ English _ 773 _ 379428 _ pdf
38066 _ WP4 - Measuring Gender Income Gaps in Switzerland (Switzerland) _ 377936 _ Russian _ 864 _ 383104 _ pdf
38066 _ -- WP4/PRES - Presentation _ 378286 _ English _ 773 _ 380540 _ pdf
38066 _ DISCUSSION, PRES - Discussion: Gender pay gap and income inequality _ 378847 _ English _ 773 _ 382092 _ pdf
B. Gender digital divide
38067 _ PRES - Gender aspects in using information and communications technologies (Belarus) _ 378287 _ English _ 773 _ 380554 _ pdf
38067 _ PRES - Gender aspects in using information and communications technologies (Belarus) _ 378287 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380555 _ pdf
38067 _ WP6 - The digital divide in Italy: a gender and territorial problem (ISTAT) _ 377656 _ English _ 773 _ 378825 _ pdf
38067 _ WP6 - The digital divide in Italy: a gender and territorial problem (ISTAT) _ 377656 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380034 _ pdf
38067 _ -- WP6/PRES - Presentation _ 378288 _ English _ 773 _ 380544 _ pdf
38067 _ -- WP7/PRES - Reflection of gender differences in the lives of older people in administrative statistics and surveys (CIS-Stat) _ 378296 _ English _ 773 _ 380744 _ pdf
38067 _ -- WP7/PRES - Reflection of gender differences in the lives of older people in administrative statistics and surveys (CIS-Stat) _ 378296 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380745 _ pdf
38067 _ DISCUSSION, PRES - Discussion: Gender Digital divide _ 378848 _ English _ 773 _ 382093 _ pdf
C. Gender, climate, and the environment
38068 _ WP8 - Citizens' attitudes and behaviours in environmental matters: a gender-based approach (Italy) _ 377865 _ English _ 773 _ 380973 _ pdf
38068 _ WP8 - Citizens' attitudes and behaviours in environmental matters: a gender-based approach (Italy) _ 377865 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380033 _ pdf
38068 _ -- WP8/PRES - Presentation _ 378289 _ English _ 773 _ 380971 _ pdf
38068 _ WP10 - Women’s Participation in the UNFCCC: 10 Years After Committing to a "Gradual, but Significant Increase" (Women’s Environment and Development Organization) _ 377657 _ English _ 773 _ 378724 _ pdf
D. Measuring sex and gender
38069 _ WP11 - Gender identity representation in data collection: new approaches from Italy _ 378356 _ English _ 773 _ 382298 _ pdf
38069 _ WP11 - Gender identity representation in data collection: new approaches from Italy _ 378356 _ Russian _ 864 _ 381066 _ pdf
38069 _ -- WP11/PRES - Presentation _ 378290 _ English _ 773 _ 380974 _ pdf
38069 _ WP13 - Measuring Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity on the American Community Survey (United States Census Bureau) _ 377710 _ English _ 773 _ 378826 _ pdf
38069 _ WP13 - Measuring Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity on the American Community Survey (United States Census Bureau) _ 377710 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380735 _ pdf
38069 _ -- WP13/PRES - Presentation _ 378291 _ English _ 773 _ 380549 _ pdf
38069 _ WP14 - Status Update on Task Force 9: Sex and Gender _ 377743 _ English _ 773 _ 378886 _ pdf
38069 _ WP14 - Status Update on Task Force 9: Sex and Gender _ 377743 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380032 _ pdf
38069 _ -- WP14/PRES - Presentation _ 378292 _ English _ 773 _ 380550 _ pdf
38069 _ DISCUSSION, PRES - Discussion: Measuring sex and gender _ 378849 _ English _ 773 _ 382094 _ pdf
E. Measuring violence against women
38070 _ PRES - The web-based survey on gender-based violence in Finland – experiences and results (Finland) _ 378509 _ English _ 773 _ 381107 _ pdf
38070 _ PRES - Implementation of the EU survey on gender-based violence against women and other forms of inter-personal violence (EU-GBV), Slovenia _ 378277 _ English _ 773 _ 380530 _ pdf
38070 _ WP17 - Gender Statistics in Turkmenistan in the light of Survey on the Health and Status of a Woman in the Family (Turkmenistan) _ 377658 _ English _ 773 _ 378725 _ pdf
38070 _ WP17 - Gender Statistics in Turkmenistan in the light of Survey on the Health and Status of a Woman in the Family (Turkmenistan) _ 377658 _ Russian _ 864 _ 378885 _ pdf
38070 _ -- WP17/PRES - Presentation _ 378385 _ English _ 773 _ 380740 _ pdf
38070 _ -- WP17/PRES - Presentation _ 378385 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380741 _ pdf
38070 _ WP18 - The kNOw VAWdata initiative: supporting safe, robust and ethical data on violence against women (UNFPA) _ 377518 _ English _ 773 _ 378884 _ pdf
38070 _ WP18 - The kNOw VAWdata initiative: supporting safe, robust and ethical data on violence against women (UNFPA) _ 377518 _ Russian _ 864 _ 378883 _ pdf
38070 _ -- WP18/PRES - Presentation _ 378273 _ English _ 773 _ 380527 _ pdf
38070 _ WP19 - Using Big Data to study violence against women and girls and its challenges online (Italy) _ 378173 _ English _ 773 _ 380078 _ pdf
38070 _ WP19 - Using Big Data to study violence against women and girls and its challenges online (Italy) _ 378173 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380737 _ pdf
38070 _ -- WP19/PRES - Presentation _ 378279 _ English _ 773 _ 380533 _ pdf
38070 _ WP20 - The State of Evidence and Data Collection on Technology-facilitated Violence against Women (United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women) _ 377937 _ English _ 773 _ 379429 _ pdf
38070 _ WP20 - The State of Evidence and Data Collection on Technology-facilitated Violence against Women (United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women) _ 377937 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380736 _ pdf
38070 _ PANEL DISCUSSION - Panel discussion: Closing the data gap on technology-facilitated violence against women _ 378043 _ English _ 773 _ 379738 _ pdf
38070 _ PANEL DISCUSSION, PRES - Panel discussion: Technology-Facilitated Violence Against Women. Global Methodological Developments to Fill in Measurement Gaps (UN-Women) _ 378553 _ English _ 773 _ 382095 _ pdf
38070 _ PANEL DISCUSSION, PRES - Panel discussion: Cyberviolence as a Gendered Phenomenon (European Institute for Gender Equality) _ 378552 _ English _ 773 _ 381240 _ pdf
F. New data sources and emerging issues
38071 _ WP21 - Integrating Survey Data and Big Data. Results Based on Istat’s Work about Gender Stereotypes (Italy) _ 377938 _ English _ 773 _ 379431 _ pdf
38071 _ WP21 - Integrating Survey Data and Big Data. Results Based on Istat’s Work about Gender Stereotypes (Italy) _ 377938 _ Russian _ 864 _ 381221 _ pdf
38071 _ -- WP21/PRES - Presentation _ 378494 _ English _ 773 _ 381067 _ pdf
38071 _ PRES - Production and use of gender statistics in Georgia _ 378293 _ English _ 773 _ 380551 _ pdf
38071 _ WP22 - Quality Considerations for EIGE’s Gender Statistics Database (European Institute for Gender Equality) _ 377770 _ English _ 773 _ 378932 _ pdf
38071 _ -- WP22/PRES - Presentation _ 378295 _ English _ 773 _ 380553 _ pdf
38071 _ WP23 - Gender in industry: how to close the gender data gap for better gender-responsive industrial strategies and policies (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) _ 377885 _ English _ 773 _ 379256 _ pdf
38071 _ -- WP23/PRES - Presentation _ 378297 _ English _ 773 _ 380558 _ pdf
38071 _ WP24 - Why Are Women More Food Insecure than Men? Exploring Socio-economic Determinants of the Gender Gap and the Role of COVID-19 in the UNECE Region (Food and Agriculture Organization) _ 377971 _ English _ 773 _ 379584 _ pdf
38071 _ -- WP24/PRES - Presentation _ 378298 _ English _ 773 _ 380559 _ pdf
38071 _ WP25 - Women’s Employment in Agrifood Systems in the UNECE Region (Food and Agriculture Organization) _ 377939 _ English _ 773 _ 379432 _ pdf
38071 _ -- WP25/PRES - Presentation _ 378299 _ English _ 773 _ 380560 _ pdf
G. Gender and trade statistics
38072 _ PRES - Gender and trade statistics: activities under the Conference of European Statisticians _ 378590 _ English _ 773 _ 381391 _ pdf
H. New approaches to measuring unpaid work and work-life balance
38073 _ WP27 - Measuring the distribution work of couples using household survey data. New approaches and findings from the German Microcensus (Germany) _ 377381 _ English _ 773 _ 379347 _ pdf
38073 _ WP27 - Measuring the distribution work of couples using household survey data. New approaches and findings from the German Microcensus (Germany) _ 377381 _ Russian _ 864 _ 379179 _ pdf
38073 _ -- WP27/PRES - Presentation _ 378300 _ English _ 773 _ 380561 _ pdf
38073 _ WP28 - A question of time. Measuring time spent on unpaid house- and care work in Sweden (Statistics Sweden) _ 377716 _ English _ 773 _ 378839 _ pdf
38073 _ -- WP28/PRES - Presentation _ 378302 _ English _ 773 _ 380563 _ pdf
38073 _ WP29 - New approaches to modular time use measurement: Harnessing national labour force surveys for the measurement of unpaid care work (International Labour Organization) _ 377900 _ English _ 773 _ 379326 _ pdf
38073 _ WP29 - New approaches to modular time use measurement: Harnessing national labour force surveys for the measurement of unpaid care work (International Labour Organization) _ 377900 _ Russian _ 864 _ 397830 _ pdf
38073 _ -- WP29/PRES - Presentation _ 378305 _ English _ 773 _ 380566 _ pdf
38073 _ PRES - Introduction of new guides on time use measurements and on mainstreaming the gender perspective in statistical production in Latin America and the Caribbean _ 378591 _ English _ 773 _ 381392 _ pdf
I. Current and future work on gender statistics under the Conference of European Statisticians
38945 _ Work on gender statistics under the Conference of European Statisticians _ 378850 _ English _ 773 _ 382096 _ pdf