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Group of Experts on Gender Statistics

Group of Experts on Gender Statistics

10 - 12 May 2023
Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland


38062 _ ECE/CES/GE.30/2023/2 - Report of Meeting _ 381513 _ English _ 773 _ 388679 _ pdf
38062 _ ECE/CES/GE.30/2023/2 - Report of Meeting _ 381513 _ Russian _ 864 _ 388680 _ pdf
38062 _ ECE/CES/GE.30/2023/2 - Report of Meeting _ 381513 _ French _ 780 _ 388681 _ pdf
38062 _ Timetable (updated on 4 May) _ 377863 _ English _ 773 _ 380486 _ pdf
38062 _ Call for papers _ 374903 _ English _ 773 _ 373605 _ pdf
38062 _ Template for papers _ 374900 _ English _ 773 _ 371854 _ docx
38062 _ Logistical information note _ 375484 _ English _ 773 _ 373607 _ pdf
38062 _ ECE/CES/GE.30/2023/1 - Annotated Provisional Agenda _ 378019 _ English _ 773 _ 379693 _ pdf
38062 _ ECE/CES/GE.30/2023/1 - Annotated Provisional Agenda _ 378019 _ Russian _ 864 _ 379694 _ pdf
38062 _ ECE/CES/GE.30/2023/1 - Annotated Provisional Agenda _ 378019 _ French _ 780 _ 379695 _ pdf

A. Gender pay gap and income inequality

38066 _ WP1 - Gender pay gaps in the European Union (EUROSTAT) _ 377380 _ English _ 773 _ 377991 _ pdf
38066 _ WP1 - Gender pay gaps in the European Union (EUROSTAT) _ 377380 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380038 _ pdf
38066 _ -- WP1/PRES - Presentation _ 378281 _ English _ 773 _ 380534 _ pdf
38066 _ -- WP1/PRES - Presentation _ 378281 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380536 _ pdf
38066 _ -- WP2/PRES - Presentation _ 378284 _ English _ 773 _ 380538 _ pdf
38066 _ WP4 - Measuring Gender Income Gaps in Switzerland (Switzerland) _ 377936 _ English _ 773 _ 379428 _ pdf
38066 _ WP4 - Measuring Gender Income Gaps in Switzerland (Switzerland) _ 377936 _ Russian _ 864 _ 383104 _ pdf
38066 _ -- WP4/PRES - Presentation _ 378286 _ English _ 773 _ 380540 _ pdf
38066 _ DISCUSSION, PRES - Discussion: Gender pay gap and income inequality _ 378847 _ English _ 773 _ 382092 _ pdf

B. Gender digital divide

38067 _ WP6 - The digital divide in Italy: a gender and territorial problem (ISTAT) _ 377656 _ English _ 773 _ 378825 _ pdf
38067 _ WP6 - The digital divide in Italy: a gender and territorial problem (ISTAT) _ 377656 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380034 _ pdf
38067 _ -- WP6/PRES - Presentation _ 378288 _ English _ 773 _ 380544 _ pdf
38067 _ DISCUSSION, PRES - Discussion: Gender Digital divide _ 378848 _ English _ 773 _ 382093 _ pdf

D. Measuring sex and gender

38069 _ -- WP11/PRES - Presentation _ 378290 _ English _ 773 _ 380974 _ pdf
38069 _ -- WP13/PRES - Presentation _ 378291 _ English _ 773 _ 380549 _ pdf
38069 _ WP14 - Status Update on Task Force 9: Sex and Gender _ 377743 _ English _ 773 _ 378886 _ pdf
38069 _ WP14 - Status Update on Task Force 9: Sex and Gender _ 377743 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380032 _ pdf
38069 _ -- WP14/PRES - Presentation _ 378292 _ English _ 773 _ 380550 _ pdf
38069 _ DISCUSSION, PRES - Discussion: Measuring sex and gender _ 378849 _ English _ 773 _ 382094 _ pdf

E. Measuring violence against women

38070 _ -- WP17/PRES - Presentation _ 378385 _ English _ 773 _ 380740 _ pdf
38070 _ -- WP17/PRES - Presentation _ 378385 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380741 _ pdf
38070 _ -- WP18/PRES - Presentation _ 378273 _ English _ 773 _ 380527 _ pdf
38070 _ -- WP19/PRES - Presentation _ 378279 _ English _ 773 _ 380533 _ pdf
38070 _ PANEL DISCUSSION - Panel discussion: Closing the data gap on technology-facilitated violence against women _ 378043 _ English _ 773 _ 379738 _ pdf
38070 _ PANEL DISCUSSION, PRES - Panel discussion: Cyberviolence as a Gendered Phenomenon (European Institute for Gender Equality) _ 378552 _ English _ 773 _ 381240 _ pdf

F. New data sources and emerging issues

38071 _ -- WP21/PRES - Presentation _ 378494 _ English _ 773 _ 381067 _ pdf
38071 _ PRES - Production and use of gender statistics in Georgia _ 378293 _ English _ 773 _ 380551 _ pdf
38071 _ -- WP22/PRES - Presentation _ 378295 _ English _ 773 _ 380553 _ pdf
38071 _ -- WP23/PRES - Presentation _ 378297 _ English _ 773 _ 380558 _ pdf
38071 _ -- WP24/PRES - Presentation _ 378298 _ English _ 773 _ 380559 _ pdf
38071 _ -- WP25/PRES - Presentation _ 378299 _ English _ 773 _ 380560 _ pdf

G. Gender and trade statistics

I. Current and future work on gender statistics under the Conference of European Statisticians