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Gender Statistics in Turkmenistan in the light of Survey on the Health and Status of a Woman in the Family (Turkmenistan)

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E3_WP17_Yamatov_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 638.37 KB)
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E3_WP17_Yamatov_RU.pdf (application/pdf, 1003.52 KB)

Turkmenistan conducted its first-ever national survey on the prevalence of violence against women in families in 2020 and published its results in 2022. The sample survey titled “Health and Status of a Woman in the Family in Turkmenistan” was the first national experience in collecting data and analysing the problem of domestic violence against women based on the interviews with women aged 18-59 years in all regions of the country. Conducting this survey is an important step for Turkmenistan, both in terms of researching the issue and in terms of developing national statistical capacity to conduct sociological surveys based on the international methodological standards and also follow up on the CEDAW recommendations. The survey provided important data on violence against women by an intimate partner in domestic settings from the perspectives of socio-demographic factors associated with violence against women, regional differences, demographic and behavioural characteristics of an intimate partner, forms of violence, violence by other persons, impact of violence on woman’s health and well-being of children, coping strategies, and some others. The survey revealed that 12% of women in Turkmenistan, aged 18-59, have been subjected to physical and/or sexual violence by an intimate partner, that is, every eighth woman in the country who is or was in a marriage or relationship, has such an experience. The survey played an important role in assessing the gender-based violence situation in the country and contributing to the development of national gender equality policy and measures. The survey developed a range of recommendations to eliminate all forms of violence against women and advance the national statistical capacity to continue the collection and analysis of data on the frequency, prevalence and characteristics of gender-based violence in and outside the family. This paper presents a summary of the work done regarding the survey, its importance for the development of national gender statistics, main results and recommendations.