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Download Documents for Group of Experts on Gender Statistics

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Document Filename Document File Language Document Information
ReportShort Gender 2023 Edited.pdf ReportShort Gender 2023 Edited.pdf (application/pdf, 162.49 KB) English Short report as adopted at the meeting
Timetable 2023-05-04.pdf Timetable 2023-05-04.pdf (application/pdf, 332.64 KB) English Timetable (updated on 4 May)
02. Call_Papers_Gender_2023.pdf 02. Call_Papers_Gender_2023.pdf (application/pdf, 255.81 KB) English Call for papers
GenderExpertMeetingTemplate2023ENG.docx GenderExpertMeetingTemplate2023ENG.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 43.38 KB) English Template for papers
03. Logistical Information_Gender2023_0.pdf 03. Logistical Information_Gender2023_0.pdf (application/pdf, 1.23 MB) English Logistical information note
2305095E.pdf 2305095E.pdf (application/pdf, 155.39 KB) English Annotated Provisional Agenda
2305095R.pdf 2305095R.pdf (application/pdf, 179.71 KB) Russian Annotated Provisional Agenda
2305095F.pdf 2305095F.pdf (application/pdf, 167.59 KB) French Annotated Provisional Agenda
2311518E.pdf 2311518E.pdf (application/pdf, 161.72 KB) English Report of Meeting
2311518R.pdf 2311518R.pdf (application/pdf, 239.65 KB) Russian Report of Meeting
2311518F.pdf 2311518F.pdf (application/pdf, 222.37 KB) French Report of Meeting
A1_WP01_Perez_EN.pdf A1_WP01_Perez_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 526.86 KB) English Gender pay gaps in the European Union (EUROSTAT)
A1_WP01_Perez_RU.pdf A1_WP01_Perez_RU.pdf (application/pdf, 568.74 KB) Russian Gender pay gaps in the European Union (EUROSTAT)
A1_PRES_Perez_EN.pdf A1_PRES_Perez_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 1.6 MB) English Presentation
A1_PRES_Perez_RU.pdf A1_PRES_Perez_RU.pdf (application/pdf, 1.64 MB) Russian Presentation
A2_WP2_Vega_EN.pdf A2_WP2_Vega_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 427.56 KB) English Measurement of gender inequalities in the French labour market using efficiency measures
A2_WP2_Vega_RU.pdf A2_WP2_Vega_RU.pdf (application/pdf, 468.46 KB) Russian Measurement of gender inequalities in the French labour market using efficiency measures
A2_PRES_Vega_EN.pdf A2_PRES_Vega_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 654.03 KB) English Presentation
A3_PRES_Kalantaryan_EN.pdf A3_PRES_Kalantaryan_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 1.65 MB) English Measuring the gender pay gap: methodology and key findings in brief, Armenia
A4_WP04_Branger_EN.pdf A4_WP04_Branger_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 1011.77 KB) English Measuring Gender Income Gaps in Switzerland (Switzerland)
A4_WP04_Branger_RU.pdf A4_WP04_Branger_RU.pdf (application/pdf, 1.12 MB) Russian Measuring Gender Income Gaps in Switzerland (Switzerland)
A4_PRES_Branger_EN.pdf A4_PRES_Branger_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 1.01 MB) English Presentation
A_PRES_DISCUSS_Hury_EN.pdf A_PRES_DISCUSS_Hury_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 208 KB) English Discussion: Gender pay gap and income inequality
B1_PRES_Konoshonok_REV_EN.pdf B1_PRES_Konoshonok_REV_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 1.18 MB) English Gender aspects in using information and communications technologies (Belarus)
B1_PRES_Konoshonok_REV_RU.pdf B1_PRES_Konoshonok_REV_RU.pdf (application/pdf, 1.47 MB) Russian Gender aspects in using information and communications technologies (Belarus)
B2_WP06_Bologna_EN_rev.pdf B2_WP06_Bologna_EN_rev.pdf (application/pdf, 329.63 KB) English The digital divide in Italy: a gender and territorial problem (ISTAT)
B2_WP6_Bologna_RU.pdf B2_WP6_Bologna_RU.pdf (application/pdf, 379.9 KB) Russian The digital divide in Italy: a gender and territorial problem (ISTAT)
B2_PRES_Bologna_EN.pdf B2_PRES_Bologna_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 1.1 MB) English Presentation
B3_PRES_Kuznetsov_EN (1).pdf B3_PRES_Kuznetsov_EN (1).pdf (application/pdf, 684.03 KB) English Reflection of gender differences in the lives of older people in administrative statistics and surveys (CIS-Stat)
B3_PRES_Kuznetsov_RU (1).pdf B3_PRES_Kuznetsov_RU (1).pdf (application/pdf, 709.87 KB) Russian Reflection of gender differences in the lives of older people in administrative statistics and surveys (CIS-Stat)
B_PRES_DISCUSS_Nobrega_EN.pdf B_PRES_DISCUSS_Nobrega_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 121.72 KB) English Discussion: Gender Digital divide
C1_WP8_Romano_REV_EN.pdf C1_WP8_Romano_REV_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 226.34 KB) English Citizens' attitudes and behaviours in environmental matters: a gender-based approach (Italy)
C1_WP8_Romano_RU.pdf C1_WP8_Romano_RU.pdf (application/pdf, 403.18 KB) Russian Citizens' attitudes and behaviours in environmental matters: a gender-based approach (Italy)
C1_PRES_Romano_REV_EN.pdf C1_PRES_Romano_REV_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 463.63 KB) English Presentation
C2_WP09_Crawford_NP_EN.pdf C2_WP09_Crawford_NP_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 388.83 KB) English Assessing the relationship between gender and environment in an individual-level measure of multidimensional poverty: rationale, possibilities, and insights from Tonga (International Women’s Development Agency)
C2_WP09_Crawford_NP_RU.pdf C2_WP09_Crawford_NP_RU.pdf (application/pdf, 468.05 KB) Russian Assessing the relationship between gender and environment in an individual-level measure of multidimensional poverty: rationale, possibilities, and insights from Tonga (International Women’s Development Agency)
C3_WP10_Rubio_NP_EN.pdf C3_WP10_Rubio_NP_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 432.06 KB) English Women’s Participation in the UNFCCC: 10 Years After Committing to a "Gradual, but Significant Increase" (Women’s Environment and Development Organization)
D1_WP11_DeRosa_Rev-1_EN.pdf_0.pdf D1_WP11_DeRosa_Rev-1_EN.pdf_0.pdf (application/pdf, 334.68 KB) English Gender identity representation in data collection: new approaches from Italy
D1_WP11_DeRosa_RUS.pdf D1_WP11_DeRosa_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 254.46 KB) Russian Gender identity representation in data collection: new approaches from Italy
D1_PRES_DeRosa_Rev-2_ENG.pdf D1_PRES_DeRosa_Rev-2_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 503.39 KB) English Presentation
D3_WP13_Roberts_EN.pdf D3_WP13_Roberts_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 221.27 KB) English Measuring Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity on the American Community Survey (United States Census Bureau)
D3_WP13_Roberts_RU.pdf D3_WP13_Roberts_RU.pdf (application/pdf, 251.5 KB) Russian Measuring Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity on the American Community Survey (United States Census Bureau)
D3_PRES_Roberts_EN.pdf D3_PRES_Roberts_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 171.25 KB) English Presentation
D4_WP14_Smith_EN.pdf D4_WP14_Smith_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 222.97 KB) English Status Update on Task Force 9: Sex and Gender
D4_WP14_Smith_RU.pdf D4_WP14_Smith_RU.pdf (application/pdf, 255.94 KB) Russian Status Update on Task Force 9: Sex and Gender
D4_PRES_Smith_EN.pdf D4_PRES_Smith_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 181.49 KB) English Presentation
D_PRES_DISCUSS_Branger_EN.pdf D_PRES_DISCUSS_Branger_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 239.44 KB) English Discussion: Measuring sex and gender
E1_PRES_Pietilainen_REV_EN.pdf E1_PRES_Pietilainen_REV_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 517.74 KB) English The web-based survey on gender-based violence in Finland – experiences and results (Finland)
E2_PRES_Kebe_EN.pdf E2_PRES_Kebe_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 425.3 KB) English Implementation of the EU survey on gender-based violence against women and other forms of inter-personal violence (EU-GBV), Slovenia
E3_WP17_Yamatov_EN.pdf E3_WP17_Yamatov_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 638.37 KB) English Gender Statistics in Turkmenistan in the light of Survey on the Health and Status of a Woman in the Family (Turkmenistan)
E3_WP17_Yamatov_RU.pdf E3_WP17_Yamatov_RU.pdf (application/pdf, 1003.52 KB) Russian Gender Statistics in Turkmenistan in the light of Survey on the Health and Status of a Woman in the Family (Turkmenistan)
E3_PRES_Yamatov_EN.pdf E3_PRES_Yamatov_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 746.91 KB) English Presentation
E3_PRES_Yamatov_RU.pdf E3_PRES_Yamatov_RU.pdf (application/pdf, 819.64 KB) Russian Presentation
E4_WP18_Gardner_EN_rev.pdf E4_WP18_Gardner_EN_rev.pdf (application/pdf, 248 KB) English The kNOw VAWdata initiative: supporting safe, robust and ethical data on violence against women (UNFPA)
E4 WP18 Gardner_RUS.pdf E4 WP18 Gardner_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 288.38 KB) Russian The kNOw VAWdata initiative: supporting safe, robust and ethical data on violence against women (UNFPA)
E4_PRES_Gardner_EN.pdf E4_PRES_Gardner_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 1.42 MB) English Presentation
E5_WP19_Villante_EN.pdf E5_WP19_Villante_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 454.82 KB) English Using Big Data to study violence against women and girls and its challenges online (Italy)
E5_WP19_Villante_RU.pdf E5_WP19_Villante_RU.pdf (application/pdf, 485.47 KB) Russian Using Big Data to study violence against women and girls and its challenges online (Italy)
E5_PRES_Villante_EN.pdf E5_PRES_Villante_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 547.2 KB) English Presentation
E6_WP20_Rafin_EN.pdf E6_WP20_Rafin_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 303.23 KB) English The State of Evidence and Data Collection on Technology-facilitated Violence against Women (United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women)
E6_WP20_Rafin_RU.pdf E6_WP20_Rafin_RU.pdf (application/pdf, 310 KB) Russian The State of Evidence and Data Collection on Technology-facilitated Violence against Women (United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women)
E7_CN_Rafin_EN.pdf E7_CN_Rafin_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 130.31 KB) English Panel discussion: Closing the data gap on technology-facilitated violence against women
E6_PRES_Panel_UN-Women_Rafin_TF_VAW_EN.pdf E6_PRES_Panel_UN-Women_Rafin_TF_VAW_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 479.81 KB) English Panel discussion: Technology-Facilitated Violence Against Women. Global Methodological Developments to Fill in Measurement Gaps (UN-Women)
E7_PRES_Panel_EIGE_Cyberviolence_EN.pdf E7_PRES_Panel_EIGE_Cyberviolence_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 155.69 KB) English Panel discussion: Cyberviolence as a Gendered Phenomenon (European Institute for Gender Equality)
F1_WP21_Scarnicchia_EN.pdf F1_WP21_Scarnicchia_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 335.6 KB) English Integrating Survey Data and Big Data. Results Based on Istat’s Work about Gender Stereotypes (Italy)
F1_WP21_Scarnicchia_RUS.pdf F1_WP21_Scarnicchia_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 373.52 KB) Russian Integrating Survey Data and Big Data. Results Based on Istat’s Work about Gender Stereotypes (Italy)
F1_PRES_Scarnicchia_EN.pdf F1_PRES_Scarnicchia_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 598.38 KB) English Presentation
F2_PRES_Todradze_EN.pdf F2_PRES_Todradze_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 1.12 MB) English Production and use of gender statistics in Georgia
F3_WP22_Nobrega_EN.pdf F3_WP22_Nobrega_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 334.34 KB) English Quality Considerations for EIGE’s Gender Statistics Database (European Institute for Gender Equality)
F3_PRES_Nobrega_EN.pdf F3_PRES_Nobrega_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 846.39 KB) English Presentation
F4_WP23_Kynclova_EN.pdf F4_WP23_Kynclova_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 454.77 KB) English Gender in industry: how to close the gender data gap for better gender-responsive industrial strategies and policies (United Nations Industrial Development Organization)
F4_PRES_Kynclova_EN.pdf F4_PRES_Kynclova_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 1.66 MB) English Presentation
F6_WP24_Macchioni_EN.pdf F6_WP24_Macchioni_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 651.99 KB) English Why Are Women More Food Insecure than Men? Exploring Socio-economic Determinants of the Gender Gap and the Role of COVID-19 in the UNECE Region (Food and Agriculture Organization)
F6_PRES_Macchioni_EN.pdf F6_PRES_Macchioni_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 1003.58 KB) English Presentation
F7_WP25_Mane_EN.pdf F7_WP25_Mane_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 1.05 MB) English Women’s Employment in Agrifood Systems in the UNECE Region (Food and Agriculture Organization)
F7_PRES_Mane_EN.pdf F7_PRES_Mane_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 1.2 MB) English Presentation
G1_PRES_Vikat_EN.pdf G1_PRES_Vikat_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 697.45 KB) English Gender and trade statistics: activities under the Conference of European Statisticians
H1_WP27_Koerner_Rev-1_EN.pdf H1_WP27_Koerner_Rev-1_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 286.64 KB) English Measuring the distribution work of couples using household survey data. New approaches and findings from the German Microcensus (Germany)
H1_WP27_Koerner_RU.pdf H1_WP27_Koerner_RU.pdf (application/pdf, 396.93 KB) Russian Measuring the distribution work of couples using household survey data. New approaches and findings from the German Microcensus (Germany)
H1_PRES_Koerner_EN.pdf H1_PRES_Koerner_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 119.73 KB) English Presentation
H2_WP28_Löf_EN.pdf H2_WP28_Löf_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 269.99 KB) English A question of time. Measuring time spent on unpaid house- and care work in Sweden (Statistics Sweden)
H2_PRES_Löf_EN.pdf H2_PRES_Löf_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 1.09 MB) English Presentation
H3_WP29_Watson_EN.pdf H3_WP29_Watson_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 509.02 KB) English New approaches to modular time use measurement: Harnessing national labour force surveys for the measurement of unpaid care work (International Labour Organization)
H3_WP29_Watson_RU.pdf H3_WP29_Watson_RU.pdf (application/pdf, 632.68 KB) Russian New approaches to modular time use measurement: Harnessing national labour force surveys for the measurement of unpaid care work (International Labour Organization)
H3_PRES_Watson_EN.pdf H3_PRES_Watson_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 1.25 MB) English Presentation
H4_PRES_García_EN.pdf H4_PRES_García_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 1.1 MB) English Introduction of new guides on time use measurements and on mainstreaming the gender perspective in statistical production in Latin America and the Caribbean
I1_PRES_Vikat.pdf I1_PRES_Vikat.pdf (application/pdf, 716.33 KB) English Work on gender statistics under the Conference of European Statisticians
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