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70th session of UNECE Timber Committee

70th session of UNECE Timber Committee

16 - 19 October 2012
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

Participants in the TC session reviewed,  discussed and contributed to a paper on forests and economic development, which synthesises and elaborates on the main studies developed by ECE-FAO in 2011-12 such as the state and outlook of European and North American forests and the Forest Product Annual Market Reviews. The final paper was presented at the 10th session of the United Nations Forum of Forest in April 2013 and provides an important contribution to the discussion on the subject taking place at the global level.
This was followed by market discussions. These focused on sustainable forest products and their contribution to the green economy, covering the broad market and policy developments related to innovative and sustainable forest products, and how they support a more environmentally friendly and stronger economy.
The Committee session also welcomed delegates from the European Forestry Commission to discuss three important issues for the future of the joint ECE-FAO work on forests in the region:
1.    The results of the 2013 Strategic Review of the joint programme of work and its supporting ECE/FAO bodies;
2.    The draft elements of the new joint ECE/FAO programme of work for the period 2014-17;
3.    The draft Action Plan for the Forest Sector in a Green Economy, which after several consultations with different stakeholders has reached an advanced stage and should be thoroughly discussed by the Committee and the Commission’s members in order to finalize it.
Finally, the meeting discussed the organization of the European Forest Week (EFW)  in 2013, and hear about preparations of Metsä2013, the joint session of the ECE Timber Committee and the European Forestry Commission to take place in Rovaniemi, Finland, next year. The EFW and  Metsä2013 will address the importance of forests and forest products in a green economy.
Taking into account  the focus of this year’s TC session, representatives of the private sector are also invited to join the meeting to share experiences,  information and recommendations on the sector. The meeting will offer an opportunity to strengthen the partnership between the United Nations and the forest sector in order to further promote and implement best practices for sustainable forest management and for a dynamic forest sector that could lead the transition towards a green economy. 

The invitation letter can be found here

Contact Paola Deda for more information.


Symbol Title ENG FRE RUS
1 Annotated provisional Agenda (as of 24 July) PDF PDF PDF      
2 Forest and economic development in the ECE region (draft paper) PDF PDF PDF
3 Market discussions (revised market discussion agenda) (Country Market Statements are here) PDF PDF PDF
4 Review of activities since the sixty-ninth session and activities for 2013 PDF PDF PDF
5 Communications and outreach activities PDF PDF PDF
6 Results of the Team of Specialists Internal Evaluations PDF PDF PDF
7 Results of the Survey on the ECE/FAO Integrated Programme of Work PDF PDF PDF
8 Secretariat's assessment of work and outputs PDF PDF PDF
9 Inputs of the joint bureaux to the 2013 Strategic Review and the 2014-2017 joint programme of work PDF PDF PDF
10 Action Plan for the forest sector in a green economy PDF PDF PDF
11 Draft elements of the Joint Programme of Work of the ECE Timber Committee and the FAO European Forestry Commission for 2014-2017 PDF PDF PDF
12 Biennial evaluation report 2010-2011-Subprogramme 7: Timber and Forestry PDF PDF PDF
13 Draft Strategic Framework for 2014-15 PDF PDF PDF
14 Report PDF   PDF

Information Documents

Symbol Title ENG PPT  
INF-DOC1 Side event:"Resource Efficiency in the wood processing industry" - 17 October from 14:15-14:45, Room XII PDF File  


Agenda item Presentations   File Recordings
2 Report and recommendations of the workshop  
  “The green life of wood: assessing wood’s environmental impact from cradle to cradle” Elina Warsta PDF  
3 The contribution of forest to economic development
  “The State of the Green Economy”,  Steven Stone PDF  
  “Forests and economic development” Kit Prins PDF  
4 Market developments
  "Wooden Construction in Europe: increasing the use of sustainable building products”

Dieter Lechner

  "Overview of forest products markets 2011-2012: findings from Market Review”

Matthew Fonseca

  "EU Timber Regulation: Implementation and Enforcement"

Svetlana Atanasova

  "CEPI’s 2050 Roadmap to a low Carbon Bio-economy”

Bernard De Galembert

  "Wood Energy in the ECE region: 2013 and forward”

Francisco Aguilar

  "Outlook and policy background of demand for forest products in China"

Ivan Eastin

  "Innovation in the field of wood based products”

Douglas Clark

  "Cross Laminated Timber" Olin Bartlomé PDF  

"Russian Forest Sector Outlook Study”

Alexander Panfilov

5 Review of activities since the sixty-ninth session

"Review of activities since the 69th session of TC” and “Activities of the UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section 2013”

Paola Deda



6 Communication and outreach
  "Activities on Communication and Outreach” Eve Charles PDF  
7 Outcome of the ECE review process
  “Outcome of the ECE review process” Paola Deda PDF  
8 2013 Strategic Review
  “Results of the self-assessment of the Team of Specialist and discussion of the last session of the WPFSEM”

Dominique Reeb

  "Results of the general survey” Arnaud Brizay PDF  
  “Secretariat’s assessment of outputs” Roman Michalak PDF  
  “Outcome of the bureau retreat in April 2012 and meeting in June 2012” Rob Busink PDF  
9 Action Plan
  "The Action Plan for the Forest Sector in a Green Economy" Arnaud Brizay PDF  
  "The Lviv Forum on Forests in a Green Economy vision and messages for action" Liubov Poliakova PDF  
10 Outcome of Rio+20 and COFO
  "Outcome of Rio+20 and COFO" Dominique Reeb PDF  
11 Draft ECE/FAO Joint Programme of Work 2014-2017
  "Draft ECE/FAO Joint Programme of Work 2014-2017" Heikki Granholm PDF  
  "Publication Programme" Paola Deda PDF  
12 Biennial evaluation report 2010-2011 and the draft strategic framework 2014-2015 
  "Bienneal evaluation report 2010-2011 and draft strategic framework 2014-2015"  Elina Warsta PDF  
15 Date and place of next session
  "Metsä 2013, Rovaniemi, Finland,
9-13 December 2013"
Heikki Granholm PDF  

Registration and Information

Please mail Karen Taylor to register for the meeting.

Practical information for delegates can be found here

Information for visa application for Switzerland

Deadline for visa request letters with the Secretariat is 28 September


Photos courtesy E. Charles and A. McCusker.