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Forests in the UNECE Region 2015



The study is the contribution of the UNECE Region to the Eleventh Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests. Using the best available data, it examines progress of the forest sector in the UNECE Region towards the achievement of the four Global Objectives on Forests, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2007. On the basis of this assessment as well as the forest sector outlooks and policy commitments by the UNECE member States, thirteen major challenges for the forest sector in the region are identified and analysed. The study provides policy recommendations for consideration in the discussions by the United Nations Forum on Forests.


The study was prepared with the support of Finland, Germany, the Russian Federation, the Swiss Confederation and the United States of America.

The study was presented at the 37th Joint FAO/UNECE Working Party on Forest Statistics, Economics and Management in Geneva in March 2015 and at the 11th Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests in New York in May 2015.
Main Report


Forests in the ECE Region:
Trends and Challenges in Achieving the Global Objectives on Forests



Key Findings


Forests in the ECE Region:
Trends and Challenges in Achieving the Global Objectives on Forests



Source Data


Forests in the ECE Region:
Trends and Challenges in Achieving the Global Objectives on Forests                          





Forests in the ECE Region:
Trends and Challenges in Achieving the Global Objectives on Forests




2.1.4 Total carbon stock in aboveground living biomass for all ECE member States by the four groups

2.1.7 The annual sink (Mt C/y) in forest biomass by country groups over two time periods

2.2.2 Forest sector's percentage of gross value added, 2000-2011, by region 2.2.3 Removals of industrial roundwood and wood fuel, by region, annual data, 2000-2013
2.2.4 Net trade in forest products total, 2000-2010 2.2.5 Employment in the forest sector, 2010

2.2.6 ECE Region, employment, 2000-2010

2.3.1 Share of different naturalness classes, by region, 2015

2.3.3 Average volume of standing and lying deadwood for ECE East and ECE Central, 2000-2010

2.3.5 Percentage of forest designation - conservation of biodiversity on forest area, 2000-2010

2.3.6 Chain-of-custody certificates (FSC and PEFC), by region

2.3.7 Chain-of-custody certificates, by country
2.4.1 Total forestry ODA from ECE countries, by region 2.4.2 Total ODA from ECE countries, 2011-2012
2.4.3 Recipients of ECE forestry ODA in 2012 by region 2.4.4 Total forestry ODA by component


Forests in the ECE Region:
Trends and Challenges in Achieving the Global Objectives on Forests




1.4.1 Country groups used in the study 1.4.2 Forest and other wooded land in percent of land area, 2015
1.4.3 Forest and other wooded land per inhabitant, 2015 1.4.4 Share of urban population, 2010
1.4.5 GDP per capita, 2010 2.1.1 Change in percentage of forest and other wooded land, 2000-2015
2.1.2 Ratio of fellings to net annual increment, 2010 2.1.5 Carbon stock in living biomass per hectare of forest and other wooded land, 2015
2.1.6 Per hectare annual carbon sink or source in living forest biomass in the countries of the ECE Region, 2012 2.1.8 a Share of PEFC certified forests
2.1.8 b Share of FSC certified forests 2.1.9 Processes on SFM Criteria and Indicators in the UNECE Region
2.2.1 Forest sector's percentage of gross value added, by country, 2010 2.2.7 Forestry employment, persons per 1,000 ha of forest, 2010
2.2.8 Percent change in forest sector employment, 2000-2010 2.3.2 Share of undisturbed forest in total forest area
2.3.4 Standing and lying deadwood as percent of growing stock, 2015  


Forests in the ECE Region:
Trends and Challenges in Achieving the Global Objectives on Forests

For the infographic video on “Forests in the ECE Region: Trends and Challenges in Achieving the Global Objectives on Forests”, please click on the link.



Forests in the ECE Region:
Trends and Challenges in Achieving the Global Objectives on Forests
Presentation made at the 37th Joint UNECE/FAO Working Party on Forest Statistics, Economics and Management in Geneva in March 2015 PRESENTATION_WPFSEM

Presentation made at the 11th Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests in New York in May 2015