Policy Dialogue and Advice
This work area involves the organization of regional and national policy dialogues and specific studies on request from member States and organizations. The subjects address issues mentioned in the scope of the Integrated Programme of Work. This work contributes to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and forest related SDGs, the UN strategic plan for forests 2017-2030 and the UNFF Quadrennial Programme of Work 2017-2020, and to the relevant global (mainly the UNFF and the FAO Committee on Forestry), regional and national forest dialogues. Activities in this work area also contribute to efforts to promote cross-sectoral cooperation.
Key areas of work
In focus
Team of Specialists on Boreal Forests
Team of Specialists on Forest Sector Outlook (ToS on Forest Policy is now integrated)
EFSOS I 2000-2020
EFSOS II 2010-2030
Former Team of Specialists:
Team of Specialists on Forest Sector Outlook (ToS on Forest Policy is now integrated)
EFSOS I 2000-2020
EFSOS II 2010-2030
Former Team of Specialists:
- Team of specialists on forest fires
- Team of specialists on gender and forestry (mandate completed, report)
- Team of specialists on best practice in forest contracting (mandate completed)
- Team of specialists to monitor and develop assistance to countries of central and eastern Europe in transition
Upcoming Events
06 December
Saudi Arabia
Recent Events
04 December
Room MET-25, UNCCD COP16 Riyadh Saudi Arabia
04 December
Room MET-01, UNCCD COP16 Riyadh Saudi Arabia
28 November