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35th Session Joint FAO/UNECE Working Party on Forest Statistics, Economics and Management

23 - 25 April 2013
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

Contact Alex McCusker for more information.  The Working Party is to provide guidance and exchange views on issues of forest statistics and other elements of the ECE/FAO Joint Work Programme.  Delegates represent ECE/FAO member states as well as NGOs.

The Working Party will be preceded by a one-day seminar on Innovation in the Forest Sector conducted with Innovawood.  Innovawood will hold its annual general assembly concurrently with the Working Party.  There will be a half-day field trip to the Geneva Cantonal forests on Thursday afternoon organized by the Direction générale de la nature et du paysage.

Agenda and Documents

All currently available documents for items 1-5 and 6 in single files.


Document Title




9 Report PDF PDF PDF


Provisional Agenda revised 26 February

2 Report of the seminar on "Innovation in the Forest Sector"      
3 Forests and Economic Development in the UNECE Region Study Paper 31
4a Guidance of Work Area 1 - Markets and Statistics      
  4a.1 Review and Plans: Markets PDF    
  4a.2 Review and Plans: Statistics PDF    
  4a.3 Review and Plans: Wood Energy / Outcome of JWEE 2011 revised 16 April PDF    
  4a.4 Annual Report of Team of Specialists on Sustainable Forest Products PDF    
4b Guidance of Work Area 2 - Forest Resources Assessment      
  4b.1 Review and Plans: Forest Resources Assessment  PDF    
    Annex - Proposed System for Interactive Reporting on Sustainable Forest Management PDF    
  4b.2 Annual Report of Team of Specialists on Monitoring Sustainable Forest Management PDF    
4c Guidance of Work Area 3 - Forest Sector Outlook Studies      
  4c.1 Review and Plans: Forest Sector Outlook Studies PDF    
  4c.2 Annual Report of Team of Specialists on Outlook Studies PDF    
4d Guidance of Work Area 4 - Social and Cultural      
  4d.1 Review and Plans: Social and Cultural PDF    
  4d.2 Annual Report of Joint Expert Network to Implement Sustainable Forest Management not submitted
4e Guidance of Work Area 5 - Policy and Cross-Sectoral      
  4e.1 Review and Plans: Policy and Cross-Sectoral PDF    
  4e.2 Annual Report of Team of Specialists on Forest Fires PDF    
  4e.3 Annual Report of Team of Specialists on Forest Policy in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia PDF    
  4e.4 Annual Report of Forest Communicators Network PDF    
5 Self-Assessment of the Working Party revised 19 April PDF    
6 Terms of Reference for existing and proposed Teams of Specialists      
  6.1 Team of Specialists on Sustainable Forest Products PDF    
  6.2 Team of Specialists on Monitoring Sustainable Forest Management PDF    
  6.3 Team of Specialists on Outlook Studies PDF    
  6.4 Joint Expert Network to Implement Sustainable Forest Management PDF    
  6.5 Team of Specialists on  Forest Policy (formerly Forest Policy in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia) PDF    
  6.6 Forest Communicators Network revised 11 April PDF    
  6.7 proposed Forest Products Statistics PDF    
  6.8 proposed Wood Energy PDF    
  6.9 proposed Wildlife Management PDF    
  6.10 Guidelines for Teams of Specialists PDF    
7 Any Other Business      
8 Election of Officers      


Item Title By File  
0 Recommendations and outcomes of the TC 70th session relevant to the WP Paola Deda, Chief, Forestry and Timber Section; Dominique Reeb, Deputy Chief, Forestry and Timber Section PDF  
2 Innovation in the Forest Based Sector - Prerequisite for the Green Economy (Seminar Summary) Elina Warsta, Forestry and Timber Section PDF  
3 Forests and Economic Development Paola Deda, Chief, Forestry and Timber Section PDF  
4 - Guidance of Work Areas


  Guidance of Work Area 1 - Forest Products Marketing Florian Steierer, Forestry and Timber Section PDF  
  Guidance of Work Area 1 - Statistics Alex McCusker  PDF  
  Joint Wood Energy Enquiry 2011 David Ellul, Forestry and Timber Section PDF  
  Report in Activities of WA 2 - Forest Resources Assessment Roman Michalak, Forestry and Timber Section PDF  
  ToS on Monitoring Sustainable Forest Management Johannes Hangler, Forest Europe PDF  
  Development in assessment of Sustainable Forest Management Kit Prins, Consultant, Geneva PDF  
  Guidance of WA3: Forest Sector Outlook Studies David Ellul, Forestry and Timber Section; Arnaud Brizay, Forestry and Timber Section PDF  
  Guidance of WA4: Social and Cultural Arnaud Brizay, Forestry and Timber Section PDF  
  Guidance of WA5: Policy and Cross-Sectoral Issues Arnaud Brizay, Forestry and Timber Section; Paola Deda, Chief, Forestry and Timber Section; Dominique Reeb, Deputy Chief Forestry and Timber Section; Eve Charles, Forestry and Timber Section PDF  
  Item 4 - National Forest Policy Dialogues Paola Deda, Chief, Forestry and Timber Section PDF  
  European Forest Week Eve Charles, Forestry and Timber Section PDF  
  ToS on Forest Fire - Self Assessment, Evaluation and Future Johann Georg Goldhammer, Global Fire Monitoring Center (CFMC) PDF  
  UNDA and Fire Forum Dominique Reeb, Deputy Chief, Forestry and Timber Section PDF  
  Self-Assessment of the Working Party Dominique Reeb, Deputy Chief, Forestry and Timber Section PDF  
  Guidance for ECE/FAO Teams of Specialists Arnaud Brizay, Forestry and Timber Section PDF  

Presentation for Field Trip
  Nature et paysage du Canton de Genève Patrick Fouvy, Departement de l'intérieur, de la mobilité et de l'environnement PDF

Information and Registration
