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Advisory Group on Market Surveillance (MARS)

The MARS Group encourages member States to coordinate their effort to ensure that products on the markets are safe and comply with regulations in force.
Through the implementation of its Recommendations – particularly Recommendation M and Recommendation N, it actively promotes an approach of market surveillance based on best practice and international standard.
About the MARS Group
The Advisory Group on Market Surveillance (MARS Group) was established and its terms of reference approved in 2003 by decision of the Committee. To fulfil its tasks, the Group can establish sub-groups of experts, which are assisted by the UNECE secretariat. It reports to the Working Party.
The MARS Group has the following tasks:
  • To be a forum for discussion among all players involved with market surveillance (public authorities, manufacturers, retailers, importers, consumers, etc.).
  • To increase transparency and attract attention to the role and responsibilities of public authorities in the chain of control for MS; to identify good practices and methods ensuring fulfilment of legitimate objectives (e.g. protection of public health, fair competition, etc.).
  • To promote coherent good practices and draw up recommendations on market surveillance in the UNECE region.
The group is currently working on:
Other events related to market surveillance organized by WP. 6
How to get involved
The work of the Group is open to representatives of all United Nations Member States. Experts from international organizations, representatives of the private sector and non-governmental organizations can participate as observers. If you would like to participate, please contact the Secretariat: ([email protected])
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