Meeting of the UNECE MARS Group and Forum of the Market Surveillance authorities of Serbia and South East Europe jointly organized by UNECE and the Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunication of the Republic of Serbia with support from supported by the IPA 2010 Project “Strengthening of the Serbian System of Market Surveillance” and the GIZ "Open Regional Fund for South East Europe Foreign Trade Promotion" to discuss common priorities and cooperation in the field of Market Surveillance.
Downloads: Leaflet Agenda Presentations List of Participants Report
Welcome address
by Dr. Marion Stoldt, Chairperson, Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies
Update on the general model on General Market Surveillance Procedure
by Mr. Ivan Hendrikx, Convenor, General Market Surveillance Procedure
Measurement of uncertainty – General Market Surveillance Procedure
by Mr. Ivan Hendrikx, Convenor, General Market Surveillance Procedure
Joint Actions in Market Surveillance and application of Risk Assessment Methods
by Mr. Jasmin Valjevac, Open Regional Fund for Southeast Europe, Foreign Trade Promotion, Deutsche Gesellschaft für ,Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Presentation on Market Surveillance in Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Ms. Lenka Kozić, Market Surveillance Agency of Bosnia Herzegovina
Presentation on Market Surveillance in the FRY Macedonia
by Mr. Fatmir Shehi, State Market Inspectorate, Macedonia
Presentation on Market Surveillance in Montenegro
by Ms. Rada Marković, Inspection Directorate, Montenegro
Presentation on Market Surveillance in Serbia
by Ms. Vera Despotović, Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunication
Network of Market Surveillance Authorities in the South East Europe
by Ms. Susann Hartmann , Open Regional Fund for Southeast Europe - Foreign Trade Promotion - Deutsche Gesellschaft für ,Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH -Cooperation in Market Surveillance in South East Europe
Cooperation in Market Surveillance in SEE: Summary of Progress since 2011
by Mr. David Norris, Team Leader, Quality Infrastructure in the Western Balkans and Turkey
Coordination of Market Surveillance in Sweden
by Ms. Amina Makboul, Market Surveillance coordinator, SWEDAC
Challenges for Market surveillance authorities from new regulatory developments
by Mr. Paul Walker, Senior Market Surveillance Advisor, United Kingdom
Challenges for Market surveillance authorities from counterfeit products,
by Mr. Kenneth Wright, Danish Patent and Trademark Office
The regulatory dimension of TTIP-challenges and possible outcomes
by Ms. Heidi Lund, Senior Advisor, National Board of Trade, Sweden
(additional information available at:
The hidden costs of counterfeit products- example: electrical product
by Mr. Ivan Hendrixk, Convenor, General Market Surveillance Procedure