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"MARS" Group meeting (2nd Meeting)

05 - 06 April 2004
Strbske Pleso Slovakia


Two main goals were defined for the MARS workshop on "Market Surveillance – A Common Stragey of the UNECE – EU under the Regulatory Convergence”. First, to take up and continue the discussion at the 2002 UNECE International Forum on Market Surveillance. Second, to further specify the object of interest and fields of activity for the MARS Group.

For download:




Communication from the Commission to the Coucil and the European Parliament: Wider Europe— Neighbourhood: A New Framework for Relations with our Eastern and Southern Neighbours

Communication from the Commission: Paving the way for a New Neighbourhood Instrument

Check Lists (used to evaluate whether product concerned represents increased risk)


Ms. Jurkovicova "Possibility of adopting the CAF Model to the market surveillance bodies performance"

Mr. Lytvynenko "Protection of consumers against fraud and counterfeited goods in Ukraine"

Ms. Machutova "How to handle problems with regard to non-registered or „disappearing“ companies - The fight against illegal imports"

Ms. Hreidarsdottir "Creation of Guidelines on Good Practices in Market Surveillance Activities"

List of participants


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