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"MARS" Group Meeting

11 - 12 September 2017
National Board of Trade Stockholm Sweden

The 15th meeting of the MARS Group took place at the premises of the National Board of Trade, Stockholm, Sweden.

Downloads: Agenda    Presentations    List of participants   Report


Welcome address
Dr. Marion Stoldt, Chair, Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies

Introductory words
Ms. Vera Despotović, MARS Group Chairperson

Information and plans, follow-up of the WP.6 and MARS
Ms. Lorenza Jachia, Secretary to WP.6, UNECE

Market Surveillance, the New Goods Package
Ms. Anna Stattin, Senior Adviser/National Market Surveillance Coordinator, Swedish Board for Accreditation and Conformity Assessment (Swedac)

Current developments in the field of mutual recognition of national technical rules
Mr. Cyrille Hugon, Legal Adviser, National Board of Trade

Swedish organization of Market Surveillance and current issues
Ms. Anna Stattin, Senior Adviser/National Market Surveillance Coordinator, Swedish Board for Accreditation and Conformity Assessment (Swedac)

Changes in legislation of the Czech Republic in the context of implementation of New Legislative Framework
Mr. Miroslav Chloupek, First Deputy President, UNMZ

Number of samples in market surveillance actions: proposal for a contribution to the GMSP
Mr. Ivan Hendrikx, ESTH

Market surveillance in the field of Legal Metrology
Ms. Olga Caratier, Analyst, Swedish Board for Accreditation and Conformity Assessment (Swedac)

Market Surveillance of e-traded goods in Finland
Ms. Tuiri Kerttula, Director, Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency, Tukes

Needs of Multidisciplinary education in the field of Infrastructure Quality
Ms. Marta Orviská, Professor, Faculty of Economics, Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia

Mr. David Norris, Project Manager- Quality Infrastructure in the Western Balkans, Swedish Development Agency (Sida)