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MARS and GRM Joint Expert Groups Meeting

11 - 12 June 2020
Virtual WebEx meeting Geneva Switzerland
Palais des Nations

A joint meeting of the UNECE Expert Groups on Market Surveillance (MARS) and Risk Management in Regulatory frameworks (GRM) was be held online on 11 and 12 June. Experts discussed risk-informed policies and enforcement strategies. Highlights of the event were a panel discussion on the challenges of the COVID pandemic for market surveillance and enforcement authorities, with speakers sharing perspectives from the UNECE region and beyond and presentations of practical tools that allow the visualization of the impact of COVID on supply chains.

The Groups have progressed work on their deliverables for the annual session of the Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies to take place in November 2020.

Due to ongoing travel restrictions the meeting were held in virtual mode via WebEx teleconferences.

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Presentations and speeches:

Recent developments under WP.6 and planning the Annual Session
Ms. Lorenza Jachia, Secretary to WP.6, UNECE

Risk informed policy making and market surveillance: keynote speeches

Ms. Vera Despotović, MARS Group Chairperson, Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia

Mr. Valentin Tataritsky, WP.6 Vice-Chairperson, Chairman of the State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus
Presentation [ENG] [RUS]    Speech [ENG] [RUS]

Impact of COVID on regulatory activities and market surveillance

Ms. Efthymia Ntivi, Public Affairs and Advocacy Director, TIC Council

Ms. Johanna Nyman, Legal Adviser, Department for Trade Agreements and Technical Rules, National Board of Trade, Sweden

Ms. Derya Yagmur Bayraktar, Ministry of Trade, General Directorate of Consumer Protection and Market Surveillance, Turkey

Demonstration of the impact of COVID on supply chains [Video]
Mr. Markus Krebsz, Risk Specialist & Government Adviser

Proposed revision of Recommendation P
Mr. Simon Webb, The Nicholas Group, United Kingdom

Proposed survey on risk-informend decision making for COVID-19
Mr. Alpaslan Menevse, Mirror Technical Committee ISO 31000, Turkey

Proposed Recommendation V
Mr. Valentin Nikonov, Independent Consultant & Coordinator of UNECE GRM

Experience in the implementation of the GRM Recommendations
Mr. Donald Macrae, Independent Consultant on Policy and Regulation

Recent developments in market surveillance

Mr. Vigen Enokian, Department for Technical Regulation and Accreditation, Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC)
Presentation [ENG]  [RUS]

Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 on market surveillance
Ms. Monika Schmitteckert, Senior Policy Officer, European Commission

Joint ITC-UNECE Guide on Risk Management for border regulatory agencies
Mr. Valentin Nikonov, Independent Consultant & Coordinator of UNECE GRM

Market Surveillance glossary revision update
Mr. Ivan Hendrikx, Independent Expert
Ms. Vera Despotović, MARS Group Chairperson, Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia

PTB's ongoing support for activities on market surveillance in the UNECE region
Ms. Janin Fischer, Project Coordinator, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Germany

Planning for the 30th UNECE WP.6 plenary (2.-3. November 2020, Geneva)

Conclusions and way forward