The MARS Group held its 10th meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia from 12 to 14 September 2012, at the kind invitation of the Slovak Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing.
The 10th anniversary meeting discusse
- The role of ICSMS in national MS programmes
- Post-Market Surveillance practices and regional cooperation development in UNECE countries
- UNECE Model Programme on Standardization
- Generic Market Surveillance Procedure
- Recommendations “M” and “N”
Download the agenda and the presentation made during the meeting.
Welcome addresses by: Mr. Jozef Mihok, President of SOSMT Mr. Christer Arvius, Chairman of WP.6 Mrs. Kvetoslava Steinlová, MARS Group Chairperson
Information about the 10 years of activities of the MARS-Group and vision for the next period
- Mr. Christer Arvíus, Chairman of WP.6 & Chief of Unit
Traceability of products and cooperation with other competent authorities
- Presentation by Mrs. Nadežda Machútová, General Director of Slovak Trade Inspection
Market Surveillance in the EU: role in the New Legislative Framework (NLF) and actions and future developments
- Presentation by Mrs. Rita L´Abbate, European Commission
The use and administration of ICSMS in Sweden
- Presentation by Mrs. Amina Mackboul, SWEDAC
Roll-out ICSMS in all EU Member States and EFTA States where ICSMS is not yet in use
- Presentation by Mr. Thomas Schrein, ICSMS ASP
UNECE Model Programme on Standardization
- Information by Mrs. Lorenza Jachia, Secretary of WP.6
Regulation on European Standardization package UNECE Recommendation “I”
- Information by Mrs. Kvetoslava Steinlová, SOSMT
Recent Developments in International Cooperation
- Presentation by Mrs. Dana Manová, Czech Trade Inspection
Inspection activities of the Slovak Inspectorate of Metrology in terms of Act on Metrology
- Presentation by Mrs. Jana Slováková, Slovak Inspectorate of Metrology
Cooperation of the Customs Directorate with the Market Surveillance Authorities (MSA) – follow up
- Presentation by Mr. Marian Haršány, Financial Directorate of the Slovak Republic
Technical regulations and standards in the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space
- Presentation by Mrs. Antonina Leskova (ENG RUS), Deputy Director for Technical Normalization and Standardization/BelGISS
EURAS – European Academy for Standardisation
- Presentation by Mrs. Marta Orviská, Faculty of Economics Matej Bel University Banska Bystrica
The ADCO outputs for the NLF Alignment package
- Information by Mrs. Kvetoslava Steinlova