Document title | Documents/Presentations | |||||||||
Report | ENG | FRE | RUS | |||||||
Timetable (rev.2) | ENG | |||||||||
Annotated agenda | ENG | FRE | RUS | |||||||
Session 1: Update of the 2008 SNA and BPM6 (17 May) | ||||||||||
Recording of the Session 1: Update of the 2008 System of National Accounts and Balance of Payments Manual 6th Edition | video | |||||||||
SNA update process (UNSD) | ENG | |||||||||
Towards the 2025 SNA (SNA Update Lead Editor and Project Manager) | ENG | |||||||||
Session 2: New developments in communication, globalization and digitalization | ||||||||||
2.1 Communication (17 May) | ||||||||||
Recording of the Session 2: New developments in communication, globalisation and digitalisation. Communication. | video | |||||||||
How Real-Time Indicators Can be Used to Add Context for Official Statistics (ONS, UK) | ENG | |||||||||
Communication Strategies for the U.S. National Accounts (US BEA) | ENG | |||||||||
Results of Global Consultation: CM.2 - Terminology and Branding (ONS, UK) | ENG | |||||||||
Results of Global Consultation: CM.1 - An Assessment Framework to Measure Alignment with Statistical Standards (IMF) | ENG | |||||||||
CM.1 A Framework for Measuring Alignment with the Economic Accounting and Statistical Standards: Outcome of Global Consultation | ENG | |||||||||
CM.2 Terminology and Branding of the Economic Accounting Statistical Standards: Outcome of Global Consultation | ENG | |||||||||
CM.3 A Taxonomy for Communicating Economic Statistics Releases, Products, and Product Updates: Outcome of Global Consultation | ENG | |||||||||
Global Conference on “Macroeconomic Statistics for the Future” | ENG | |||||||||
2.2 Digitalisation (19 May) | ||||||||||
Recording of the Session 2: New developments in communication, globalisation and digitalisation. Digitalisation. | video | |||||||||
SNA Update: Digitalisation Task Team (Eurostat) | ENG | |||||||||
Recording of data in the National Accounts (Digitalization Task Team) | ENG | FRE | RUS | |||||||
Recording of data in the National Accounts - Presentation (OECD) | ENG | |||||||||
UK’s new Digital Economy Survey (ONS, UK) | ENG | |||||||||
Supply-Use tables for the Digital Economy (Statistics Netherlands) | ENG | |||||||||
2.3 Globalisation (19 May) | ||||||||||
Recording of the Session 2: New developments in communication, globalisation and digitalisation. Globalisation. | video | |||||||||
Update from the Globalisation Task Team (CSO, Ireland) | ENG | |||||||||
G.1 Valuation of Imports and Exports of Goods: Second Stage Survey Results (Globalization Task Team) | ENG | FRE | RUS | |||||||
C.4 Merchanting and Factoryless Producers; Clarifying Negative Exports in Merchanting; and Merchanting of Services: Outcome of Global Consultation (Current Account and Globalization Task Team) | ENG | FRE | RUS | |||||||
G.2 Treatment of Multinational Enterprise and IntraMultinational Enterprise Flows: Outcome of Global Consultation (Globalization Task Team) | ENG | FRE | RUS | |||||||
Mexico's extended supply and use tables and TiVA indicators (INEGI, Mexico) | ENG | |||||||||
Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) in the Indonesian Institutional Sectoral Accounts (Statistics Indonesia) | ENG | |||||||||
Treatment of Marketing Assets and Testing Strategy (IMF) | ENG | |||||||||
Marketing assets in the economic accounting framework (CSO Ireland) | ENG | |||||||||
Session 3: Well-being and sustainability (23 May) | ||||||||||
Recording of the Session 3: Well-being and Sustainability (including environmental aspects of economic development). | Part 1 | Part 2 | ||||||||
SNA Update – Wellbeing and Sustainability issues (OECD, World Bank) | ENG | |||||||||
Estimating the Value of Unpaid Household Work in Canada (Statistics Canada) | ENG | |||||||||
Work on Health Satellite Accounts – Health Care spending by diseases (US, BEA) | ENG | |||||||||
Update on WSTT work on environmental economic accounting (2008 SNA Update Editor) | ENG | |||||||||
Measuring the Changing Wealth of Nations in the Context of the revised SNA (World Bank, Midsummer Analytics) | ENG | |||||||||
A reflection on the ‘Beyond GDP’ agenda ( | ENG | |||||||||
Session 4: Informal economy (25 May) | ||||||||||
Recording of the Session 4: Informal economy | Part 1 | Part 2 | ||||||||
Statistical standards on the Informal economy (ILO) | ENG | FRE | RUS | |||||||
Statistical standards on the Informal economy. Presenation (ILO) | ENG | |||||||||
Statistical Framework for the Informal economy (UNSD) | ENG | |||||||||
Mexico: in-depth review, current practices and challenges in implementing the statistical framework on Informal Economy (INEGI Mexico) | ENG | |||||||||
Background paper: In-depth review of measuring the non-observed and informal economy (Mexico, IMF, UNECE) | ENG | FRE | RUS | |||||||
Informal economy in Indonesia (Statistics Indonesia) | ENG | FRE | RUS | |||||||
Informal economy in Indonesia. Presentation (Statistics Indonesia) | ENG | |||||||||
Detecting under-reporting of value added and value-added tax fraud in National Accounts (Italy) | ENG | FRE | RUS | |||||||
Underground Economy and VAT fraud in National Accounts. Presentation (Italy) | ENG | |||||||||
Group of Experts on National Accounts, online
Group of Experts on National Accounts, online
Online sessions on 17, 19, 23 and 25 May 2022
17 - 25 May 2022