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MWW2024_S5_Denmark_Blix et al_2

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ModernStats World Workshop

21-22 October 2024, Geneva

Adopting GSBPM in a national statistical institute

Speaker: Karin Blix, Statistics Denmark

Author(s): Karin Blix and Peter Stoltze, Statistics Denmark


This paper presents Statistics Denmark’s ongoing work of adopting GSBPM in the organisation. The process

has been slow, but after a period of increased staff turnover, the need for a common terminology, more

standardisation and transparency became more apparent and the process has taken on speed. As part of the

process of gaining momentum in the implementation of GSBPM in the organisation, the translated Danish

version has been supplemented with a greater relation to internal conditions in Statistics Denmark. For each

phase of GSBPM, a description of the phase and the sub-process relating it to internal conditions is given. For

each phase a (non-exhaustive) list of relevant quality assurance measures is given. Relevant framework systems

and what to fill in the quality report (in what field of SIMS (Single Integrated Metadata Structure)) is also

described. Examples of visualisations of the phases and sub-processes is also included to inspire and promote

common standards for process documentation. At present, a project of framework systems and data flows is in

progress. GSBPM is central in defining common data states in the production cycle (steady states).

MWW2024_S1_Denmark_Blix et al_1

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ModernStats World Workshop

21-22 October 2024, Geneva

Using standards to develop a system for coherent metadata for

production and dissemination in Denmark

Speaker: Karin Blix, Statistics Denmark

Author(s): Karin Blix and Anne Kaag Andersen, Statistics Denmark


Over the past decade and a half, Statistics Denmark has worked on implementing a consistent and coherent

metadata system to promote statistical interoperability, enable reuse of metadata and metadata driven

production. In the implementation international standards are used and focus is given to increasing efficiency,

by using standardised metadata actively and systematically in the production of official statistics and for

dissemination to users. The content and organisation of structural metadata follows the recommendations and

standard outlined in Generic Statistical Information Model (GSIM). GSIM supports the information objects that

go into and out of the sub processes of the Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM) which is also

taken into account. This paper presents Statistics Denmark’s documentation portal, which displays relationships

between quality reports (based on the EU Standard Single Integrated Metadata Structure, SIMS), classifications

(applying the Neuchâtel Terminology Model) and code lists, as well as the documentation of data series and



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UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE CONFERENCE OF EUROPEAN STATISTICIANS Expert Meeting on Statistical Data Collection and Sources 22-24 May 2024, Geneva, Switzerland

19 April 2024

Make it easy to refuse

Marie Fuglsang and Bo Bilde (Statistics Denmark, Denmark) [email protected] Abstract Statistics Denmark has implemented a refusal link in digital invitations to voluntary surveys. This ‘no-thanks’ option allows individuals invited via Digital Post to indicate that they do not wish to participate in the survey. This minimizes the burden on invitees by avoiding repeated unwanted contact. It also means we can streamline our efforts and avoid wasting resources chasing responses from those who are not interested. In this way, we can use resources to increase the response rate among those who potentially want to participate. When a respondent chooses ‘no thanks’ to participation, we inquire about why they choose to decline participation. By 2023, the ‘no-thanks’ option has been implemented on all surveys, and generally, the most common reasons for declining participation are that respondents receive too many requests to participate in surveys, they don’t have time, and ‘other,’ which covers statements like ‘I don’t feel like it’ and ‘I just don’t want to answer.’ Additionally, there is also an ‘other’ option where respondents can write other reasons. The responses provide insight into the reasons for non-participation, which we use as input to understand what prevents invitees from participating and therefore, what we can do differently in future surveys.

  • Make it easy to refuse

Modernising CPI Production - PPI as an Official User, Denmark, Canada, Finland, Switzerland

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Modernising CPI Production

PPI as an Official User

Paper presented at the Meeting of the Group of Experts on Consumer Price Indices

Palais des Nations, Geneva, 9 June 2023

R. Draper – Danmarks Statistik (Denmark)

X. Ha – Statistics Canada (Canada)

A. Hernandez Santacoloma – BFS (Switzerland)

S. Pesonen – Statistics Finland (Finland)

S. Tåg – Statistics Finland (Finland)

The views expressed by the authors do not necessarily represent the positions of their institutions.

Any errors and omissions are only the responsibility of the authors.

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1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................3

2 A Framework For Using CPIs in SPPI Calculation ................................................................................................4

3 Voorburg Group Alternative Data Survey ..........................................................................................................8

4 Case Study Overview ..........................................................................................................................................9

5 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................................... 11

6 Case Studies ..................................................................................................................................................... 12

6.1 Case Study 1: Canada .............................................................................................................................. 12

6.2 Case Study 2: Finland ............................................................................................................................... 16

6.3 Case Study 3: Switzerland ........................................................................................................................ 22

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For over 30 years, the Voorburg Group on Service Statistics (VBG) has worked towards expanding Producer Price

Index (PPI) coverage to services by establishing and maintaining an internationally comparable methodology for

measuring output and producer price indices for the service industries. Whether a country is expanding to include

an activity for the first time or re-evaluating data availability, VBG members have increasingly incorporated

Consumer Price Indices (CPIs) into their PPI programs. Common solutions, where appropriate, have the potential

to simultaneously reduce costs and the level of burden on both statistical institutions and respondents, whilst also

providing a swift route to higher levels of coverage.

To compliment member based efforts and an earlier expansion of the SPPI Development Guide1, the Voorburg

Group has in recent times embarked on a number of task forces to work towards the formalization of a framework

for the use of CPI. Furthermore, a VBG member survey has been augmented to collect information on the usage

of alternative data sources, including the use of CPI, in the production of SPPIs.

The VBG member survey results indicate that PPI programmes are indeed utilising CPIs to a large degree in the

coverage of service based activity. This naturally raises the question of how this relationship and dataflow should

be managed and raises if PPI should be considered as an official user.

This companion paper builds upon and is complimentary to the largely theoretical paper, Alignment of

Methodology and Scope between Services Producer Price Indices (SPPIs) and Consumer Price Indices (CPIs):

Developing a framework for using CPIs in SPPI calculation2, by enhancing the discussion with practical success

cases from three VBG member countries.

1 Eurostat-OECD Methodological Guide for Developing Producer Price Indices for Services: Second Edition. 2 Alignment of Methodology and Scope between Services Producer Price Indices (SPPIs) and Consumer Price Indices (CPIs):

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Chapter two provides an overview of the framework for using CPIs in SPPI calculation. Chapter three presents

results from the VBG alternative data survey with a focus on CPI usage. Chapter four gives a summary of the three

practical case studies. Chapter five summarises the major conclusions. Chapter 6 includes the three case studies

in their entirety as self-contained bodies of work.


The theoretically driven companion paper sets the foundation for a framework leveraging common fundamentals3

to address obvious and subtle divergences in concepts and purpose. The framework, from the PPI perspective,

lays the foundation for judging if a CPI is fit-for-purpose as an alternative data source. From the CPI perspective it

provides a set of criteria to be aware of when delivering CPIs for use by PPI. This section of the paper provides a

selection of key aspects from the framework, and is in some instances an extract from the companion paper,

giving context to the case studies and for important considerations for CPI statisticians when considering PPI as

an official user. A full and detailed discussion of these aspects can be found in the companion paper, Alignment

of Methodology and Scope between Services Producer Price Indices (SPPIs) and Consumer Price Indices (CPIs):

Developing a framework for using CPIs in SPPI calculation (2021).

Valuation Basis. Differences in the valuation basis (or valuation principle) require adjustment when such

differences impact price development differently for the purposes of CPI versus PPI. Where CPIs aim to measure

transactions in purchasers’ prices; SPPIs aim to measure transactions in basic prices.

The System of National Accounts (SNA) defines the basic price as the amount receivable by the producer from the purchaser for a unit of a good or service produced as output minus any tax payable, and plus any subsidy receivable, by the producer as a consequence of its production or sale. It excludes any transport charges invoiced

Developing a framework for using CPIs in SPPI calculation. 3 The ten steps for price statistics development provides common fundamentals for consideration and can be found in three official price statistics manuals including: An Overview of the Steps Necessary for Developing PPIs (PPI Manual; 2004; p50- 60); An Overview of the Steps Necessary for Developing XMPIs p59-70; and Chapter 1 (CPI Manual; 2020; p1-27)

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separately by the producer. Basic prices exclude any taxes on products the producer receives from the purchaser and passes on to government but include any subsidies the producer receives from government and uses to lower the prices charged to purchasers4. SNA also defines the concept of purchaser’s price which corresponds to the amount paid by the purchaser,

excluding any VAT or similar tax deductible by the purchaser, in order to take delivery of a unit of a good or service

at the time and place required by the purchaser. The purchaser’s price of a good includes any transport charges

paid separately by the purchaser to take delivery at the required time and place.5

The figure below6 gives an overview of the official differences between basic and purchasers’ prices:

Basic prices (PPI) +

Taxes on products excluding invoiced VAT -

Subsidies on products +

VAT not deductible by the purchaser +

Separately invoiced transport charges +

Wholesalers’ and retailers’ margins =

Purchasers’ prices (CPI)

If CPI data is used in the compilation of SPPIs it must at least be adjusted from valuation at purchasers’ prices to

basic prices, as basic prices are more conceptually correct to the remuneration that producers actually receive.

Explicit fees that are added to the price at the point of sale, such as value added tax and excise duties, are typically

calculated as a percentage of the price and therefore easy to remove from the CPI data. Removing the implicit

fees (taxes on products other than VAT, freight, and insurance) is more difficult because they are hard both to

identify and to quantify. Additionally, adjustments should be made for subsidies on products and services which

are not included in CPIs.

Nomenclature and Imputation. The compilation of the SPPI and the CPI are based on different classification

structures. The PPI can be compiled according to industry or product classification, for example, International

Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) and Central Product Classification (CPC). “The

CPC classifies products based on the physical properties and the intrinsic nature of the products as well as on the

4 System of National Accounts (2008), Page 101 5 When a purchaser buys directly from the producer, the purchaser’s price may exceed the producer’s price by: (1) The value of any non-

deductible VAT, payable by the purchaser;(2) the value of any transport charges on a good paid separately by the purchaser and not included in the producer’s price; and (3) If purchasers buy output not from the producer directly but from a wholesaler or retailer, it is necessary to include their margins in the difference between basic and purchasers’ prices also. 6 System of National Accounts (2008), Page 103 (§ 6.69)

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principle of industrial origin”7. The CPI is compiled according to the Classification of Individual Consumption

According to Purpose (COICOP). “COICOP classifies individual consumption according to purpose”8.

Although efforts have been made for a certain level of harmonization to exist between different classification

standards differences need to be duly noted. When concordance between nomenclatures is less certain matching

must be implemented at more specific and detailed levels.

A typical example of where classifications are misaligned is honey.

 Industry classifications, for example, ISIC Rev.4 – Honey classified to 0149 Raising of other animals as

“bee-keeping and production of honey and beeswax”.

 Product classifications, for example, CPC 2.1 – Honey classified to 029 Other animal products as 02910

Natural honey.

 Consumption classifications, for example, COICOP 2018 – Honey classified to 01.1.8 Sugar,

confectionery and desserts (ND) as Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit purée and pastes,

honey (ND).

In each nomenclature honey is classified and aggregates with a different group of products. Misalignment of

nomenclatures at higher levels of aggregation presents an issue when imputation is necessary. This was especially

of concern during the pandemic where imputations were much more broad based and deep in the aggregation

structure. The Voorburg Group has produced an initial attempt at a concordance utilising the European CPA

product nomenclature defined at the 6-digit level of detail and COICOP 2018 defined at the 4-digit level of detail9.

Communication about PPI’s use of CPIs and in turn CPI’s provision of information about periodic imputations is

therefore very important so that each statistic can make informed decisions in the support of each other.

7 Central Product Classification, Ver.2.1 (2015),Page 4 8 Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (2018), Page 24 9 see An_attempt_to_define_concordance_between_CPIs_and_SPPIs.xls

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International trade in services and Supply-Use Tables. The SPPI measures changes in the price received for

services provided by domestic companies to the domestic market and to export. The CPI measures changes in

the prices for all services available for the consumer, including imported services. Where large shares of domestic

production are destined for export and/or large shares of resident demand are fulfilled by imports the CPI may

not be a fit-for-purpose replacement for PPI. Detailed information from supply-use tables can be utilised to

understand international trade impacts as well as understand the extent of household final consumption. These

calculations will result in either the CPI being a full replacement, partial replacement (with direct collection

required for production destined to domestic businesses and/or export) or not deemed fit-for-purpose.

Diagram originates from R.Draper and M.Fridén (Statistics Sweden, 2019) – “SPPIs by customer sector - ”the Swedish experience” (34 th

Voorburg Meeting).

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Each year the Voorburg Group conducts a survey to assess SPPI coverage by member countries. Since 2021 this

survey has included questions on the usage of alternative data to fulfil coverage either entirely or in combination

with traditional direct collection methods. The predominant alternative data source is the use of CPI and the

predominant industries are: Transport and storage; Accommodation and food service activities; and Information

and communication. The increasing usage of CPIs within PPI programmes pushed the agenda forward for the

Voorburg Group to produce the more official framework documentation.

This table shows the frequency of CPI usage per 4-digit class as per industry classification. The survey was based on a sample of 15 countries: Australia, Canada, China, Denmark, Ireland, Japan, Latvia, México, Poland, Republic of Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States. Full results are available via the Voorburg Group website and are updated on an annual basis. The results show that the use of CPI to fulfil coverage in PPI has become a widely accepted practise. Implementation has naturally begun in those activities that are predominantly sold to households with the expectation that dialogue amongst stakeholder will lead to further use. The case studies provide examples of where these discussions are taking place and value is being leveraged. In these instances PPI can be considered to be verging on becoming an official user and even more so an important collaborator.

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The case studies from Switzerland, Finland and Canada present compelling and practical insight into how a

structured and integrated approach can be a significant enabler in creating value, mitigating risk whilst also being

cost effective.

The cases provide practical guidance for other countries looking to implement a more integrated approach in the

production of CPIs and PPIs including insight around the challenges faced when implementing such paradigm shifts

in their respective offices. Some common themes throughout the case studies are the importance of cooperation;

harmonisation; coherence; communication; resource optimisation and burden reduction.

Multi-disciplinary collaborations are also exemplified between business statistics, price statistics and national

accounts where a balance of perspectives are key in collective improvements to evolving methods, standards and

concepts. These benefits are felt both from technical and strategic perspectives encompassing not just

methodological considerations but also quality and cultural aspects where collaboration and harmonization is key

to a modern, coherent and sustainable production of CPIs, PPIs and more broadly economic statistics.

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What these case studies show is that in many respects PPIs aren’t just a user of CPIs but an essential collaborator

harking back to the concept of seeing price statistics as a system rather than individual outputs. This coordinated

approach seems to translate to harmonised statistics with data based on standardised concepts, definitions, and

classifications. This in-turn maximises opportunities that statistics are able to be used and correlated between

statistical products and across statistical domains in a coherent manner.

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The CPI represents a viable opportunity to increase and/or replace coverage in the production of service based

PPIs. Conceptual differences between the PPI and CPI, which are consistent with the primary uses of the two

measures, need to be carefully considered in order to ensure accurate and a theoretically and practically sound

suite of price indicators.

The Voorburg Group Alternative Data Survey shows a clear prevalence of CPI being utilised in a widespread

fashion. This essentially shifts the conversation from the extent to which CPI is being utilised to what is best

practise in managing this use going forward. A more formalised and harmonised approach, exemplified in the case

studies, shows a promising value-add opportunity.

The framework for using CPIs in PPIs presents the more technical aspects for consideration concerning concepts

and methods and the case studies provide, in more practical terms, a look beyond the technical to the strategic

with an emphasis on communication and formalised data and metadata sharing. The framework also serves as a

guide to CPI regarding aspects important to PPI as an official user.

Beyond a user based relationship there exists an opportunity for more extensive collaboration. Shared data

collection, taking into account the needs of both CPI and PPI, takes a front row seat with the retail industry and

scanner data a salient example.

This paper, as well as its companion paper, lay theoretical technical foundations and practical strategic experiences to support institutions and researchers alike in implementing their own solutions in the utilisation and management of CPI as an alternative and sustainable data source for the coverage of PPIs.

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6.1 CASE STUDY 1: CANADA Authors: Xin Ha Voorburg Group Meeting 2023 Taskforce: CPI use in the context of PPI Title: CPI and PPI’s partnership at Statistics Canada

Abstract: This case study illustrates the collaboration of consumer and producer price indices at Statistics Canada, covering how CPI and PPI benefit from each other, and which aspects should be considered to enable mutually beneficial cooperation. Currently PPI utilizes CPI in three different ways: data sharing, proxies, and direct use of calculated indices. This increases efficiency and reduces response burden. The case study also presents the usage of PPIs in the CPI. Finally, the collaboration between PPI, CPI and the national accounts is introduced to promote coherent and transparent use of deflators.

Key concepts: Using CPI in producing PPI, National Accounts

Background For a long time, Statistics Canada’s efforts in producing PPIs were concentrated in the goods sector of the economy. Among these indices, the most significant was the Industrial Producer Price Index, a price index measuring prices within the manufacturing industry. However, with the growing importance of the service sector within the Canadian economy, development of the SPPIs began in the early 2000s. This resulted in the formation of a separate Producer Prices Division responsible for outputting produce price indices, which has so far cumulated in over twenty-five price indices measuring the trades, transportation, finance, insurance, telecom, and professional services at both a product and industry classification level. At Statistics Canada, while the calculation of the PPIs and CPIs are handled by different divisions, an effort is made to work together to find synergies where possible. To understand the differences between the CPI and PPI within the Canadian context and how the CPI is used within the PPI and vice versa, the case study will be organized as follows. First, an overview of the PPI program will be explained. Next, the use of the CPI in PPIs is explored. Finally, an analysis of how collaboration between the CPI, PPI and system of national accounts can result in better outputs for all three programs.

Overview of PPI Program Data Collection and Type of Price Collected In the PPIs, data is collected in three ways. The most common way is with electronic questionnaires (EQs). The EQs are sent to respondents who can then fill it out online and submit it electronically. This is convenient for the respondent, saves on cost and increases timeliness. Another way of collecting data is using administrative data. This could be data from third parties or directly from the respondent. Usually, administrative data are much larger

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data files that are a rich source of data and can significantly improve the quality of a price index. The third way of collecting data is by web scraping. Although this is an effective method to collect many data points, it is sometimes difficult to know if the price collected is a transaction price. When collecting prices from respondents, it is not always possible to distinguish between business-to-all, business-to-business, and business-to-consumer. For example, for the couriers price index, prices are collected online directly from the respondent website. In this case, it is not possible to distinguish who the courier is offering its service to is a consumer or business. As such, Statistics Canada does not make this distinction when publishing the price indices.

Calculation of Price Indices At Statistics Canada, there is a centralized application that is used to calculate the CPI and some of the PPIs that was developed jointly by both divisions. However, more recently, some of the PPIs have been calculated using open-source tools such as R, the reason being that the centralized application was slow and inflexible. For example, calculation times were slow, the type of indices that could be calculated were limited i.e. Laspeyres-type indices, and required IT support to make updates or fix bugs. Using open-source tools allows for much more flexibility. Calculation times are faster, many more types of price indices can be calculated, and updates or fixes can be implemented faster without requiring IT support. This new process has resulted in many efficiencies such as reducing the amount of time spent on production, leading to more time spent on improving existing price indices and developing new price indices10.

Use of CPIs in PPIs The use of CPIs in PPIs within the Statistics Canada framework is threefold: data sharing, the use of CPIs as proxies, and the use of CPI as a total replacement for a PPI.

Data Sharing Recently, CPI has leveraged the use of administrative data sources more and more. In some of these cases, the data source can be used in the PPI context as well. An example is the use of scanner data. If retailers can provide data on margins, it can be used as a replacement for survey data to measure the margin movements of the retail services industry. This not only reduces the response burden, but also increases the accuracy of the measurement since instead of using a sample of the data from the respondent, a census of the data is used. This is precisely what is occurring now within the Retail Services Price Index. Where possible, respondent data is being replaced by scanner data when margin information is available. As noted, this leads to much better estimates, reduces the response burden from filling out electronic questionnaires and is timelier since scanner data is received soon after the end of reference period. Use of CPI Proxies in PPIs Another use of the CPIs within the PPI is their use as proxies. Due to the different publication dates of the different PPIs, in certain situations where the PPIs are not timely for the preliminary GDP estimates, CPIs are used as proxies to help our System of National Accounts partners deflate their current dollars figure to real GDP before the actual PPIs numbers are available. Thus, for preliminary estimates, CPI can be used and when PPIs data is available, it will be used in the revision to produce the final estimates.

Total Replacement Sometimes it is necessary to use a component of the CPI as total replacement for the PPIs. There are a few reasons that this might occur. First, the data used to calculate the price index of the product or industry does not

10 Modernisation of Retail Services Price Index – 2022 Voorburg Group Meetings

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necessarily have a clear partition between the consumer and producer side. Thus, using one index to represent both the consumer and producer movement is sufficient. Second, acquiring a data set to calculate the movements within the producer sector might not be feasible, and to the analyst’s determination, the CPI represents a reasonable approximation to be used as a total replacement. An example where total replacement is occurring is in the traveller’s accommodation sector where the CPI component is used to capture the price movements of business travel.

Considerations of Using CPIs in PPIs The CPI is a measure of prices paid by households for final demand goods whereas the PPI is a measure of prices received by producers. The products sold by producers could be either intermediate inputs or final demand goods. As such, the pricing concept between the CPI and PPI often do not align but this is not always the case. Furthermore, sometimes the pros of using the CPIs in the PPIs even given the differences outweigh the cons of not having any measure. In the following, a couple of examples from the Statistics Canada experience illustrate the decision-making process when deciding whether to use the CPIs in the PPIs. In the first example, as already written, the traveller’s accommodation component in the CPI is used to capture the price movements of business travel accommodation in the PPI. A couple of factors were considered when taking this decision. First, access to a data source outlining the prices paid by businesses was difficult to come by and thus, it was not possible to distinguish the prices paid by individuals or businesses. The main data source available were the websites of the various hotel chains. Second, although it is known that the prices paid by individuals and businesses differ, through research, it was determined that the actual price movements do not differ much. This is because businesses, when negotiating with hotel chains, often receive a set percentage off the published rates. Since the discount is a fixed percentage, the price movements between individuals and businesses will not differ. As a result, it was decided that the price movements in the CPI component of traveller’s accommodation was a good enough approximation of business travellers. The next example relates to the retail services industry. This is an industry where the pricing concepts between the PPI and CPI align very similarly. The prices paid by households without taxes are what is received by producers. Removing taxes from the prices is a simple exercise which will allow for the usage of these prices in the PPIs. With the collection of scanner data from retailers for use in the CPI, it can also be leveraged for use within the PPIs.

Collaboration of CPI, PPI, and National Accounts In Statistics Canada, there is constant communication between the teams of the CPI, PPI, and National Accounts on how the price indices are used by the National Accounts. There are regular meetings to discuss the needs of the National Accounts and to present developmental price indices that are being produced within the PPIs to understand if it would be useful for them and more importantly, if conceptually it is measuring the same concept as the National Accounts. Through these meetings, existing price indices are improved, and missing gaps can be filled. Unfortunately, it is not possible to cover the entire universe due to constraints, and there will be gaps where price indices do not exist for a certain product or industry. In these circumstances, the National Accounts will derive their own implicit price indices using such data as wages, and industry turnover information. Finally, the classification systems among the three different areas are not always the same. This will present problems when trying to concord between the different classifications as it is not always the case where a perfect match can be found. Thus, improved coordination between the different classifications will lead to better use of the price indices.

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Future Considerations In general, the CPIs and PPIs measure different sectors of the economy and from a first glance, there might not be much of a role for the CPIs in the PPIs. However, the delineation between the CPIs and PPIs are not always clear and the two sectors often intersect such as in the retail services industry. With the proliferation of scanner data use, it is now possible to have such a rich data set in the calculation of price indices. In the acquisition of such data sets, if the needs of PPIs are taken into consideration along with the CPIs, the opportunity exists to satisfy the needs of both measures. This is just one example and there are others where the sharing of data sources could be beneficial such as in the automotive, insurance and telecommunication industries. Thus, it is encouraged, in the future provision of large administrative data sources, both the demands of the CPIs and PPIs are taken into consideration.

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Authors: Siiri Pesonen and Susanna Tåg Voorburg Group Meeting 2023 Taskforce: CPI use in the context of SPPI Title: CPI and SPPI’s partnership at Statistics Finland

Abstract: This case study aims to illustrate the collaboration of consumer and producer price indices at Statistics Finland. The case study covers how CPI and PPI benefit from each other, and which aspects should be considered to enable mutually beneficial cooperation. Currently SPPI utilizes CPI in three different ways; customized data collection, joint data collection and calculation, and direct use of calculated indices. This increases efficiency and reduces response burden. The case study also presents the Deflator Group, which formally facilitates collaboration between price indices, volume indices and national accounts and promotes coherent and transparent use of deflators.

Key concepts: Using CPI in producing SPPI, Deflator group

Background Statistics Finland's first indices of SPPI were published in 2004. In the beginning only BtoB prices were included in the index. Cooperation with CPI began around 2009, when first BtoAll indices were formed. At first, BtoAll indices were only delivered to Eurostat, but in 2014 Statistics Finland began to publish a national BtoAll index. The use of CPI in SPPI increased as the mentions of BtoAll indices and division of the indices by end user became more common in the drafts of EBS regulation. Statistics Finland has published BtoAll, BtoB, and BtoC indices since 2018. SPPI utilizes CPI data in three different ways: data collection customized for SPPI by CPI’s interviewers and from APIs, joint data collection and calculation, and direct use of CPI’s published indices. Not only do producer price indices benefit from CPI, but CPI also utilizes PPI’s data on electricity prices. All mentioned ways require teamwork at setup phase and communication whenever there are changes in data, calculation methods, economic landscape, or requirements of either of the statistics. Therefore, the two price indices not only use each other’s data but produce data together.

Source Classification Used in Sharing

CPI Accommodation, CPA 55 SPPI, BtoB Data collection

CPI Technical testing and analysis services, CPA 71.20

SPPI, BtoB Data collection

CPI Passenger air transport services, CPA 51.10 SPPI, BtoB Data collection, calculation

CPI Telecommunication services, CPA 61.1 and 61.2

SPPI, BtoB Data collection, calculation

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PPI Electricity, CPA 35.11 PPI, CPI Data collection, calculation

CPI Multiple product groups, see detailed list in Annex I

SPPI, BtoB and BtoC

Direct use of CPI

CPI Multiple product groups, see detailed list in Annex I

SPPI, BtoC Direct use of CPI

Customized data collection Along with CPI’s own data collection of consumer prices, BtoB price data is also collected for SPPI’s use. As the information comes from same enterprises, responding to only one price survey is practical and more efficient. The data is gathered by SPPI’s specifications and not used in the compilation of CPI. Customized data collection is utilized in accommodation (prices of hotel rooms for one person on Wednesdays or Thursdays, under CPA 55) and technical testing and analysis services (prices of roadworthiness inspections for heavy traffic, under CPA 71.20). These price observations are imported to SPPI’s production system and treated like other SPPI’s price observations.

Joint data collection and calculation For passenger air transport services (CPA 51.10) and telecommunication services (CPA 61.1 and 61.2) CPI takes care of data collection and handling as well as price change calculation for both statistics. The data include separate data sets for both statistics, thus both price indices receive prices according to their own requirements. Calculated microlevel indices are imported into SPPI’s production system. This is practical when a large price dataset is available from a single source for both statistics. Flight prices are collected from Amadeus API and the python program used in the collection is maintained by CPI- team. Telecommunication data for consumers and businesses is received directly from teleoperators. CPI and SPPI teams negotiate the terms of the data collection together, but CPI maintains calculation. As CPI handles all communication with the enterprises and all price data is included in one data export, response burden of the enterprises decreases.

Direct use of CPI indices SPPI also utilizes CPI’s published indices in BtoC index as well as in BtoB index when applicable. When BtoC-prices make up most of the market or BtoC prices serve as a good proxy for SPPI, this method can be applied. CPI indices are either processed as a part of SPPI’s price observations or used alone as a direct replacement of SPPI. CPI indices are used in the following service groups: passenger transport services; postal services; accommodation and food services; information and communication services; rental and leasing services; technical testing and analysis services; rental and leasing services of motor vehicles; tour operator services; cleaning services; education services; arts, entertainment and recreation services and other services. (Detailed list in Annex I)

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CPI as PPI’s user Consumer price index may benefit from producer price data, as well. For example, in the fall of 2022 CPI switched to PPI’s electricity price data as it covered better the necessary aspects of the electricity market. For similar reasons, consumer price index has utilized PPI’s data on electricity prices in the past, too. Although price indices at Statistics Finland aim to take all applicable statistics into consideration when setting up a data collection, PPI could not meet CPI's requirements for the timeliness of data. The data collection was set up in the past by the standards of Regulation (EU) 2016/1952 on natural gas and electricity prices. As PPI’s production schedule differs from CPI’s, the survey on electricity prices is closed after CPI is calculated for that month.

Flow of collaboration between price indices, volume indices and national accounts At Statistics Finland, collaboration between price indices, volume indices and national accounts is both formal and informal. The deflator group was founded to formally facilitate cooperation and convey information between price indices and deflator users. Much of the day-to-day work and smaller ongoing developments, however, happen more informally through conversations between the affected statistics.

Introducing the Deflator Group Statistics Finland established the so-called deflator group in 2016. The deflator group is a cross-cutting cooperation group that brings together different price and volume statistics, in particular business statistics, price statistics and national accounts. The group's goal is to achieve a more consistent use of deflators which would lead to more harmonized economic figures. The deflator group is responsible for the common deflators used in short-term volume statistics for manufacturing and services as well as for national accounts. Volume statistics for construction and trade are part of the group, as well, and use the common statistical production system, although they have their own statistic specific deflators. There were several reasons for setting up the group. First, economic trends in short-term volume indices and national accounts required harmonization. In addition, European Business Statistics regulation (EBS) was under development, which brought new statistical needs, such as the introduction of the monthly index of services production. There was also an urgent need for a new production system of volume indices. Consistency in deflator use means that we want to apply the same methods when, for example, combining deflators and creating weight structures and product-price links. Aligned product-price links indicate that a product is deflated with the same price index across all statistics. Initially, the work of the group also included the development of a common statistical production environment. All the methods, structures and product-price links of deflators are maintained in a common production system for deflators called Deflaattori. The group maintains and develops deflators together and it is important to share information between price and volume statistics to achieve the most coherent statistics possible. The group has regular meetings and a communication channel where it is easy to discuss current news and development with each other.

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Success factors for collaboration between CPI and PPI Collaboration between price indices is successful when communication is open, processes are transparent, and each statistic’s specific needs are taken into consideration from the beginning. On-going communication is essential especially when there are changes in the economic landscape or legislation. For instance, VAT of passenger transport services was reduced from 10 per cent to 0 per cent from January to April 2023. As CPI’s indices on passenger transport services are used directly in SPPI, ignoring the VAT change would have led to a biased producer price index. Open communication is important regarding methodological improvements, as well. For example, CPI switched the index formula used in telecommunication services’ microlevel data according to a recommendation from Eurostat. Because CPI team oversaw telecommunication data for both indices, they knew the same improvement could be implemented into SPPI. Thus, the methodological improvement was implemented quickly to both statistics. An additional but not crucial success factor at Statistics Finland is sharing the same production system and thereby similar processes and database structure. This makes the technical side run more smoothly. Another component to facilitate cooperation is organizational structure; as Statistics Finland the same team is responsible for data collection and processing for both consumer and producer prices.

Future considerations Price statistics currently share a production system, but price data is still widely treated as being specific to a certain statistic. In most cases, price data cannot truly be processed only once for the use of multiple statistics. Instead, data must be copied from one statistic’s database to another. Sharing a common data pool for all price data and describing the observations with the required classifications, price measures and other metadata would enable a truly unified price data pool. Improving and integrating the price data pool further into a common commodity data pool is among the strategic goals of Statistics Finland.

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Annex I. CPI indices in SPPI

CPA CPA name COICOP In BtoB index

In BtoC index

491019 Other passenger rail transport services, interurban Long-distance train journeys


49311 Urban and suburban railway transport services of passengers Short-distance train journeys


493121 Urban and suburban scheduled road transport services of passengers Urban and suburban passenger transport


493211 Taxi services Passenger transport by taxi and hired car with driver


493911 Interurban scheduled road transport services of passengers Long-distance passenger transport by coach


501012 Sea and coastal passenger water transport services on cruise ships Passenger transport by sea


50101201 Sea and coastal passenger water transport services on cruise ships, route traffic Cruises abroad X X

511 Passenger air transport services 07.3.3 Passenger transport by air


522124 Parking lot services Parking fee X X

53101 Postal services under universal service obligation

08.1 Postal services X

55101 Room or unit accommodation services for visitors, with daily housekeeping (except time-share)

11.2 Accommodation services X

56 Food and beverage serving services 11.1 Catering services X X

58131 Printed newspapers Subscription to a newspaper


58141 Printed journals and periodicals Subscription to a periodical


5914 Motion picture projection services Cinemas X X

592 Sound recording and music publishing services Music services X X

60201 Television programming and broadcasting services Subscription to cable TV and pay-TV


61 Telecommunications services 08.3 Telephone and telefax services


682011 Rental and operating services of own or leased residential real estate

04.1.1 Actual rentals paid by tenants


68311 Real estate agency services on a fee or contract basis Estate agents' commission


712014 Technical inspection services of road transport vehicles Road worthiness tests


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77111 Rental and leasing services of cars and light motor vehicles Car rental X X

7912 Tour operator services Package international holidays


812111 General home cleaning services Cleaning X

812213 Furnace and chimney cleaning services Chimney sweeping X

855 Other education services 10 EDUCATION X X

855311 Car driving school services Driving lesson X X

90 Creative, arts and entertainment services Theatres and opera houses


931 Sporting services Sporting event X X

931 Sporting services Other sporting services


93111 Sports facility operation services Swimming pool fees


93131 Services of fitness facilities Fitness centres and gyms


93211 Amusement park and theme park services Fairgrounds and amusement parks


952912 Repair services of bicycles Bicycle maintenance


9601 Washing and (dry-)cleaning services of textile and fur products Cleaning of clothing X

96021 Hairdressing and other beauty treatment services

12.1.1 Hairdressing salons and personal grooming establishments


96041 Physical well-being services Neck and shoulder massage


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Author: Angela Hernandez Santacoloma Voorburg Group Meeting 2023 Taskforce: CPI use in the context of SPPI

Abstract: This paper aims to showcase the use of CPIs in SPPIs in the Swiss Federal Statistical Office, exploring the benefits and drawbacks of this approach and the theoretical concepts behind each index. This case in particular, discusses a part of the problem in the use of CPIs in the context of SPPIs. In the process of writing this document it became evident the lack of shared principles that can facilitate, regulate and ignite collaborative and systematic uses of CPIs as an established alternative data source for SPPI’s.

Keywords: SPPI as an Official user of CPI, official alternative data sources, benefits, drawbacks, case study. Introduction This document is structured as a case study including a large theoretical description of the underlying intricacies of the concepts that differentiate and relate data from CPIs and SPPIs. The first section, “Background”, presents the elements that have defined the collaboration between CPIs and SPPIs, from the human relationships to the organizational aspects that, in this particular case, have played a major role. Moreover, we present shortly the actual use of CPI data, which will be presented in more detail later in the section outcomes. We will as well shortly mention some of the aspects that could require further analysis. In the second section, “Issues regarding the use of CPIs in SPPIs”, we present four main problems that should be looked upon. In particularly we discuss that there is a possibility that the current use we make of CPI data is limited and there could be a potential for additional applications. Moreover, we give men- tion to some of the conceptual issues that must be clarified when taking data from CPIs. The third section, “Essential differences between CPIs and SPPIs”, sets a conceptual framework for the underlying conceptual differences that set apart both indices. The section “Outcomes” presents the current cases in which and how we use CPI data at the Swiss Fed- eral Statistical Office while at the end exemplifying with the cases of the postal services and the tele- communications. Finally, we put forward the main takeaways of this document in the concluding remarks.

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Background The SPPI in Switzerland is dated to the beginning of the twenty-first century when the first indices were published in 2001, whereas PPIs date back to 1914. The Swiss SPPI is younger compared to the 30-plus years of experience of other country members of the Voorburg Group. Nevertheless, the organizational structure of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office has, ever since the be- ginning, facilitated the exchange and closeness between teams working in different domains of Price Statistics. Due to this structure, where CPI and PPI belong to the same unit and physically, since 1998, share an open space office; exchange between teams has occurred naturally. Thus, high cooperation exists within the Price unit, which has been reinforced by the establishment of formal collaborative pro- jects in transversal working groups for all price statistics. These working groups share methods, know- how, brainstorming, and guidelines for practice harmonization. As of today, there are no transversal working groups in data collection, price data conceptualization and risk management. Mainly, because each statistic is responsible for ensuring its own methodological aspects, thus, there is no specific posi- tion dedicated to overseeing all collaborations between CPI and SPPI in a general way. The collaboration for the purpose of data sharing between CPIs and SPPIs has been informal yet custom. It began in 2001 with the Gas and electricity sector, followed by the Telecommunications sector, and later extended to many other sectors. In total, there are 16 areas of cooperation, as we will observe ahead. The collaboration between the two price statistics, although not formalized, is officially commu- nicated to our users, as in the following example of Water supply and sewerage. This is done via our Base Method publication: … The supply of water and sewerage, together with waste management, recycling and remediation activities constitute Section E of the NOGA, the Swiss version of the NACE: Until now, only the collection of waste paper and scrap metal recycling were included in the PPI. The supply of water and sewerage are henceforth included in the index of goods for the domestic market. These economic activities are actually of significant importance to the national economy and the “private businesses” group of clients’ accounts for a sizeable share of their turnover. As a reminder, household expenses for water supply and sewerage are already included in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). In the domestic market PPI, total turn- over (B2AII) is divided between the client groups “businesses” (B2B) and “households” (B2C). For the B2C index, the figures are retaken from the CPI. … While in Switzerland the use of CPIs has been focused on the retake of indices or prices for the Business to Consumer segment, the current discussion on alternative data sources has initiated critical reflections about additional applications of CPI data, such as, a CPI index that would match the profile of an SPPI, or behave so close that the CPI can be used as a proxy of the Business to All.

Yet there are issues related to the usability of CPIs in the context of SPPIs that must be tackled before- hand. It is to be highlighted that further understanding is indeed necessary, as noted by Draper R, et al., 2022, since numerical differences are to be observed for example, in the presence of higher or lower proportions of imports or when the prices of imports vary at a different rate than the domestic equiva- lent .

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The implications of these differences could be that for an SPPI, where exports are known to be negligible, sourcing data from an CPI where imports are low or close to zero, the data would be ready to be used, since SPPIs are focused on domestic production. Therefore, the absence of imports in a sector could secure in some cases, that the difference between the domestic and international markets is meagre thus, could be a good candidate or an exact match for an SPPI. Additionally, other aspect that could influence the usability of a CPI data is the case when the bundles of products consumed by the Business-to-Consumers and a Business-to-Business segments are close, case in which the corresponding price movements could also follow each other. Consequently, it would be possible to argue that such a CPI could be a good proxy or a match for an entire SPPI. There is a lack of data about the numerical implications of using CPI proxy data, neither exist a compre- hensive analysis of the implications of preferring one aggregation type over the other (either a single Business-to-All or a horizontally aggregated index {B2C+B2B+B2X}), which suggests there is a need for further studies in this domain. Even in the absence of common guidelines and good practices, many countries have been already shar- ing CPI data for SPPI purposes. This is the case in France, where 19% of their SPPIs are derived from CPI data, and in Sweden, where this percentage reaches 17% . In Switzerland, the approach has been rather conservative. Data sourced from CPI prices or indices, are used only for the Business-to-Consumer seg- ment to build a Business to All horizontal aggregate, with the Business-to-Business segments separately collected and calculated by the SPPI team. The experiences of other countries have sparked a reflection about the potential additional synergies that may lay in the cooperation between the two indices. The fact that data are scarce and costly to collect is a common reality for all countries. In Switzerland this phenomenon is accentuated by the way in which data can be collected. Although price statistics are mandatory for the surveyed enterprises, there are no legally binding actions that can be used to obtain data. Thus, the possibility of increasing the usability of available data is highly valuable and will be further considered.

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Issues regarding the use of CPIs in SPPIs As beforehand mentioned, like many other countries, in our unit, on the one hand, we are confronted with the difficulty of finding high-quality data; on the other, we have the constant demand to increase the coverage of our indices. This challenge has led many organizations to become innovative, sourcing and using data as effectively as possible. First to increase coverage at a relatively low price, second to act effectively with the available resources, and third, to reduce the constant burden on enterprises. The following table, taken from the "Guidelines for Incorporating Alternative Data Sources in Official Statistics" developed by the Voorburg Group, gives an overview of the different alternative data sources that can be used and are used by NSOs in the context of SPPIs. Alternative Data sources classification

Source: Guidelines for Incorporating Alternative Data Sources in Official Statistics11

Given the fitness to be used for a Service Producers Price Index, one of these alternative data sources, has been adapting already collected structured and internally available data from the Consumer Price Index. This possibility has been explored since the beginnings of the years 2000s. Both teams of the CPI and SPPI have identified many areas of synergy and have been working on the following sectors:

11 Guidelines for Incorporating Alternative Data Sources in Official Statistics, A. Dawson, R. Draper, S. Kilbey, K. Virgin. 37th Voorburg Group, Cross-Cutting Paper, 2022

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Areas of cooperation12:

Source Branch Index usage Sharing

CPI Gas PPI Index

CPI Electricity PPI Index

CPI Postal services SPPI Prices

SPPI Lawyer services CPI Index

CPI Facility Management SPPI Index

SPPI Transport of passengers with boat

CPI Index

SPPI Recreational Boats CPI Index

SPPI Cleaning of common ar- eas

CPI Index

SPPI Vehicle’s expertise CPI Prices data

SPPI Chimney sweeper CPI Index

CPI Medicaments SPPI Prices data, & methodology

SPPI Rent of private transport

CPI Index

CPI Telecommunications SPPI Index

CPI Accommodation SPPI Index

CPI Flights SPPI Index

CPI Water supply SPPI Index

CPI Sewage SPPI Index Source: Federal Statistical Office (FSO)

Other areas of cooperation

Index production by Topic Sharing

CPI, PPI Hedonic Models for Per- sonal computers, Laptops; Servers.


Price indices Imputation methodology Methodology

Price indices Webscraping Methodology

Price indices Index utilization Methodology

Price indices Multilateral indices Methodology Source: Federal Statistical Office (FSO)

In our experience there are four main issues related to the use of CPIs in the context of SPPIs that deserve particular attention:

12 The list includes also the cooperation between PPI and CPI (not only SPPI).

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First, as of today, in Switzerland, the SPPI and CPI work conjointly whenever a retake of the CPI for the Business-to-Consumer (B2C) segment (then used for a Business-to-All (B2All) aggregate) has been iden- tified. It is also the case that the CPI retakes an index or the prices collected by the SPPI. Yet there are no cases in which a complete retake has been done, namely, using a B2C as a match for a B2All. Looking at the experiences of other countries where this experience has been made, implies a possibility for further applications of CPI data in the future. Second, Due to differences in the valuation principles that each index uses and the end objective they measure, these two indices take into account different aspects of prices. Under certain conditions, these differences have to be carefully treated, in order to use the data from one index to build the other. Basically, the focus of CPIs is the variation on prices of domestic consumption (which may include im- ports) and SPPI focuses on the variations of prices of domestic production (which includes exports and excludes imports, yet services have low percentages of exports). One way to visually differentiate between valuation principles used typically by CPIs and SPPIs: Valuation principles differences

Price measure Definition Components Use Users

Basic Prices

Prices received by producers

Amount received for each unit produced minus taxes and add- ing subsidies received.

Output PPI


Purchaser Prices

Price paid by consumers

Amount paid by con- sumer for each prod- uct/service Including taxes and excluding subsidies


CPI / PPI (some cases)

Source: Federal Statistical Office (FSO)

Market Segment and price typology

Source: Federal Statistical Office (FSO)

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Third, not only we need to take into consideration the conceptual differences at the level of valuation principles, but correspondingly we require sufficiently detailed imports and exports data in the services sector. Additionally, it is also necessary to have the respective percentages for the B2C and B2B seg- ments, to be able to evaluate whether or not certain CPI would be a suitable candidate for an SPPI retake. The identification process for new potential cooperation axes could be rendered simpler if this infor- mation were available and structured. Thus far detailed, complete data around these topics are scarce. On the one hand, since services are intangible, the process of Customs clearance is different. Given that the main available granular data corresponds to customs data, we do not have enough services branches covered in this regard. On the other hand, although there is some imports and exports data from other sources, these are highly aggregated and the nomenclature used differs from the one used by the SPPI. Therefore, from today's standpoint, we need more detailed and structured data to produce a complete comprehensive study of new axes of cooperation. Fourth, there are only informal case to case agreements between CPI and SPPI teams on data collection and sharing, therefore there is a lack of formal structure which oversees the exchanges between CPIs for SPPIs. The issue is that the lack of common agreement can be costly and it may induce the establishment of bad practices because methods that are not well enough adapted for CPIs retakes at different levels could be used. In addition, it could also happen that, there would have been other opportunities for CPI retakes, yet they have not been identify due to the lack of formal principles. Essential differences between CPIs and SPPIs

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a widely used economic indicator based on the average change over time in the prices households pay for a representative basket of goods and services. While the Services Producer Price Index (SPPI) primary focus is to measure the average changes over time in the prices of services at the first marketing stage or as defined by Eurostat as "output indices for services that pro- vide measures of the average movements of prices – value at basic prices – received by domestic ser- vice producers.” . The Consumer Price Index Manual (ILO ) states that the CPI should "report the prices that households pay for the goods and services covered by the index. The expenditures and prices recorded are those paid by consumers, including taxes on products and considering all rebates and subsidies and most dis- counts, even if they are discriminatory or conditional." Furthermore, when a part of the price is reimbursed by the government or a social security organiza- tion, "the market price minus the amount reimbursed should be entered in the CPI." Eurostat-OECD Methodological Guide for Developing Producer Price Indices for Services states that "first, in theory, the SPPI should cover services provided for all uses (B to C, B to B, B to G…, B to all), intermediate and domestic final consumption, and for exports." and "Second, should measure changes in the price of products rather than industries." Correspondingly, it should measure all outputs as de- fined in national accounts and follow it as closely as possible. As the SPPI guide does not define the valuation principles, consequently the PPI manual definition is the general framework, however we are aware that transportation costs are negligible for services for the most part.

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The PPI manual (IMF) states that, in the case of an output-oriented PPI, "the relevant prices for a PPI should be the basic prices received by the establishment" and refers explicitly to "The basic price is the amount to be received by the producer from the purchaser for one unit of a good or service produced as output, and or service produced as output, minus taxes and adding subsidies received, on that unit as a result of its production or sale. It excludes any separately charged transportation costs by the pro- ducer."13 CPI vs. SPPI

Source: Federal Statistical Office (FSO)

As noted above, the two statistics are based on different valuation principles. The CPI focuses on domes-

tic consumption, purchaser’s prices, thus the price paid by domestic consumers for goods and services,

which includes imports and taxes but excludes exports, while the SPPI attention is on domestic produc-

tion, base prices (prices without any taxes, fees, or margins) or purchasers’ prices (without taxes), which

includes exports. An important clarification needed in this regard is the fact that when we talk about the

prices, these follow the domestic concept, prices collected in Switzerland only, whereas weights (con-

sumption expenditure or volume) follow the national concept, thus consumption of Swiss residents in

Switzerland and abroad. The relevance of these conceptual differences is key in the retake when for

example, the behaviour of the domestic market differs largely from the international market, and the

presence of imports is high.

Hence, the usability of CPI data should be well considered and if it fulfils the criteria of the SPPI, treated

and used as a good fit. As mentioned, the data will have to be treated to account for the elements that

differentiate CPIs from SPPIs. The treatment will depend on at which level the retake of the data takes

place, and weather are the prices or the final index that is being used. In short, the main factors differ-

entiating CPIs from SPPIs that must be considered for treatment are:

- Taxes and subsidies;

- Imports and exports;

- Percentages of B2B and B2C

- The different methodology used by CPI when a whole index is considered;

Notably, when a whole index will be retaken, the methodology which was used to calculate it must be

taken into account, specially, the weighting mechanism. In Switzerland for the calculation of the highest

levels of aggregation, SPPIs (and PPI/IPI) follow the Young's method whereas CPIs follow Lowe's


Index Focus

CPI domestic consumption

SPPI domestic production


Includes products and services produced by a foreign

country, excludes domestic products exported

Includes products and services produced

domestically but consumed by a foreign country

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method.14 It is necessary to remember that the weighting of SPPIs (or PPIs) are calculated on the basis

of production values (or turnover), while CPIs’ weights derive from private households’ consumption

expenditure or volume, which follow the national concept (consumption of residents in Switzerland and

abroad). At a finer level of aggregation, SPPIs are generally structured by enterprise size classes, while

the CPI is generally structured by region and distribution channel. At the lowest level of aggregation

(aggregation of price relations), the method is the same and is based on a Jevons index.

No data is available to represent how big of a difference the methodology could induce. This is an open question that requires further understanding.


In practice at the Swiss Federal Statistical Office the following scenarios have been analysed and applied for several services. Currently there are three possible scenarios in which CPI prices or indices are used for the B2C segment.

i. In the first case, the prices collected by CPIs are individually adapted for the calculation of a B2C segment for the SPPI B2All aggregate. To take in these prices the value of the VAT-like (ad val- orem tax) is removed. Afterwards they are simply introduced in the calculation with the standard SPPI methods. This method works in all cases, whether the tax rate changes or not.

ii. In the second case, the index calculated by the CPI is retaken for the calculation of the B2C seg- ment. This is the case of a VAT that through time remains stable. Since the tax (or subventions) stays stable, there is no influence over the price relations: Where

𝑝 𝑡 𝑖,𝑗

represents the current price of product or service i in a cell of index j

𝑝 0 𝑖,𝑗

represents the price in the base period times the tax.

𝑝 𝑡 𝑖,𝑗(1 + 𝛼%)

𝑝 0

𝑖,𝑗(1 + 𝛼%) =

𝑝 𝑡 𝑖,𝑗

𝑝 0


With 𝑝.. 𝑖,𝑗 = 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑡𝑎𝑥

14 The hypothesis is that the value of production stays constant between the reference period of the weighting and the base period. This hypothesis presupposes that either the

prices and the quantities do not change between the reference period of the weighting and the base period, or they change inversely and in the same proportion so that the

final production value does not change (substitution elasticity of 1). Whereas CPIs Index Positions are weighted annually following the Lowe method, adapted for the price

changes, regions and distribution channels nevertheless are changed only every 5 years.

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This means that the calculation of any index based on these price relationships will be identical. Thus, the inclusion of prices or indices linked to a tax such as VAT can be done without special treatment as long as it does not vary. The forehand relationship does not hold for a unitary tax, which reduces the positive or negative devel- opment without tax. Only when it is a percentage of the value, the price relationship remains unaf- fected, which is generally (and in Switzerland) how VAT works.

𝑝 𝑡 𝑖,𝑗 + 𝛼

𝑝 0

𝑖,𝑗 + 𝛼 =

𝑝 𝑡 𝑖,𝑗

𝑝 0


(1 + 𝛼

𝑝 𝑡 𝑖,𝑗)

(1 + 𝛼

𝑝 0


≠ 𝑝

𝑡 𝑖,𝑗

𝑝 0


iii. In the third case, the index calculated by the CPI is adapted for the calculation of the B2C

segment when there is a variation on the ad valorem tax rate.

When the ad valorem tax is adapted (ex. VAT), an overall correction is always possible at levels where a geometric mean is applied, whereas aggregation by the arithmetic mean only allows an overall correc- tion under certain conditions. It is to be noted that quality adjustments can potentially impact this rela- tionship but that issue will not be tackled here. Indeed, given an increase from a0% to at%, for a product i within a cell j, the price relationship becomes:

𝑝𝑡 𝑖,𝑗

(1 + 𝛼𝑡%)

𝑝0 𝑖,𝑗

(1 + 𝛼0%)

With 𝑝.. 𝑖,𝑗 = 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑡𝑎𝑥

It is then clear that the corrective factor (1+𝛼0%)

(1+𝛼𝑡) allows us to return to the tax-free relationship

𝑝𝑡 𝑖,𝑗

𝑝0 𝑖,𝑗

Condition 1: all cells have the same tax rate

If the indices of cells j are geometrically averaged and then arithmetically aggregated with weights wj to obtain the index position, and each cell is subject to the same rate:


(1+𝛼0%) ∑ 𝑤𝑗 √∏

𝑝𝑡 𝑖,𝑗

𝑝0 𝑖,𝑗



𝑛𝑗 𝑘 𝑗=1 , avec ∑ 𝑤𝑗 = 1𝑘


The corrective factor (1+𝛼0%)

(1+𝛼𝑡) again allows for a return to a tax-free index. This factor can also be applied

at higher levels of aggregation as long as the same rate is applied to each product.

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Condition 2: different tax rates, same distribution within the different cells

It is also possible to consider a global correction if different rates coexist within each cell but in the same

proportions. The correction factor then becomes a weighted geometric average of the different rates:

∏ [ (1 + 𝛼0


(1 + 𝛼𝑡 𝑝%)



𝑛 𝑃


Where 𝑛𝑝

𝑛 corresponds to the share of products subject to the rate 𝛼…


The examples of the Postal Services and Telecommunications

In our treatment of the Postal Services, we used the method number one, above mentioned. Thus, we

adapt the CPI prices to build a B2C segment for the B2All aggregate.

In this case two different rates apply to different kinds of services in the sample, since letters that are

less than 50 grams, according to the law/ordinance on the Post Office, are defined as a universal service,

and therefore exempt of ad valorem tax, while those destined to foreign countries will be taxed, and all

other postal services at the current ad valorem tax level15.

If the index would be taken over, a far more complex corrective mechanism would be needed and spe-

cially during a year when a new VAT would be introduced. However, as the amount of prices for this

index is not too high, the procedure can be simplified by adapting the prices before calculating the B2C

segment for the SPPI.

In the case of the Telecommunications, we are in the case scenario number two, where the ad valorem

tax (or subventions) stays stable, and there is no influence over the price relations. Nevertheless, next

year there will be a passage to a new ad valorem tax and we will be confronted with the case number 3

when the change will take place.

In both cases, the only risk is a change in VAT, yet whenever there is a VAT adjustment, the method

number three will be used to adjust for the variation with the passage to the new VAT.

More generally, an overall correction is always possible at levels where a geometric mean is applied,

whereas aggregation by the arithmetic mean only allows an overall correction under certain conditions.

Conclusions As the use of CPIs has informally become an established regular practice, there is a common need to generate fundamental knowledge concerning the use of CPIs as an official alternative data source for

15 7,7% VAT rate 2023.

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SPPIs, thus creating a pathway from informality to formal practices and methodologies. This cannot only benefit the profiting aspect of sharing experiences and examples of unknown possibilities for some NSOs but also increase dormant synergies and a more efficient use of available resources. This can be done by sharing know-how and practical experiences; thus, we can contribute to the devel- opment of shared best practices for SPPIs and CPIs cooperation. This will help both teams to establish a shared action path in the planning and conception from the starting point to ensure the needs of both indices are taken into account, when possible, with the purpose of data sharing in the background. The discussion we are opening can make us aware of the possible drawbacks and challenges that can be found when working with this particular alternative data source. As we discuss CPIs and SPPIs theoretical and practical differences, we can in the future guarantee higher-quality indices and help us minimize the establishment of bad practices while possibly increasing synergies between SPPI and CPI teams. As observed in Switzerland and other countries like Sweden, and France, CPIs represent an opportunity for higher coverage at an effective cost, even with critical conceptual differences, in selected cases they remain a great option as an alternative data source. Although human relationships have been at the core of data sharing between the two indices, further use of CPIs as an alternative data source should be the result of careful studies and deliberate decision- making processes. It is desirable to establish pathways for working together from the beginning, at the data collection level, ensuring that it can be indeed used by all implied users. This is an excellent oppor- tunity to think about how much resources can be pulled together (economically speaking, but also in know-how terms); this could represent a form of effective work that can benefit both parties. The following elements are key for the development of such a framework:

1. CPIs are used for SPPI under informal agreements between teams, reciprocally CPI use SPPIs.

2. These practices are not aligned and are country specific.

3. There is no formal shared guideline for SPPI and CPI cooperation.

4. Mostly focus on a Business to Consumer approach to build Business to All, aggregates.

5. There is potential for a wider use of CPIs. Yet this will require the study of the numerical differ- ences when using different kinds of approaches, CPIs as a proxy for SPPIs, cases of perfect match, CPIs as a B2All and not only B2C segment of a B2All aggregate.

Elements of consideration when working with CPI data vs SPPI data

Consideration CPI SPPI

Valuation principles Purchaser’s price Base price

International trade in services

includes imports

Domestic market and exports (exclude imports)

Classification COICOP NOGA

Product / Industry Product/Service SPPI can be industry based or product based

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Calculation method- ology

Lowe (annual weighting)

Young (Weights remains constant over five years)

VAT Included Excluded Source: Federal Statistical Office (FSO)

Following the example of many other countries, Switzerland has tried to apply what is known about retaking data and indices from CPIs for the use of SPPIs in a conservative matter, ensuring quality and low risk. Yet we could go further if global guidelines, methodologies, and good practices were defined and recognized internationally. Internally, at the SPPI, there are significant data gaps that must be filled before further steps can be taken. Imports and exports data on the tertiary sector are highly aggregated which does not allow us to use what is available at the level of National Accounts. Although from September 2023, we can expect higher granularity, the depth of desegregation will not be greater than a four-digit NOGA (Swiss NACE) level. Once data are available, there is a latent need to implement internally at the SPPI, the use of Supply-Use tables. Adapting the nomenclature and letting aside aspects that are non-relevant for the identification of CPI candidates will be the main challenge.

Source: Guidelines for Incorporating Alternative Data Sources in Official Statistics16 Supply-use tables are a great tool for visualizing complete information for the consideration of new candidates for index retake for both CPIs or SPPI because they can showcase a detailed and structured overview of a branch see table: Simple schematic of supple-use tables (above). The supply-use tables provide for example, data on the

16 Guidelines for Incorporating Alternative Data Sources in Official Statistics, A. Dawson, R. Draper, S. Kilbey, K. Virgin. 37th Voorburg Group, Cross-Cutting Paper, 2022

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importance of imports, a key element while evaluating the applicability of a CPI for an SPPI. As highlighted in the paper of Draper et al. 2022, “SUTs provide an objective and practical basis to determine whether a CPI for a given product would constitute a good proxy for a product or industry PPI”17. The current discussion on alternative data sources has initiated serious reflections about further possible applica- tions of CPI data for SPPI purposes, considering the main commonalities and plenty of benefits that this source represents. Moreover, for Switzerland, it would be interesting to learn from other countries experiences using CPIs as a perfect match for an SPPI or proxy for a Business to All, since there are no cases in which we have observed this possibility. Finally, CPI data as an alternative data source represent additional benefits and economies while collecting data once and using it repeatedly is cost-effective, efficient, and a winning strategy for NSOs, their users, and collabo- rators.

17 Guidelines for Incorporating Alternative Data Sources in Official Statistics, A. Dawson, R. Draper, S. Kilbey, K. Virgin. 37th Voorburg Group, Cross-Cutting Paper, 2022

Supporting an understanding of the effects of global production, Denmark

Languages and translations

Supporting an understanding of the effects of global production ”Explain and explore” – the Danish experience

Group of Experts on National Accounts, Globalisation, 25 April 2023

Casper Winther Head of Balance of Payments and International Trade [email protected]

Background: Our mission is challenged  We provide statistical knowledge to

support decisions, debate, and research on Danish society - the mission has been challenged by increased globalisation!

 To fulfill our role in society and stay relevant it is crucial that our users understand our statistics and can get the answers they are looking for – We must support an understanding

of changes in global production arrangements

Presenter Notes
Presentation Notes

Background: Our mission is challenged  Globalisation challenges the traditional

use of statistics and raises new questions

 We need to re-think dissemination – from providing data to providing

knowledge – to better explain the effects of

globalisation and we need to explore to provide new knowledge

Presenter Notes
Presentation Notes

Impact of global production in DK  Major impact of globalisation and the

international organisation of the production on a small open economy as the Danish

 The impact of production abroad by Danish manufacturing companies is significant

 A significant part of Danish exports do not cross the Danish border








12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Goods crossing the Danish border Goods not crossing the Danish borderBill. DKK Exports Imports












2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Manufacturing companies’ sales of goods outside Danish borders

Goods sold abroad after processing abroad

Sales of merchanting goods

Bill. DKK

What have we done in Denmark (so far)?  We have been putting existing figures

together in a new way to better explain the impact of globalisation and we have been exploring and gaining new insights. Some examples…

 Explain / better understanding of existing data

1. Integrated dissemination of balance of payments and international trade in goods statistics

Explore / new knowledge or insight

2. Exploring the nexus between trade and income (direct and indirect sales)

1 Integrated dissemination  We have fully integrated the monthly

dissemination of balance of payments, international trade in goods and services statistics

 We use the BoP ownership principle as the goods trade concept

 Trade in goods divided into goods that crosses the Danish border and goods that do not cross the Danish border

 The adjustment from ITGS to BoP was previously done on the macro level but are now done on the micro level

2 Trade and income nexus  We see that the way that MNEs choose to

organise their production and sales globally determines whether the activity is recorded as traditional exports crossing the border, exports not crossing the border, or income from subsidiaries

 Close link between production and income - income from subsidiaries might to some extent have been recorded as exports (if the organisation was different)

 Net exports from Danish industrial groups’ could potentially be significantly higher (or lower)

0 5

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Merchanting sales

Sales after processing

Income from subsidiaries

DKK bn


34% 6%


Merchanting sales Sales after processing Royalties Income from subsidiaries

Danish industrial groups’ earnings from production abroad

Future work  We plan to further explore; e.g.

investment income as a distribution channel – The ”Income setup” is a blind spot

when it comes to trade and trade partners. From international services trade we know “mode 3”, supply via commercial presence. Similar approach to international goods trade.

 Balance of payments by enterprise characteristics (also in BPM7) – new (cheap) knowledge from linking data

What do you think?

Link to some of our analysis (in English):

  • Supporting an understanding of the effects of global production
  • Background: Our mission is challenged
  • Background: Our mission is challenged
  • Impact of global production in DK
  • What have we done in Denmark (so far)?
  • 1 Integrated dissemination
  • 2 Trade and income nexus
  • Future work
  • What do you think?

(Denmark) Position paper - Danish position on the proposal on UEBS (Germany)

Languages and translations

Submitted by the expert from Denmark

Informal document GRVA-14-10 14th GRVA, 26-30 September 2022 Provisional agenda item 7

Et billede, der indeholder sidder, skilt, mad, orange

Automatisk genereret beskrivelse

Et billede, der indeholder sidder, skilt, mad, orange

Automatisk genereret beskrivelse

Country: Denmark

Working Party: Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA)

Topic: German proposal for a regulation regarding Urban Emergency Braking System[footnoteRef:1] (UEBS) – Provisional agenda item 7 [1: (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/24)]


Position paper - Danish position on proposal on UEBS from Germany

For the 14th session of the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA), Germany has submitted a proposal for a regulation regarding Urban Emergency Braking System (UEBS) for vehicle categories M2, M3, N2 and N3 vehicles.

However, Denmark cannot support the German proposal in its current version. The reasons are elaborated below.

Germany proposes that heavy duty vehicles can be equipped with a detection system (UEBS), which automatically brakes for vulnerable road users if overlooked by the driver.

With the proposed UN Regulation, the direct vision regulation under the purview of the Working Party on General Safety provisions (GRSG) could be amended so as to have different performance criteria for vehicles equipped with this UEBS.

Denmark considers the state of the technology in question inadequate to fulfill the level of safety required for the intended purpose.

In order to achieve the European goal of Zero road fatalities in 2050 (Vision Zero), measures should not be adopted if they can dilute the safety of vulnerable road users in other proposals such as the regulation under the purview in GRSG as mentioned above.

Denmark would support the proposal as a supplement to the requirements in the regulation on direct vision but not as an amendment to the regulation on direct vision.

Instead, Denmark proposes to amend UN Regulation No. 131 and UN Regulation No. 152 on conventional Automatic emergency Braking System (AEBS) or at least the UN-regulation No. 131 regarding AEBS on heavy duty vehicles.

Denmark would also like to draw attention to the following concerns regarding the proposal from Germany:

· The definition of a cyclist, referring to ISO standard 19206-4:2020, is in our view not sufficient. The standard does not cover special bicycles. In urban areas, there are a high number of parents bicycling with their children sitting in the front of either a three wheeled bicycle or in between the front and rear axle on a long bicycle with a long-wheelbase. Some parents also use a bicycle trailer behind their ordinary bicycle.

· In the proposal, cyclist and pedestrian are mentioned in singular and not in plural. We are interpreting this as the UEBS is not obliged to detect groups of cyclists or pedestrians similarily with the conventional Automatic Emergency Braking System, which is not obliged to detect groups of cyclists or pedestrians. This can cause a safety risk for these road users. In Denmark cyclists often merge into groups e.g. waiting for the traffic signaling to change color.

· Other types of vulnerable road users are not mentioned in the proposal. For example, disabled people in wheelchairs, electrified scooters, one wheelers, skateboards or mopeds. Therefore, the system may not be able to detect these types of vulnerable road users.

· The travel speed mentioned for pedestrians (5 km/h) and cyclist (15 km/h) are in our view too low. In an urban environment in Denmark, pedestrians can have a speed up to 10 or 15 km/h, e.g. running speed. Denmark also has a significant number of electrified bicycles, which can travel up to 20 or 25 km/h.

· In the proposal, heavy duty vehicles can drive at least two seconds in a straight line before it is obliged to detect a vulnerable road user. The Danish interpretation of this is that the UEBS is not obliged to detect and react to vulnerable road users in curves, which can cause an accident risk for vulnerable road users. A human driver will turn the head to follow the course og the curve.

· Finally, the UEBS is not obliged to be active under windy conditions or at ambient temperatures below 0 C.

Submitted by the expert from Denmark Informal document GRVA-14-10 14th GRVA, 26-30 September 2022

Provisional agenda item 7

Country: Denmark Working Party: Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) Topic: German proposal for a regulation regarding Urban Emergency Braking System1 (UEBS) – Provisional agenda item 7


Position paper - Danish position on proposal on UEBS from Germany For the 14th session of the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA), Germany has submitted a proposal for a regulation regarding Urban Emergency Braking System (UEBS) for vehicle categories M2, M3, N2 and N3 vehicles. However, Denmark cannot support the German proposal in its current version. The reasons are elaborated below. Germany proposes that heavy duty vehicles can be equipped with a detection system (UEBS), which automatically brakes for vulnerable road users if overlooked by the driver. With the proposed UN Regulation, the direct vision regulation under the purview of the Working Party on General Safety provisions (GRSG) could be amended so as to have different performance criteria for vehicles equipped with this UEBS. Denmark considers the state of the technology in question inadequate to fulfill the level of safety required for the intended purpose. In order to achieve the European goal of Zero road fatalities in 2050 (Vision Zero), measures should not be adopted if they can dilute the safety of vulnerable road users in other proposals such as the regulation under the purview in GRSG as mentioned above. Denmark would support the proposal as a supplement to the requirements in the regulation on direct vision but not as an amendment to the regulation on direct vision. Instead, Denmark proposes to amend UN Regulation No. 131 and UN Regulation No. 152 on conventional Automatic emergency Braking System (AEBS) or at least the UN-regulation No. 131 regarding AEBS on heavy duty vehicles. Denmark would also like to draw attention to the following concerns regarding the proposal from Germany:

• The definition of a cyclist, referring to ISO standard 19206-4:2020, is in our view not sufficient. The standard does not cover special bicycles. In urban areas, there are a high number of parents bicycling with their children sitting in the front of either a three wheeled bicycle or in between the front and rear axle on a long bicycle with a long- wheelbase. Some parents also use a bicycle trailer behind their ordinary bicycle.

• In the proposal, cyclist and pedestrian are mentioned in singular and not in plural. We are interpreting this as the UEBS is not obliged to detect groups of cyclists or pedestrians similarily with the conventional Automatic Emergency Braking System, which is not obliged to detect groups of cyclists or pedestrians. This can cause a safety

1 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/24)

Side 2 (2)

risk for these road users. In Denmark cyclists often merge into groups e.g. waiting for the traffic signaling to change color.

• Other types of vulnerable road users are not mentioned in the proposal. For example, disabled people in wheelchairs, electrified scooters, one wheelers, skateboards or mopeds. Therefore, the system may not be able to detect these types of vulnerable road users.

• The travel speed mentioned for pedestrians (5 km/h) and cyclist (15 km/h) are in our view too low. In an urban environment in Denmark, pedestrians can have a speed up to 10 or 15 km/h, e.g. running speed. Denmark also has a significant number of electrified bicycles, which can travel up to 20 or 25 km/h.

• In the proposal, heavy duty vehicles can drive at least two seconds in a straight line before it is obliged to detect a vulnerable road user. The Danish interpretation of this is that the UEBS is not obliged to detect and react to vulnerable road users in curves, which can cause an accident risk for vulnerable road users. A human driver will turn the head to follow the course og the curve.

• Finally, the UEBS is not obliged to be active under windy conditions or at ambient temperatures below 0 °C.

Forest Product Conversion Factors

Forest products conversion factors provides ratios of raw material input to the output of wood-based forest products for 37 countries of the world. Analysts, policymakers, forest practitioners and forest-based manufacturers often have a need for this information for understanding the drivers of efficiency, feasibility and economics of the sector.

Forest Product Conversion Factors

Forest products conversion factors provides ratios of raw material input to the output of wood-based forest products for 37 countries of the world. Analysts, policymakers, forest practitioners and forest-based manufacturers often have a need for this information for understanding the drivers of efficiency, feasibility and economics of the sector.