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China's Progress in VAM utilization & Emisison Reduction, Mr. Han Jiaye, Director of Energy and Safety Division Information Institute, Ministry of Emergency Management of China (China Coal Information Institute)

Languages and translations

2024 Global Methane Forum Mobilizing Methane Action 18-21 March 2024, Geneva, Switzerland

China’s Progress in VAM Utilization & Emission Reduction Han Jiaye, Director of Energy and Safety Divison

Information Institute, Ministry of Emergency Management of China (China Coal Information Institute)


1. VAM utilization and emission reduction policy in China

2. VAM utilization technology in China

3. VAM demonstration projects in China

4. CCII’s effort on VAM emission reduction and utilization

218-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action

1. VAM utilization and emission reduction policy in China

• Development and Utilization Plan for Coalbed Methane (Coal Mine Methane) during the 13th

Five-Year Plan: to promote the utilization of VAM, develop zero-emission demonstration

projects, and establish a low-carbon circular development model. – Encourage the safe utilization, cascaded utilization, and large-scale utilization of coal mine methane

by means of household use, CNG, LNG, concentration, power generation, oxidation of VAM, etc..

– Develop key equipment for intelligent rapid drilling in underground coal mines, distributed utilization of

low concentration gas, safe and efficient utilization of ultra-low concentration gas and VAM, and form

a a technical and equipment system for coal mine methane extraction and utilization.

318-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action

1. VAM utilization and emission reduction policy in China

• The Ministry of Ecology and Environment(MEE), the National Development and Reform

Commission(NDRC), and the National Energy Administration(NEA) jointly issued the Notice on

Further Strengthening the Management of Environmental Impact Assessment for Coal Resource

Development, encouraging the exploration of comprehensive utilization for gas extracted from coal

mines with methane concentration ranging from 2% (inclusive) to 8%, as well as VAM.

• NDRC, NEA and other four departments jointly revised and issued the Special Management

Measures for Central Budget Investment in Coal Mine Safety Transformation, optimizing the focus of

funding and encouraging the increase in comprehensive utilization of coal mine methane.

418-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action


1. VAM utilization and emission reduction policy in China

• Organize the application and selection of demonstration projects for the efficient extraction and

utilization of coal mine gas and the exploration and development of coalbed methane, fully leveraging

the role of technical demonstration in leading and driving, and improving the multiple benefits of

resource, safety, and ecology of coalbed methane (coal mine methane) extraction and utilization. The

first group of demonstration projects all involves VAM utilization, including:

– Shaanxi Hancheng Wangfeng Coal Mine's cascade efficient utilization demonstration project has a utilization

rate of 20% for VAM.

– China Coal Group's Shanxi Daning Coal Mine has a high-efficiency utilization demonstration project for low

concentration gas, with a utilization rate of 10% for VAM.

518-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action


1. VAM utilization and emission reduction policy in China • Led by CCII, the Methodology for Voluntary Emission Reduction of Coal Mine Methane is

being developed to support the methane emission reduction in coal sector. The Methodology is going to be issued in 2024.

18-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action

Kick-off Meeting for Methodology Preparation

Attending the workshops on voluntary emission reduction methodology for coal mine methane


2. VAM utilization technology in China

VAM utilization technology

 Thermal oxidation

 Catalytic oxidation

 Boiler or gas engine auxiliary fuel

18-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action


Thermal Flow Reversal Reactor

Catalytic Flow Reversal Reactor

Thermal oxidation: The high outlet flue gas temperature can be utilized for power generation and heating, mainly by mixing with coal mine methane.

Catalytic oxidation: The outlet flue gas temperature is low, which can be used for heating. It is mainly used for the destruction of VAM and has great market potential.

Heating medium

Heat exchanger

Heating medium Valve A

Valve BValve A

Valve B

Air+CH4◄ Air + CO2 + H2O

Open valve A.

Open Valve B


Inert medium


Inert medium.


2. VAM utilization technology in China

18-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action


low wind I am sorry,

but I cannot

fulfill that request.


Thermal storage Oxidation unit


Heat exchanger

Gas mixing system

Heat exchanger

Steam turbine Generator Refrigeration



Waste heat boiler

Gas Pumping station

CH4 concentration

1.2% CH4 concentration

≤ 8%

Hot water, heating

Superheated steam.

Mine cooling

High temperature

flue gas

Wellbore insulation

Coal slurry drying

Thermal energy

Electric power

VAM and ultra-low low concentration coal mine methane utilization and emission reduction technology roadmap

2. VAM utilization technology in China

18-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action


3. VAM demonstration projects in China

• Demonstration project for 30MW VAM oxidation power generation at Gaohe Coal Mine, Lu'an Group

Annual utilization volume of VAM: 92 million m3, with power generation of 240 million kWh per year

18-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action


• "Zero Emissions" Demonstration Project in Dafosi Coal Mine

Annual utilization volume of gas : 1.129 billion m3

Dafosi gas "zero emission" system

unit smoke exhaust 500℃~550℃

hot water

electric power

electric pow


Superheated saturated


gas addition

Gas drainage Gas generator set

Heat exchanger heat users

Power output Low voltage distribution


steam turbine VAM

oxidation device


3. VAM demonstration projects in China

18-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action

• CMM efficient utilization project for a full range of methane concentration in Dingji Coal Mine. • Achieve comprehensive utilization of extracted gas by adopting low concentration gas

generation, and heating and power generation system adopting RTO technology

3. VAM demonstration projects in China

18-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action

Power generator for low concentration CMM (around 20%)

Coal slurry drying set powered by catalytic oxidation system for coal mine

gas with methane concentration around 1% to 1.2%.

Heating and power generation system adopting RTO technology for ultra-low

concentration coal mine gas(1% to 1.2%).


• The utilization rate of extracted gas from the coal mine reaches 100%, with an annual utilization of 30 million m3 of purified methane.

• It provides an annual heating supply of 233,600 GJ and generates 28 million kWh of electricity, equivalent to saving 42,000 tons of standard coal.

Ultra-low low concentration coal mine gas oxidation technology road map in Dingji Coal Mine.

3. VAM demonstration projects in China

18-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action


 Focus on source control: conducting basic research and engineering practice on coal mine methane extraction and utilization through underground and surface integrated approaches.

Coalbed methane (gas) content testing mobile laboratory (independent research and


gravimetric adsorption instrument

Fluid-structure interaction analysis and imaging system

Multi-layered stacked gas reservoir joint development simulator

4. CCII’s effort on VAM emission reduction and utilization

18-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action


 Focus on end-use: relying on the National Natural Science Foundation project to address key and difficult issues in VAM utilization.

4. CCII’s effort on VAM emission reduction and utilization

Ventilation system

Underground mining Extraction system


goaf extraction


storage Transportati on

raw coal

open-pit mining

High concentration CH4

Low concentration CH4

Fugitive emissions of CH4

Extraction system

Geological and natural preservation

Fugitive emissions of CH4



CH4 emission

Post-mining activities

A ctive coal m


Abandoned coal mine

Temperature (℃)

C onversion rate/%

18-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action


Catalytic oxidation for VAM

Catalyst synthesis control strategy and product development • Pd/ porous Al2O3 support • Cu-Mn/Al-Zr-La multi-component support

Catalytic reaction mechanism research

Catalyst engineering application research

4. CCII’s effort on VAM emission reduction and utilization  Focus on end-use: relying on the National Natural Science Foundation project to address key and difficult issues in VAM utilization.

18-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action


 Accurate measurement and monitoring: developing Distributed matrix-type flow field VAM monitoring device Gas cloud imaging infrared spectroscopy gas monitoring technology, achieving the systematic technology and process for the measurement, monitoring, and utilization of VAM.

CMM emission intelligent and precise monitoring system

Front-end presentation layer

Data collection layer

Data service layer

Network transport layer

Application system layer

terminal Large screen visualization

Web browser Mobile terminal

Coal mine information

Methane emissions statistics

Carbon emissions statistics

Emission assessment

Data storage Data governance Data computation Application model

Wireless Local Area Network Mobile network Wired network Dedicated network

Gas extraction monitoring VAM monitoring Surface CBM monitoring Surface Monitoring of Goaf

4. CCII’s effort on VAM emission reduction and utilization

18-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action


Surface leakage monitoring

Utilizing unique infrared spectroscopic imaging technology

Capture visible light image and infrared image of methane gas.

By capturing thermal radiation images of methane and performing inversion of

concentration, gas concentration spectrum analysis can be achieved.

The dedicated image sensor detects changes in light intensity to form images of leakage clouds

and changes in image intensity.

Gas cloud

IR video

monito ring and

early warnin

g system

G as cloud IR

im agingvi

si bl

e lig

ht im

ag in


visible light Infrared and visible light fusion.

Gas emissions

Gas leak

Gas emissions

4. CCII’s effort on VAM emission reduction and utilization  Accurate measurement and monitoring: developing Distributed matrix-type flow field VAM monitoring device Gas cloud imaging infrared spectroscopy gas monitoring technology, achieving the systematic technology and process for the measurement, monitoring, and utilization of VAM.

18-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action


Distributed matrix-type flow field VAM precise monitoring system

Ø Methane measurement range: (0.00~10.0)%CH4; Ø Error in methane monitoring:

When the concentration of CH4 is between 0.00% and 1.00%, the uncertainty is ±0.06% CH4. When the CH4 concentration is (1.00%~10.0)%, the true value is within ±6%.

Ø Working mode: The probe operates in a passive mode and is connected via fiber. Ø Communication interface: The device is equipped with a methane emission measurement monitoring system or a third-party monitoring system platform.

Detection chamber 1 Photovoltaic conversion 1

Detection chamber 2 Photovoltaic conversion 2

Detection chamber 7

Calibration chamber

Photovoltaic conversion 7

Photovoltaic conversion 8

AD conversionDFB light source

Fiber O ptic Splitter

M ulti-channel analog sw


4. CCII’s effort on VAM emission reduction and utilization  Accurate measurement and monitoring: developing Distributed matrix-type flow field VAM monitoring device Gas cloud imaging infrared spectroscopy gas monitoring technology, achieving the systematic technology and process for the measurement, monitoring, and utilization of VAM.

18-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action

2018-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action

  • China’s Progress in VAM Utilization & Emission Reduction
  • Contents
  • Slide Number 3
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Improving Quality & Efficiency of the Technology of Phase II CMM Utilisation Plant, Dr. David Creedy, Chairman, Mr. Jia Baoqiang, General Manager, Beijing Sindicatum Clean Energy Technology & Services CompanyLtd.

Languages and translations

Cooperation合作 - NPO 公益 - LowCarbon低碳

Genava 20 March, 2024

Improving Quality and Efficiency of the Technology of Phase II CMM Utilisation Plant

Power Branch Company, Huajin Coking Coal Dr. David Creedy, Chairman

Mr. Jia Baoqiang, General Manager

Beijing Sindicatum Clean Energy Technology & Services CompanyLtd.

Development - Finance - Technology

Part I: Project Introduction

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Development - Finance - Technology

 Established a specialized gas utilization company - Electric Power Branch.

 The Branch mainly engages in gas power generation, high-voltage power supply, gas boiler heating, and unit exhaust heat utilization business.

 It is currently the largest comprehensive utilization base for CMM in Shanxi Coking Coal and Lvliang City region.

 Phase 1 power priority to the coal mine  Phase 2 power priority to the Grid

Current Situation of CMM Utilization in Huajin

Development - Finance - Technology

Methane Utilisation History  Some drained gas supplied to Liulin Towngas Company2006/2007 CDM financed project

development initiated Original Phase 1 • 14MW CMM power project installed. • 20 x Jinan diesel nominal 700kW generators • Phase 1: Poorly performing equipment was removed in 2023 • Will be replaced by high efficiency 4x 3.3mw Jenbacher engines. Expected to become operational

this year. Note: Jenbacher engines can achieve in excess of 40% efficiency. • The new Phase I is being constructed by Tianjin DI. Original Phase 2 • The original CDM project design was for: • 62 MW of gas engines • Waste heat recovery boilers • 2 steam turbine generators each with a capacity of 3MW. • Flare(s) for the destruction of unused CMM • CMM-fired boilers for space heating as a back-up. • Phase II as constructed (2012) had an installed capacity of 31MW • There are 14 * 2MW high concentration gas power generation units produced by Caterpillar, • 1 *3MW steam turbine.

 The phase 2 is the topic of this talk.

Development - Finance - Technology

Power Generation and Methane Mitigation Performance Before Reconstruction

Development - Finance - Technology

Problems with the Original Utilisation Schemesin for Phase II

Badly designed and never satisfactorily completed or operated. Much of the equipment that had been installed fell into disrepair.

Suffered from low power output, engine overheating, frequent equipment failures, high operating costs, defects in the original design, and inability to put the waste heat power generation system into operation.

Phase 2 reconstruction and improvement of CMM combined cycle power generation started in 2021

Development - Finance - Technology

Main Problems

Poor ventilation design in the main workshop

The main building is inadequately ventilated due to the poor design implemented. In summer, the internal temperature can reach 55-60 Degree C, which reduces generation efficiency and is an unacceptable work environment.

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Development - Finance - Technology


1、主要研究内容 System design has defects

Imperfect design of pre-treatment: low filtering accuracy, insufficient capacity of chiller, high outlet temperature and relative humidity. The gas pipeline contains water causing engine malfunction.

Development - Finance - Technology

Capacity of 3MW Steam Turbine (T3505) Re-operation

It needs a complete overhaul including the steam turbine, generator, control and electrical systems, and the PLC unit.

Development - Finance - Technology



Related Supporting Equipment is Outdated

3 sets of heat recovery boilers(evaporators, super-heater and economizer) have operated for more than 10 years. The water treatment system cannot meet the needs of the steam turbine.

Development - Finance - Technology

Part II:Improving Quality and Efficiency of the Technology

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Cooperation of the Project Implementation

• Implementation Company: Coal Industry Taiyuan Design and Research Institute Group Co., Ltd.

• Joint implementation Company : Shanxi Guomeng Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd

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Phase 2 Improved, High Efficiency Utilisation Scheme

The aim is to upgrade, raise efficiency and enhance the power generation performance of the system.

Reuse existing equipment which can be refurbished, Replace unsatisfactory equipment with new modern

equipment  Improve the ventilation standard of buildings used to

house existing engines to prevent overheating Pretreatment for the existing CMM gas-engines is

being upgraded with replacement filters and chillers, The steam turbine is being refurbished.

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Establish a ventilation and heat transfer model, reveal the mechanism of thermal environment formation inside the building, optimize ventilation system design, and determine renovation plans

Improve the Design and Optimize the Ventilation System

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Ventilation System Upgrade

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 Intake from Generator side, Return from engine side,

auxiliary return from top

 Removed the top 14 fans, install 13+11+14+8+3=49 fans

and 6 unpowered fan ventilators

Development - Finance - Technology

Upgrade Pre-treatment System for the Engines

Install 30m3 water tank in the main pipeline to remove liquid water; replace large primary filters to improve filtration accuracy, heat exchange efficiency, and dehydration capacity; utilize lithium bromide refrigeration workshop to provide gas cooling.

Development - Finance - Technology

Recovery of Waste Heat from Jacket-water to Improve Heat Utilization Efficiency

The jacket water from engine 1# to 7# is used as a heat source for preparing mine bathing water, 8# to 14# is provided to the lithium bromide refrigeration unit. The measures also can improve the cooling effect of cylinder liner water.

Development - Finance - Technology

Upgrade of Supporting Equipment

Including boilers, water treatment, steam turbines, air cooled condensor

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Development - Finance - Technology

Part III: Project Achievement

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Development - Finance - Technology

Predicted Power Generation and Methane Mitigation Performance

Development - Finance - Technology

Generation and Mitigation Performance Trend

Development - Finance - Technology

Through project, the operational status and efficiency of the CMM project were studied and analyzed, we can get the following conclusions:

1. Since 2006, with the CDM mechanism, more CMM utilization and emission reduction projects have been promoted and developed; these projects have been in operation for over 15 years, providing clean energy and generating significant emissions reductions

2. Due to a lack of understanding of the project in the past, Suffered from defects in the original design, low power output, engine overheating, frequent equipment failures, high operating costs, through the upgrades and improvements, optimizing and improving the original design, upgrading and updating supporting equipment, improving remote control, and achieving maximum emission reduction effects

3. Meanwhile, by upgrading and renovating existing projects, higher requirements are put forward for the design principles, implementation standards, equipment matching, quality control, etc. of new projects, optimizing and improving the emission reduction effect of the projects

Therefore, upgrading and renovating traditional projects and improving the standardization of new construction projects are important means to improve emission reduction.


  • Slide Number 1
  • Slide Number 2
  • Slide Number 3
  • Methane Utilisation History
  • Power Generation and Methane Mitigation Performance Before Reconstruction� �
  • Problems with the Original Utilisation Schemesin for Phase II �
  • Slide Number 7
  • 一、主要研究、试验内容、目标、技术关键及技术经济等指标��1、主要研究内容
  • Capacity of 3MW Steam Turbine (T3505) Re-operation�
  • 一、主要研究、试验内容、目标、技术关键及技术经济等指标��1、主要研究内容
  • Slide Number 11
  • Slide Number 12
  • Phase 2 Improved, High Efficiency Utilisation Scheme �
  • 速度矢量图对比(方案1)
  • Slide Number 15
  • Slide Number 16
  • Slide Number 17
  • Slide Number 18
  • Slide Number 19
  • Slide Number 20
  • Generation and Mitigation Performance Trend
  • Conclusion

China Country Update: Progress of Methane Utilization & Emission Reduction in China's Coal Industry, Mr. Liu Wenge, Vice-President, Information Institute of Ministry Management of China

Languages and translations

2024 Global Methane Forum Mobilizing Methane Action 18-21 March 2024, Geneva, Switzerland

Liu Wenge, Vice President Information Institute of Ministry of Emergency Management of China

China Country Update: Progress of Methane Utilization & Emission Reduction in China’s Coal Industry

 Methane reduction policy of coal industry in China:

• In November 2023, the Methane Emission Control Action Plan was issued, encouraging and guiding coal companies to increase coal mine methane drainage and utilization.

– By 2025, the annual utilization volume of coal mine methane will reach 6 billion m3.

– During the 15th Five-Year Plan Period, the level of coal mine methane utilization will be further improved.

• The Coalbed Methane Statistical Investigation System was revised to comprehensively and timely assess the national situation of CBM and CMM drainage and utilization.

218-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action

Policy Update

 Methane reduction policy of coal industry in China:

• Formulate and promulgate the Interim Regulations on Carbon Emission Trading Management and the Interim Measures for Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Trading Management (Trial), establish a National Carbon Market Dual-Track Driving Mode, and make full preparations for the comprehensive launch of CCER.

– Further improve the carbon emissions trading system;

– Improve the level of data quality law-based management of greenhouse gas emission;

– Boost internal forces for the construction and development of carbon market

– Launch the national voluntary greenhouse gas emissions trading market.

318-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action

Policy Update


 Methane reduction policy of coal industry in China:

• Led by CCII, the Methodology for Voluntary Emission Reduction of Coal Mine Methane is being developed to support the methane emission reduction in coal sector. The Methodology is going to be issued in 2024.

18-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action

Kick-off Meeting for Methodology Preparation

Attending the workshops on voluntary emission reduction methodology for coal mine methane

Policy Update


• Initiate the compilation of Methane Control Technology Development Roadmap, and CCII is responsible for the research on coal mine methane monitoring technology.

 Methane reduction policy of coal industry in China:

18-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action

Policy Update


 CMM utilization is trending towards diversification.

The utilization approaches mainly includes: • Household use or as industrial fuel; • LNG, CMM purification; • Power generation; • Clean energy vehicles; • VAM thermal oxidation.

18-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action

Technology Update


• Since 2001, the International Symposium on CBM/CMM in China, supported by China’s National Mine Safety Administration and USEPA, and organized by CCII, has been successfully held for nineteen sessions.

• The 20th International Symposium on CBM/CMM in China will be held in November or December 2024.


16th International Symposium on CBM/CMM in China held in Jincheng

17th International Symposium on CBM/CMM in China held in Pingdingshan

19th International Symposium on CBM/CMM in China held in Beijing

Welcome to the 20th International Symposium on CBM/CMM in China

18-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action


Next steps – Cover all the process of coal mine methane drainage, transportation,

storage, and utilization;

– Promote the collection and analysis of methane emissions data from

coal mines, and carry out evaluation and tracking of methane emission

reduction effectiveness in key regions and key companies.

Strengthen the establishing of MRV system

18-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action

Support the cascaded utilization with different concentration, and facilitate technological innovation and R&D, etc.

– Promote the R&D on key technologies, for example, VAM catalytic oxidation technology for destruction and waste heat utilization, efficient purification technology for low concentration CMM, and direct combustion technology of coal mine methane with CH4 concentration of 3%-9%.

918-21 March 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland 2024 Global Methane Forum: Mobilizing Methane Action

  • China Country Update: �Progress of Methane Utilization & Emission Reduction in China’s Coal Industry
  • Policy Update
  • Policy Update
  • Slide Number 4
  • Slide Number 5
  • Slide Number 6
  • Slide Number 7
  • Slide Number 8
  • Slide Number 9

Work Review of 2023 and Work Plan for 2024, Mr. Jin Zhiqing, Chairman of RCE-CMM in Shanxi

Languages and translations

Development - Finance - Technology

山西晫越瓦斯研究中心 2023年工作回顾及2024年工作设想

Work Review of 2023 and Work Plan for 2024 of RCE-CMM in Shanxi

山 西 晫 越 瓦 斯 研 究 中 心 理 事 长

C h a i r m a n o f R C E - C M M i n S h a n X i

金 智 新

Jin Zhixin

Development - Finance - Technology

第一部分 工作背景- 中国出台多项甲烷控排政策 Part I: Background - China has issued some policy on methane emission reduction

Cooperation合作 - NPO 公益 - LowCarbon低碳

第三部分 2024年工作设想 Part III: Work Plan for 2024

第二部分 2023年工作回顾 Part II: Work Review of 2023

Development - Finance - Technology

第一部分 工作背景-中国出台多项甲烷控排政策

Part I: Backgroud-China has issued some policies on methane emission reduction

Cooperation合作 - NPO 公益 - LowCarbon低碳

Development - Finance - Technology

1、2023年11月7日生态环境部等11部门联合出台了《甲烷排放控制行动方案》明确提出“十四五”和“十五五”期间甲烷排放 控制目标。 2、2023年10月19日生态环境部、市场监管总局联合发布了《温室气体自愿减排交易管理办法(试行)》。 3、2023年1月22日上午,中国温室气体自愿减排交易(CCER)市场启动仪式在北京举行,国务院副总理丁薛祥宣布了自愿减排 交易市场启动。

1. On November 7, 2023, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and 11 other departments jointly issued the Action Plan for Methane Emission Control, which clearly proposed methane emission control targets during the 14th and 15th Five Year Plans.

2. On October 19, 2023, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the State Administration for Market Regulation jointly issued the "Management Measures for Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Trading (Trial)".

3. On the morning of January 22, 2023, the launch ceremony of China Certified Emission Reduction (CCER) market was held in Beijing, and Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang of the State Council announced the launch of the CCER market.

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4、2023年初,科技部组织出版发行了《非二氧化碳温室气体减排 技术发展评估与展望》专著,提出了中国煤矿甲烷减排,特别是通 风瓦斯利用减排政策、路径及未来技术创新空间的建议,并强调了 国际合作的积极意义。

4. At the beginning of 2023, the Ministry of Science and Technology organized the publication of a monograph titled "Assessment and Outlook on the Development of Non Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Gas Reduction Technologies", which proposed policies, paths, and future technological innovation space for methane reduction in Chinese coal mines, especially ventilation gas utilization. It also emphasized the positive significance of international cooperation.

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5、2024年1月15日,山西省发改委等五部门联合发布《关于进一步加快 煤矿低浓度瓦斯综合利用的通知》。《通知》在压实煤矿企业瓦斯利用的 主体责任、优化瓦斯发电项目立项方式、鼓励煤矿企业建设自发自用瓦斯 发电项目、煤矿瓦斯发电享受分布式发电等支持政策、积极支持瓦斯利用 项目参与碳市场交易、加强低浓度瓦斯利用技术攻关等六个方面做出了具 体规定。

5. On January 15, 2024, five departments in Shanxi Province jointly issued a notice on further accelerating the comprehensive utilization of low concentration gas in coal mines. The Notice has made specific provisions in six aspects, including consolidating the main responsibility of coal mining enterprises for gas utilization, optimizing the approval method of gas power generation projects, encouraging coal mining enterprises to build spontaneous self use gas power generation projects, enjoying distributed power generation for coal mine gas power generation, actively supporting gas utilization projects to participate in carbon market transactions, and strengthening the research and development of low concentration gas utilization technologies.

Cooperation合作 - NPO 公益 - LowCarbon低碳

Development - Finance - Technology

第二部分 2023年工作回顾

Part II: Work Review of 2023

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1. 开展国际交流

1.Conducted technical exchanges

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Development - Finance - Technology

1、2023年联合国煤矿瓦斯及公平过渡专家委员会新设立了三个专业化的技术工作小组,甲烷利用减排(Methane Emissions Reduction)专家工作小组;煤矿转型公平过渡(Just Transition)专家工作小组;安全运行及煤矿关 闭(Safe Operations and Closure of Coal Mines)专家工作小组。瓦斯中心派出专家分别加入上述专家工作小 组,参加技术交流活动。

1、In 2023, the GOE established three specialized technical working groups:Methane Emissions Reduction Group Group on Just Transition in Coal Mine Transformation, Group on Safe Operations and Closure of Coal Mines.The center dispatched experts to join the above working groups and participate in technical exchange activities.

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Development - Finance - Technology

2、2023年7月,完成由联合国环境规划属起草的《炼焦煤甲烷合作伙伴关系(METCOAL METHANEPART NERSHIP)》谅解备忘录的英文版翻译校核工作,并积极参与联合国正在推动的与各煤炭生产国、炼焦煤生产企 业进行的备忘录签订工作,该备忘录文稿篇幅1万余字。

2. In July 2023, the translation and verification of the English version of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Methane Partnership for Coking Coal was completed, drafted by the United Nations Environment Programme. And actively participate in the signing of memorandums of understanding with coal producing countries and coking coal production enterprises being promoted by the United Nations. The memorandum is over 10,000 words.

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Development - Finance - Technology

3、2023年10月20日,联合国环境规划属专家访问瓦斯中心,双方磋商了煤矿甲烷利用减排的科研项目、技术 培训等合作机会。环境规划属专家介绍了自上而下的全球甲烷减排监测监控最新技术,还实地考察了桑掌乏风 氧化发电余热利用项目。

3. October 20, 2023, experts from the United Nations Environment Programme visited the Center to discuss cooperation opportunities such as scientific research projects and technical training on CMM utilization and emission reduction. They also introduced the latest global methane emission reduction monitoring and monitoring technology from top to bottom, and took a site visit to Sangzhang VAM project.

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4、2023年10月21日,参加(科技部)中国21世纪议程管理中心举行的中美甲烷监测技术创新与 合作研讨会。

4. October 21, 2023, participated in the China US Methane Monitoring Technology Innovation and Cooperation Seminar held by the China Agenda 21 Management Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology.


5. October 28, 2023, participated in the video conference on methane observation and quantification at the 18th International Mine Surveying Conference.

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Development - Finance - Technology

2 积极推动煤矿甲烷利用减排工作

2. Promoting the utilization and emission reduction of CMM

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Development - Finance - Technology

1、瓦斯中心主要发起单位,山西焦煤集团、潞安化工集团、华阳新材料集团积极落实瓦斯抽采利用减排规划,发挥了国有煤炭 大集团的积极作用,提出了“减碳、去碳、降碳、固碳”的低碳发展理念。

The main initiators of the Gas Center, Shanxi Coking Coal Group, Lu'an Chemical Group, and Huayang New Materials Group, actively implemented the gas extraction and utilization emission reduction plan, played a positive role in state-owned coal group, and proposed the low-carbon development concept of "Reducing carbon, Delete carbon, Low carbon, and Carbon Capture and Storage ".

2、由瓦斯中心提供技术支持的“华晋焦煤瓦斯发电厂二期工程提质增效技术研究及应用”项目课题研究已完成80%的工作,并 将完成专题论文两篇,从项目试运行的实际情况看,未来有望实现提高发电效率15%的目标。

The research project "Research and Application of Quality and Efficiency Enhancement Technology for Huajin Coking Coal Gas Power Plant Phase II Project", supported by the Center, has completed 80% of the work and will issue two papers. will improve power efficiency by 15% in the future.

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Development - Finance - Technology

3、中心理事单位兴边富民(北京)清洁能源技术有限公司是超低浓度瓦斯综合利用专业化公司,由该公司开发的桑掌乏风氧化 发电余热利用项目运行情况良好,2023年发电3926万度,为矿井供热1.81万吨蒸汽,利用瓦斯1635万NM³,实现二氧化碳减 排当量26.1万吨。所开发的古城煤矿乏风氧化发电余热利用项目已投产运行,2023年项目发电9759.5万度,利用瓦斯3391万 Nm³/a,供热3.8495万吨蒸汽/a,实现二氧化碳减排当量54.1万吨。

Fortman Energy (Beijing) Clean Energy Technology Co., Ltd, the Council Members of our center, is a specialized company for the comprehensive utilization of ultra-low concentration gas. The Sangzhang VAM project developed by the company operates well, generating 39.26 million kilowatt hours of electricity in 2023, providing heat to mines18,100 tons steam , and utilizing 16.35 million NM3 gas, Realize 261000 tons ERs.

Gucheng Coal Mine VAM project developed by Fortman Energy has been put into operation. In 2023, the project generated 97.595 million kWh of electricity and utilized 33.91 million Nm3 gas. Heating 38495 tons of steam/a, achieving a reduction of 541000 tons ERs.

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Development - Finance - Technology

4、中心理事单位山西国源煤层气综合利用工程技术股份有限公司是煤矿瓦斯抽采专业化公司,2023年完成瓦斯抽采钻孔进尺70 万米,为煤矿建设瓦斯抽采能力1.5亿m3/a,为清洁能源利用温室气体减排创造了基础条件。

Shanxi Gowin Coalbed Methane Comprehensive Utilization Engineering Technology Co., Ltd., the central director unit, is a specialized company for CMM drainage. In 2023, it completed borehhole drilling of 700000 meters, with a CMM drainage capacity of 150 million m3/a for coal mine.

5、瓦斯中心网站是宣传温室气体减排理念,传播煤矿甲烷减排技术的窗口,网站页面可实现PC端、手机端的浏览。 网站域名为:

The Gas Center website is a window for promoting greenhouse gas emission reduction concepts and promoting coal mine methane emission reduction technologies. The website page can be browsed on both PC and mobile devices.

The website is:

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Development - Finance - Technology

第三部分 2024年工作设想 Part III: Work Plan for 2024

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Development - Finance - Technology


 提升现有瓦斯利用减排项目水平,实现提质增效;

 推广新技术,提高瓦斯抽采浓度和流量;

 推动废弃矿井示范项目,参与相关规范的编制;

 参与通风瓦斯自愿减排方法学编制工作;

 参与煤矿瓦斯监测监控系统提升改造工作。

1. The Center will carry out work around the following five aspects

 Improve the level of existing gas utilization and emission reduction projects, achieve quality and efficiency improvement;

 Promoting new technolegy for CMM concentration and flow improving;

 Pushing AMM Demonstration project, and participate in the formulation of standards for AMM;

 Participate in the development of voluntary emission reduction methodology for VAM;

 Participate in the improvement and renovation of coal mine gas monitoring and control systems

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2.具体工作内容 Work plan for 2024

 总结煤矿瓦斯利用减排示范项目经验,推动焦煤集团、华阳集团、潞安集团等煤炭企业瓦斯利用项目提质增效


 推广矿井采用新技术、加强培训,提高瓦斯抽采浓度和流量;

 推动废弃矿井瓦斯回收利用减排示范项目,参与技术规范及鼓励政策的制定工作;

 积极参与通风瓦斯自愿减排方法学编制工作,为通风瓦斯利用减排做贡献;

 与联合国环境规划署合作,借鉴联合国“石油和天然气甲烷伙伴关系(Oil & Gas Methane Partnership,

OGMP)”成功经验,服务煤炭企业加入《炼焦煤甲烷合作伙伴关系(METCOAL METHANEPART


 Summarize the experience of CMM utilization and emission reduction demonstration projects, promote the improvement and efficiency of CMM projects in coal enterprises such as SCCG, Huayang Group, and Lu'an Group;

 Promote new technologies and training, increase CMM concentration and flow rate;

 Pushing demonstration project on AMM recovery and utilization, participate in the formulation of technical specifications and encourage policies

 Actively participate in the development of voluntary emission reduction methodology for VAM.

 Collaborating with the United Nations Environment Programme and drawing on the successful experience of the United Nations Oil&Gas Methane Partnership (OGMP), we aim to serve coal enterprises in joining the METCOAL METHANEPART NERSHIP.

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 服务煤矿瓦斯监测监控系统提升改造,实现煤矿瓦斯安全监测监控、甲烷数据采集多功能化、集成化。

 服务中国与欧盟就风排瓦斯自愿减排方法学的互通互认,服务煤炭企业温室气体减排国际化、市场化。

 积极参加国际温室气体减排专业活动,扩大煤炭行业在国际碳减排领域的影响力。

 协调各理事单位煤矿瓦斯抽采利用减排项目工作,推动煤炭行业传统产业创新发展、高碳产业低碳发展。

 Upgrade coal mine gas monitoring and control system to achieve multifunctional and integrated monitoring of coal mine gas safety and methane data collection.

 Serve recognition and exchange of voluntary emission reduction methodologies for VAM between China and the European Union, and to serve the internationalization and marketization of greenhouse gas emissions reduction for coal enterprises.

 Participate in international greenhouse gas reduction professional activities and expand the influence of the coal industry in the field of international carbon reduction.

 Coordinate the work of Council Members on CMM drainage , utilization, and emission reduction projects, and promote the innovative development of traditional industries and low-carbon development of high carbon industries in the coal industry.

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谢 谢 ! THANKS

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ICE-CMM China - Report, by Mr. Jin Zhixin, ICE-CMM China

Languages and translations

Development - Finance - Technology

山西晫越瓦斯研究中心 2023年工作回顾及2024年工作设想

Work Review of 2023 and Work Plan for 2024 of RCE-CMM in Shanxi

山 西 晫 越 瓦 斯 研 究 中 心 理 事 长

C h a i r m a n o f R C E - C M M i n S h a n X i

金 智 新

Jin Zhixin

Development - Finance - Technology

第一部分 工作背景- 中国出台多项甲烷控排政策 Part I: Background - China has issued some policy on methane emission reduction

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第三部分 2024年工作设想 Part III: Work Plan for 2024

第二部分 2023年工作回顾 Part II: Work Review of 2023

Development - Finance - Technology

第一部分 工作背景-中国出台多项甲烷控排政策

Part I: Backgroud-China has issued some policies on methane emission reduction

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1、2023年11月7日生态环境部等11部门联合出台了《甲烷排放控制行动方案》明确提出“十四五”和“十五五”期间甲烷排放 控制目标。 2、2023年10月19日生态环境部、市场监管总局联合发布了《温室气体自愿减排交易管理办法(试行)》。 3、2023年1月22日上午,中国温室气体自愿减排交易(CCER)市场启动仪式在北京举行,国务院副总理丁薛祥宣布了自愿减排 交易市场启动。

1. On November 7, 2023, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and 11 other departments jointly issued the Action Plan for Methane Emission Control, which clearly proposed methane emission control targets during the 14th and 15th Five Year Plans.

2. On October 19, 2023, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the State Administration for Market Regulation jointly issued the "Management Measures for Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Trading (Trial)".

3. On the morning of January 22, 2023, the launch ceremony of China Certified Emission Reduction (CCER) market was held in Beijing, and Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang of the State Council announced the launch of the CCER market.

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4、2023年初,科技部组织出版发行了《非二氧化碳温室气体减排 技术发展评估与展望》专著,提出了中国煤矿甲烷减排,特别是通 风瓦斯利用减排政策、路径及未来技术创新空间的建议,并强调了 国际合作的积极意义。

4. At the beginning of 2023, the Ministry of Science and Technology organized the publication of a monograph titled "Assessment and Outlook on the Development of Non Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Gas Reduction Technologies", which proposed policies, paths, and future technological innovation space for methane reduction in Chinese coal mines, especially ventilation gas utilization. It also emphasized the positive significance of international cooperation.

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5、2024年1月15日,山西省发改委等五部门联合发布《关于进一步加快 煤矿低浓度瓦斯综合利用的通知》。《通知》在压实煤矿企业瓦斯利用的 主体责任、优化瓦斯发电项目立项方式、鼓励煤矿企业建设自发自用瓦斯 发电项目、煤矿瓦斯发电享受分布式发电等支持政策、积极支持瓦斯利用 项目参与碳市场交易、加强低浓度瓦斯利用技术攻关等六个方面做出了具 体规定。

5. On January 15, 2024, five departments in Shanxi Province jointly issued a notice on further accelerating the comprehensive utilization of low concentration gas in coal mines. The Notice has made specific provisions in six aspects, including consolidating the main responsibility of coal mining enterprises for gas utilization, optimizing the approval method of gas power generation projects, encouraging coal mining enterprises to build spontaneous self use gas power generation projects, enjoying distributed power generation for coal mine gas power generation, actively supporting gas utilization projects to participate in carbon market transactions, and strengthening the research and development of low concentration gas utilization technologies.

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第二部分 2023年工作回顾

Part II: Work Review of 2023

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1. 开展国际交流

1.Conducted technical exchanges

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1、2023年联合国煤矿瓦斯及公平过渡专家委员会新设立了三个专业化的技术工作小组,甲烷利用减排(Methane Emissions Reduction)专家工作小组;煤矿转型公平过渡(Just Transition)专家工作小组;安全运行及煤矿关 闭(Safe Operations and Closure of Coal Mines)专家工作小组。瓦斯中心派出专家分别加入上述专家工作小 组,参加技术交流活动。

1、In 2023, the GOE established three specialized technical working groups:Methane Emissions Reduction Group Group on Just Transition in Coal Mine Transformation, Group on Safe Operations and Closure of Coal Mines.The center dispatched experts to join the above working groups and participate in technical exchange activities.

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2、2023年7月,完成由联合国环境规划属起草的《炼焦煤甲烷合作伙伴关系(METCOAL METHANEPART NERSHIP)》谅解备忘录的英文版翻译校核工作,并积极参与联合国正在推动的与各煤炭生产国、炼焦煤生产企 业进行的备忘录签订工作,该备忘录文稿篇幅1万余字。

2. In July 2023, the translation and verification of the English version of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Methane Partnership for Coking Coal was completed, drafted by the United Nations Environment Programme. And actively participate in the signing of memorandums of understanding with coal producing countries and coking coal production enterprises being promoted by the United Nations. The memorandum is over 10,000 words.

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3、2023年10月20日,联合国环境规划属专家访问瓦斯中心,双方磋商了煤矿甲烷利用减排的科研项目、技术 培训等合作机会。环境规划属专家介绍了自上而下的全球甲烷减排监测监控最新技术,还实地考察了桑掌乏风 氧化发电余热利用项目。

3. October 20, 2023, experts from the United Nations Environment Programme visited the Center to discuss cooperation opportunities such as scientific research projects and technical training on CMM utilization and emission reduction. They also introduced the latest global methane emission reduction monitoring and monitoring technology from top to bottom, and took a site visit to Sangzhang VAM project.

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4、2023年10月21日,参加(科技部)中国21世纪议程管理中心举行的中美甲烷监测技术创新与 合作研讨会。

4. October 21, 2023, participated in the China US Methane Monitoring Technology Innovation and Cooperation Seminar held by the China Agenda 21 Management Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology.


5. October 28, 2023, participated in the video conference on methane observation and quantification at the 18th International Mine Surveying Conference.

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2 积极推动煤矿甲烷利用减排工作

2. Promoting the utilization and emission reduction of CMM

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Development - Finance - Technology

1、瓦斯中心主要发起单位,山西焦煤集团、潞安化工集团、华阳新材料集团积极落实瓦斯抽采利用减排规划,发挥了国有煤炭 大集团的积极作用,提出了“减碳、去碳、降碳、固碳”的低碳发展理念。

The main initiators of the Gas Center, Shanxi Coking Coal Group, Lu'an Chemical Group, and Huayang New Materials Group, actively implemented the gas extraction and utilization emission reduction plan, played a positive role in state-owned coal group, and proposed the low-carbon development concept of "Reducing carbon, Delete carbon, Low carbon, and Carbon Capture and Storage ".

2、由瓦斯中心提供技术支持的“华晋焦煤瓦斯发电厂二期工程提质增效技术研究及应用”项目课题研究已完成80%的工作,并 将完成专题论文两篇,从项目试运行的实际情况看,未来有望实现提高发电效率15%的目标。

The research project "Research and Application of Quality and Efficiency Enhancement Technology for Huajin Coking Coal Gas Power Plant Phase II Project", supported by the Center, has completed 80% of the work and will issue two papers. will improve power efficiency by 15% in the future.

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Development - Finance - Technology

3、中心理事单位兴边富民(北京)清洁能源技术有限公司是超低浓度瓦斯综合利用专业化公司,由该公司开发的桑掌乏风氧化 发电余热利用项目运行情况良好,2023年发电3926万度,为矿井供热1.81万吨蒸汽,利用瓦斯1635万NM³,实现二氧化碳减 排当量26.1万吨。所开发的古城煤矿乏风氧化发电余热利用项目已投产运行,2023年项目发电9759.5万度,利用瓦斯3391万 Nm³/a,供热3.8495万吨蒸汽/a,实现二氧化碳减排当量54.1万吨。

Fortman Energy (Beijing) Clean Energy Technology Co., Ltd, the Council Members of our center, is a specialized company for the comprehensive utilization of ultra-low concentration gas. The Sangzhang VAM project developed by the company operates well, generating 39.26 million kilowatt hours of electricity in 2023, providing heat to mines18,100 tons steam , and utilizing 16.35 million NM3 gas, Realize 261000 tons ERs.

Gucheng Coal Mine VAM project developed by Fortman Energy has been put into operation. In 2023, the project generated 97.595 million kWh of electricity and utilized 33.91 million Nm3 gas. Heating 38495 tons of steam/a, achieving a reduction of 541000 tons ERs.

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4、中心理事单位山西国源煤层气综合利用工程技术股份有限公司是煤矿瓦斯抽采专业化公司,2023年完成瓦斯抽采钻孔进尺70 万米,为煤矿建设瓦斯抽采能力1.5亿m3/a,为清洁能源利用温室气体减排创造了基础条件。

Shanxi Gowin Coalbed Methane Comprehensive Utilization Engineering Technology Co., Ltd., the central director unit, is a specialized company for CMM drainage. In 2023, it completed borehhole drilling of 700000 meters, with a CMM drainage capacity of 150 million m3/a for coal mine.

5、瓦斯中心网站是宣传温室气体减排理念,传播煤矿甲烷减排技术的窗口,网站页面可实现PC端、手机端的浏览。 网站域名为:

The Gas Center website is a window for promoting greenhouse gas emission reduction concepts and promoting coal mine methane emission reduction technologies. The website page can be browsed on both PC and mobile devices.

The website is:

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第三部分 2024年工作设想 Part III: Work Plan for 2024

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Development - Finance - Technology


◆ 提升现有瓦斯利用减排项目水平,实现提质增效;

◆ 推广新技术,提高瓦斯抽采浓度和流量;

◆ 推动废弃矿井示范项目,参与相关规范的编制;

◆ 参与通风瓦斯自愿减排方法学编制工作;

◆ 参与煤矿瓦斯监测监控系统提升改造工作。

1. The Center will carry out work around the following five aspects

◆ Improve the level of existing gas utilization and emission reduction projects, achieve quality and efficiency improvement;

◆ Promoting new technolegy for CMM concentration and flow improving;

◆ Pushing AMM Demonstration project, and participate in the formulation of standards for AMM;

◆ Participate in the development of voluntary emission reduction methodology for VAM;

◆ Participate in the improvement and renovation of coal mine gas monitoring and control systems

Cooperation合作 - NPO公益 - LowCarbon低碳

Development - Finance - Technology

2.具体工作内容 Work plan for 2024

◆ 总结煤矿瓦斯利用减排示范项目经验,推动焦煤集团、华阳集团、潞安集团等煤炭企业瓦斯利用项目提质增效


◆ 推广矿井采用新技术、加强培训,提高瓦斯抽采浓度和流量;

◆ 推动废弃矿井瓦斯回收利用减排示范项目,参与技术规范及鼓励政策的制定工作;

◆ 积极参与通风瓦斯自愿减排方法学编制工作,为通风瓦斯利用减排做贡献;

◆ 与联合国环境规划署合作,借鉴联合国“石油和天然气甲烷伙伴关系(Oil & Gas Methane Partnership,

OGMP)”成功经验,服务煤炭企业加入《炼焦煤甲烷合作伙伴关系(METCOAL METHANEPART


◆ Summarize the experience of CMM utilization and emission reduction demonstration projects, promote the improvement and efficiency of CMM projects in coal enterprises such as SCCG, Huayang Group, and Lu'an Group;

◆ Promote new technologies and training, increase CMM concentration and flow rate;

◆ Pushing demonstration project on AMM recovery and utilization, participate in the formulation of technical specifications and encourage policies

◆ Actively participate in the development of voluntary emission reduction methodology for VAM.

◆ Collaborating with the United Nations Environment Programme and drawing on the successful experience of the United Nations Oil&Gas Methane Partnership (OGMP), we aim to serve coal enterprises in joining the METCOAL METHANEPART NERSHIP.

Cooperation合作 - NPO公益 - LowCarbon低碳

Development - Finance - Technology


◆ 服务煤矿瓦斯监测监控系统提升改造,实现煤矿瓦斯安全监测监控、甲烷数据采集多功能化、集成化。

◆ 服务中国与欧盟就风排瓦斯自愿减排方法学的互通互认,服务煤炭企业温室气体减排国际化、市场化。

◆ 积极参加国际温室气体减排专业活动,扩大煤炭行业在国际碳减排领域的影响力。

◆ 协调各理事单位煤矿瓦斯抽采利用减排项目工作,推动煤炭行业传统产业创新发展、高碳产业低碳发展。

◆ Upgrade coal mine gas monitoring and control system to achieve multifunctional and integrated monitoring of coal mine gas safety and methane data collection.

◆ Serve recognition and exchange of voluntary emission reduction methodologies for VAM between China and the European Union, and to serve the internationalization and marketization of greenhouse gas emissions reduction for coal enterprises.

◆ Participate in international greenhouse gas reduction professional activities and expand the influence of the coal industry in the field of international carbon reduction.

◆ Coordinate the work of Council Members on CMM drainage , utilization, and emission reduction projects, and promote the innovative development of traditional industries and low-carbon development of high carbon industries in the coal industry.

Cooperation合作 - NPO公益 - LowCarbon低碳

Development - Finance - Technology

谢 谢 ! THANKS

Cooperation合作 - NPO公益 - LowCarbon低碳

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(China) Beijing’s Initiatives on Autonomous Driving industry in the Era of Interconnection of Everything*

Languages and translations

Beijing’s Initiatives

on Autonomous Driving industry

in the Era of Interconnection of Everything

Beijing High-level Autonomous Driving

Demonstration Zone Work Office

Informal document GRVA-18-28* 18th GRVA, 22-26 January 2024 Agenda item 11

Background | Interconnection of Everything

2Interconnections of Multiple Urban Elements





BJHAD | Establish City-level Engineering Test Platform

C i t y - l e v e l E n g i n e e r i n g

P l a t f o r m

Smart Vehicle

Support R&D and industrialization

of key technologies

Help low-cost vehicles achieve

high-level autonomous driving

High-precision map High-precision positioning

Precise Map

China's first map application pilot

Explore the dynamic updates of

high-precision maps

Real-time Cloud Edge cloud, central


Build a cloud platform

unified data base

RadarHD camera

Edge computing unit

Roadside pole

Intelligent Roadroad

Define the intelligent connection standard

intersection scheme

Reuse functional roadside sensing facilities

Reliable Network Low latency, high reliability,

extremely stable network support


In September 2020, Beijing decided to build High-level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone

BJHAD | A Standard Intelligent & Connected Intersections


Multi-Cabinet Integration

• Annunciator

• Integrated Management And Control

• Roadside Edge Computing

• Exchange Switch

• Connected Power System

Reverse Low Latency Camera

Checkpoint Camera

Network Antenna

Multi-Perception Integration

Fisheye Camera

Multi-Pole Integration


Network Station

边缘计算单元 Mobile Edge Computing



Autonomous Trunk

60 kilometers intersections construction

Last Mile Delivery

Unmanned Retail Vehicles

 Up to now, more than 600 vehicles have been deployed in the Demonstration Zone, road test licenses have been issued to 811 vehicles from 28 companies

BJHAD | Application Achievements

BJHAD | Empowerment Multiple Fields


Application of Massive Traffic Data

Transportation Guide

Traffic Signal Optimization

Collaborative Perception

Cooperative Control

Collaborative Decision Making

Intelligent Connected Vehicle (ICV)

Transportation Guide

Traffic Signal Optimization

Intelligent Transportation System


01 ITS

Em po wer ing I n te l l igent Tr anspo r ta t io n


ITS | Empowering Intelligent Transportation Services

Traffic signal Timing Optimization Platform

Road Side Sensing Equipment

Intersection Classification Dispatch Strategy

Basic Traffic Timing Plans



Intersection Timing Plans

Month Average vehicle delay(seconds)

Average Vehicle speed (km/h)

Number of Trips (million per day)

2023.1 29.46 19.16 33.58 2023.2 28.91 23.68 36.29 2023.3 28.11 25.46 36.60 2023.4 21.47 29.25 37.48 2023.5 20.58 29.31 37.51 2023.6 20.48 28.74 37.34

A decrease of 30.48%



1/1 2/1 3/1 4/1 5/1 6/1





1/1 2/1 3/1 4/1 5/1 6/1


An increase of 11.20%

Statistical Period:7:30-19:00 on weekdays

Green wave

Single-point adaptive

Real-time OperationTraffic Jam diagnosisIntersection Monitoring




CDigital Police Checkpoint



Occupied Rate



Traveler Info.

02 ICV

Suppo r t ing I n te l l igent & Co nnec ted Veh i c l e s


Insufficient Security Lack of Efficiency High Cost

Enterprise A: AD system

costs over RMB 200,000.

Enterprise B: AD system

costs over RMB 300,000.

 The integrated vehicle-road-cloud system transfers computing power from vehicleto roadside, achieving public reutilization of equipment and systems, and therefore reducing overall cost.

 Lack of comprehensive planning capabilities for transportation systems.

 Lack of macro decision-making ability for complex and extreme road conditions resulting in traffic congestion.

• Solid state lidars X4

• Blind compensation lidars X2

• Long-range millimeter Wave

Radars X3

• Cameras X11

• Solid state lidars X7

• Cameras X12

• Perception modules X6

Ultra-long-range vision

Sudden appearance of pedestrians from blind spots

Blocked traffic lights

Inclement weather Complicated illumination

Traffic violations

Complex traffic scene Harsh road

Road conditions

Ambient conditions

Other conditions

Road debris

 Lack of sensing capability in specific conditions

 Lack of sensing capability in extreme weather

ICV | Ongoing Challenges of High Level Autonomous Vehicles


ICV | Beijing’s Solutions to the Challenges

The ODD is severely fragmented, insufficient to meet the requirements of full- range autonomous driving.

The consequences of the above-mentioned issue: Unsafe operation of autonomous vehicles, or fragmented

Operational Design Domain (ODD). .

The core goal of the integrated vehicle-road-cloud system is safety

To help transfer autonomous driving scenarios of the unknown to the known, the unsafe to the safe.

Beijing has proposed the solution of an integrated vehicle-road-cloud system to address these challenges.

Fragmentation vs. Continuity

Graphs Sources: Institute for AI Industry Research of Tsinghua University, Apollo Intelligent Connectivity (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd,. A unified framework for vehicle-infrastructure- cloud autonomous driving. J Automotive Safety and Energy, Vol. 14 No. 3, 2023



All Regions

All External Environment & Dynamic


First 1 Km

Urban Roads


Urban Roads

Last 1 Km

ODD Range

Manual Takeover AV Mode

Indoor Parking

Signal- Controlled Intersection

Mixed- Use Road

Long Tunnel

Low Visibility

Construction Zone

Lack of High-Precision Map Coverage

Unsafe Safe



Known Safe Area

Known Unsafe Area

Unknown Unsafe Area

Unknown Safe Area

Unsafe Safe



ICV | AV Services

Traffic light signal updates 27,169 times /week.

V2X communication 8,736 times /week

12 Vehicle-Road-Cloud Integration Cloud Platform

Delivering Roadside Perception and Traffic Light

Countdown Information Services 700 Million Times

Daily Generation of 60,000 Roadside and Cloud Control

Platform Events

03 Data Value

Ex p lo r ing th e app l i ca t io n of m ass ive t r a f f i c d a ta

Data Value | World’s First Open DAIR-V2X Dataset for ICV

Traffic Management Urban Management Perception Application Decision PlanningVehicle-Road Coordination Traffic Information Services

Public ServicesGovernment Services Business Services

Data Scale Total

Volume Daily


Cumulative Total 4.8PB 304.5TB

Structured 602.5TB 2.5TB

Unstructured 4.2PB 302TB

Supporting Algorithm Training

Single-Camera 3D Object Detection Multi-Modal Fusion Perception

Point Cloud 3D Object Detection Vehicle-Road Cooperative Perception

 200+ units

 2,000+ domestic registered users

 nearly 30,000 cumulative downloads

 9 research results published in top AI conferences

 3 algorithmic challenges contests.

Industry Influence

Comprehensive Scheme

In-Vehicle Perception Equipment

Roadside Perception Equipment

Traffic, Mapping, and Other Platforms

 Raw Images, Point Clouds, etc.

 Perception Data

 Traffic, Mapping Data, etc.

 Supportive Data

 Collaborative Annotation

 Spatio-Temporal Synchronization

 De-Identification and Encryption

 Processed Perception Data

Educational Institutions, Research Organizations


Other Platforms 14

04 Application Achievements

I nno vat io n Po l i c i e s , Reg io na l Ex pans io n and Key Scenar io s

In April 2021, Beijing approved the establishment of the Beijing Intelligent & Connected Vehicle Policy Pilot Zone

Coverage: 225 square kilometers of planning area in E-Town and also Beijing Daxing Airport Expressways: Six expressways sections with a total length of about 143 kilometers


Achievement | Development of the Policy Pilot Zone



01 | To promote the unmanned technical verification of AV

02 | To conduct road tests of AV on expressways

03 | To publicize AV codes and to allow autonomous retail | and delivery vehicles on the road

04 | To trial road tests of autonomous cleaning vehicles

05 | To support short-range operation of Robobus

06 | To trial commercial operation of AV

07 | To support mutual recognition of remote road test

results and test exemptions






Our Commitment for the Future

Daxing International Airport

Chaoyang Station

Phase 3.0 of Zone Expansion in BJHAD


Airport and Station

New Expansion Area

Existing Area

Key Connection Lines

Autonomous Driving Services to Every Corner of Beijing In the future, the demonstration zone, building upon the existing 160 𝒌𝒌𝒌𝒌𝟐𝟐,

will further expand to cover more of Beijing, reaching a total of 600 𝒌𝒌𝒌𝒌𝟐𝟐.

Capital International Airport

Beijing South Railway Station Sub-center Station Fengtai Station Qinghe Station


In Nov 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of the Information and Communication Industry.” In Feb 2020, the National Development and Reform Commission and 11 other ministries issued the “Innovative Development Strategy of Intelligent Vehicles.”

In 2017, the Special Committee for the Development of the Connected Vehicle Industry was established. It consists of 20 departments and units, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Ministry of Transport. This committee is responsible for organizing the formulation of development plans, policies, and measures for the connected vehicle industry and coordinating its development.

In Dec 2018, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) issued the “Action Plan for the Development of the Connected Vehicle (Intelligent Connected Vehicle) Industry,” which established the intelligent connected vehicle program based on C-V2X for integrated vehicle-road-cloud systems.

In Jan 2024, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and five other ministries jointly organized a pilot project for the application of integrated vehicle-road-cloud systems in intelligent connected vehicles. This initiative aims to facilitate the implementation of city-level demonstrations.

Proposing a national top-level strategy

Establishing Interdepartmental

Collaboration Mechanisms

Clarifying the technology roadmap

Organizing demonstrations

 Guided by national strategies, China firmly adopts the integrated Vehicle-Road-Cloud technology.

Background | China’s Choice


Jilin, Changchun National Intelligent Connected Vehicle Application

(Northern) Demonstration Zone

Shanghai National Intelligent Connected Vehicle (Shanghai)

Pilot Demonstration Zone

Beijing, Hebei, Baoding National Intelligent Automobile and Smart Transportation

(Beijing-Hebei) Demonstration Zone Beijing High-Level Autonomous Driving Demonstration zone

Zhejiang, Tongxiang, Hangzhou Zhejiang 5G Connected Vehicle Application

Demonstration Zone

Hubei National Intelligent Connected Vehicle (Wuhan)

Testing Demonstration Zone

Chongqing National Intelligent Automobile and Smart Transportation

Application Demonstration Public Service Platform

Sichuan, Chengdu China-Germany Collaboration Intelligent Connected Vehicle

Telematics Sichuan Test Base

Hainan, Qionghai National Intelligent Connected Vehicle Closed Test Facility

Hunan, Changsha National Intelligent Connected Vehicle (Changsha)

Testing Zone

As of the end of 2023, there have been 17 national-level test demonstration zones established in China More than 22,000 km of test roads have been opened, over 5,200 testing licenses have been issued, and the total testing mileage has exceeded 88 million km.


16 Dual Intelligent pilot cities*: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Changsha, Wuxi, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Xiamen, Nanjing, Jinan, Chengdu, Hefei, Cangzhou, Wuhu, Zibo

National-level Connected Vehicle (C-V2X) Pilot Areas

Jiangsu (Wuxi) C-V2X Pilot Area

Tianjin (Xiqing) C-V2X Pilot Area

Hunan (Changsha) C-V2X Pilot Area

Chongqing (Liangjiang) C-V2X Pilot Area

Hubei (Xiangyang) C-V2X Pilot Area

Zhejiang (Deqing) C-V2X Pilot Area

Guangxi (Liuzhou) C-V2X Pilot Area

2 3 4

6 7


Background | China Exploration

*Dual Intelligent pilot cities:the Pilot Work of Smart City Infrastructure and Intelligent Connected Vehicles Organized by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.


Beijing High-level autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone Work Office Email: bjhad @

Beijing Connected and autonomous Vehicles Technology Co., Ltd. Email: cooperation @

Openness, Inclusiveness, Cooperation

Sharing the Industrial Reform Opportunities

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UN Special Envoy for Road Safety visits China to advocate for actions in addressing new road safety challenges

The UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety (Special Envoy) will travel to China to meet representatives from various sectors, advocating for effective implementation of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 with an aim of halving the

UN Framework Classification for Resources makes significant step towards practical application in China

The Ministry of Natural Resources of the People’s Republic of China has a long-standing cooperation with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe to promote the harmonization, development and connectivity of global solid mineral and petroleum classification standards. 

(China) Open issues for Automated Driving Assessment & Test and Suggestions (reissued on 24/09/2022)

This presentation was reissued for technical reason on 24 september 2022 by its author

Languages and translations

Open issues for Automated Driving Assessment &Test and Suggestions

For the 14th meeting of WP.29/GRVA

Submitted by the experts from China


Submitted by the expert from China

Informal document GRVA-14-20

14th GRVA, 26-30 September 2022

Provisional agenda item 5 (c)

01 Problems with Automated Driving Assessment & Test in Practical Level

02 Questions & Answers

04 Suggestions from China

03 Exploration in Chinese National Intelligent Connected Vehicles Standard


Submitted by the experts from China


01Problems with Automated Driving Assessment & Test in Practical Level

Question 1: How to assess the robustness of the Validation & Verification? How to assess the boundary of the three test pillars?

Question 2: Is it necessary to define proving ground scenarios and concrete test cases to ensure the bottom line of safety? At present, the testing and certification scheme is negotiated between the manufacturer and the certification authority

VMAD:New Assessment/Test Method for Automated Driving (NATM) Guidelines

UN regulations

FRAV:Guidelines and Recommendations concerning Safety Requirements for Automated Driving Systems

Reference and exploration

Problems found by the industry


01 Problems with Automated Driving Assessment & Test in Practical Level

02 Questions & Answers

04 Suggestions from China

03 Exploration in Chinese National Intelligent Connected Vehicles Standard


Submitted by the experts from China


02Questions & Answers

Questions Answers from NATM Guideline
Questions 1: How to assess the robustness of the Validation & Verification? How to assess the boundary of the three test pillars? Assessment of the Verification strategy (e.g. verification plan and matrix) that describe the validation strategy and the integrated use of the pillars to achieve adequate coverage. Produce an efficient, comprehensive, and cohesive process, considering their strengths and limitations. The methods should complement one another, avoiding excessive overlaps or redundancy to ensure an efficient and effective validation strategy. Track tests: Assess the performance of an ADS in a discrete number of physical tests. It can also be used as additional data to validate the virtual tests. Real-world testing: Scenarios may not be precisely represented virtually or on a track test. It can be used for virtual validation and/or track tests. Virtual testing: A large number of tests for different parameters can be carried out.

Questions 1: Answers from NATM Guideline


Submitted by the experts from China


02Questions & Answers

Questions 1: Answers from UN R157.01


Questions Answers from UN R157.01
Questions 1: How to assess the robustness of the Validation & Verification? How to assess the boundary of the three test pillars? Results of validation and verification may be assessed by analyzing coverage of the different tests and setting coverage minimal thresholds for various metrics. Verifying functions of "The System" under non-failure conditions by testing on a track and real-world testing. Simulation tool and mathematical models for verification of the safety concept.(checked under the influence of faults) Simulation shall not be a substitute for physical tests in Annex 5 and Annex 6 of this UN Regulation. Verify the accuracy of simulation tools used by means of results from track and/or real-world testing.


Submitted by the experts from China



Questions 2: Answers from NATM Guideline

Questions Answers from NATM Guideline
Questions 2:Is it necessary to define proving ground scenarios and concrete test cases to ensure the bottom line of safety? Annex II Functional Scenarios for divided highway application. It is recommended that sampling techniques be used when selecting parameters to be used in creating logical and concrete scenarios for ADS validation for a particular ADS and its ODD.

02Questions & Answers


Submitted by the experts from China


Questions 2: Answers from UN R157.01

02Questions & Answers

Questions Answers from UN R157.01
Is it necessary to define proving ground scenarios and concrete test cases to ensure the bottom line of safety? R157 Appendix V is about the third-party proving ground test. The third-party proving ground test is carried out from seven items: lane keeping, avoiding collision with road users or obstacles, following the vehicle in front, cutting in the vehicle in front, encountering static obstacles after the vehicle in front cutting out, FOV test, lane change, and avoiding emergency operation. However, the scenarios to be tested for each project are not given directly, but rather the scenario elements to be considered. The current understanding of the scheme is that this part of scenarios and test cases are determined by the certification authority and testing agency through joint consultation according to the product function of the enterprise.


01 Problems with Automated Driving Assessment & Test in Practical Level

02 Questions & Answers

04 Suggestions from China

03 Exploration in Chinese National Intelligent Connected Vehicles Standard



Submitted by the experts from China


03Exploration in Chinese National Intelligent Connected Vehicles Standard

China has explored the allocation of ADS assessment & test methods in relevant standards. For the ADS general technical requirements, by consideration of the complementarity of simulation tests, track tests, road tests, audits, and other pillars, the assignment recommendation of pillars for relevant safety requirements is given. Concrete test cases for specific scenarios in the track & simulation test standard are listed as not exhausted. In the future, we will also actively contribute to the work of GRVA-related IWGs.

GB/T Field test methods and requirements for automated driving function

GB/T Automated driving function simulation test methods and requirements

GB/T General technical requirements for automat driving systems

01 Problems with Automated Driving Assessment & Test in Practical Level

02 Questions & Answers

04 Suggestions from China

03 Exploration in Chinese National Intelligent Connected Vehicles Standard


Submitted by the experts from China


04Suggestions from China


During the following activities of FRAV & VMAD, two deliverables are suggested as supplements for guideline documents.

(1) Assessment for Verification strategy including the methodology of integrated use of the pillars to achieve adequate coverage and the method to define coverage thresholds.

(2)Examples of Verification strategy

(3)Concrete test case catalog ( necessary bottom line of safety)


Thank you for your attention!

Contacts: Sun Hang, [email protected]

Wu Jiajie, [email protected]

Open issues for Automated Driving Assessment &Test and Suggestions

For the 14th meeting of WP.29/GRVA

Submitted by the experts from China 2022/09/27

Submitted by the expert from China Informal document GRVA-14-20 14th GRVA, 26-30 September 2022 Provisional agenda item 5 (c)


01 Problems with Automated Driving Assessment & Test in Practical Level

02 Questions & Answers

04 Suggestions from China

03 Exploration in Chinese National Intelligent Connected Vehicles Standard

Submitted by the experts from China 1

01Problems with Automated Driving Assessment & Test in Practical Level

Question 1: How to assess the robustness of the Validation & Verification? How to assess the boundary of the

three test pillars?

Question 2: Is it necessary to define proving ground scenarios and concrete test cases to ensure the bottom

line of safety? At present, the testing and certification scheme is negotiated between the manufacturer and the

certification authority

VMAD:New Assessment/Test Method for Automated Driving (NATM) Guidelines

UN regulations

FRAV:Guidelines and Recommendations concerning Safety Requirements for Automated Driving Systems

Reference and exploration Problems found by the industry



01 Problems with Automated Driving Assessment & Test in Practical Level

02 Questions & Answers

04 Suggestions from China

03 Exploration in Chinese National Intelligent Connected Vehicles Standard

Submitted by the experts from China 2

02Questions & Answers

Questions Answers from NATM Guideline

Questions 1: How

to assess the

robustness of the

Validation &

Verification? How to

assess the boundary

of the three test


Assessment of the Verification strategy (e.g. verification plan and matrix) that

describe the validation strategy and the integrated use of the pillars to achieve adequate


Produce an efficient, comprehensive, and cohesive process, considering their strengths and

limitations. The methods should complement one another, avoiding excessive overlaps or

redundancy to ensure an efficient and effective validation strategy.

 Track tests: Assess the performance of an ADS in a discrete number of physical tests. It can

also be used as additional data to validate the virtual tests.

 Real-world testing: Scenarios may not be precisely represented virtually or on a track test. It

can be used for virtual validation and/or track tests.

 Virtual testing: A large number of tests for different parameters can be carried out.

Questions 1: Answers from NATM Guideline


Submitted by the experts from China 3

02Questions & Answers Questions 1: Answers from UN R157.01


Questions Answers from UN R157.01

Questions 1: How to assess the robustness of the Validation & Verification? How to assess the boundary of the three test pillars?

Results of validation and verification may be assessed by analyzing coverage of the different tests and setting coverage minimal thresholds for various metrics.

 Verifying functions of "The System" under non-failure conditions by testing on a track and real-world testing.

 Simulation tool and mathematical models for verification of the safety concept.(checked under the influence of


 Simulation shall not be a substitute for physical tests in Annex 5 and Annex 6 of this UN Regulation.

 Verify the accuracy of simulation tools used by means of results from track and/or real-world testing.


Submitted by the experts from China 4


Questions 2: Answers from NATM Guideline

Questions Answers from NATM Guideline

Questions 2:Is it necessary to define proving ground scenarios and concrete test cases to ensure the bottom line of safety?

Annex II Functional Scenarios for divided highway application.

It is recommended that sampling techniques be used when selecting parameters to be

used in creating logical and concrete scenarios for ADS validation for a particular ADS

and its ODD.

02Questions & Answers


Submitted by the experts from China 5

Questions 2: Answers from UN R157.01

02Questions & Answers

Questions Answers from UN R157.01

Is it necessary to define proving ground scenarios and concrete test cases to ensure the bottom line of safety?

R157 Appendix V is about the third-party proving ground test. The third-party proving ground test is carried out from seven items: lane keeping, avoiding collision with road users or obstacles, following the vehicle in front, cutting in the vehicle in front, encountering static obstacles after the vehicle in front cutting out, FOV test, lane change, and avoiding emergency operation.

However, the scenarios to be tested for each project are not given directly, but rather the scenario elements to be considered.

The current understanding of the scheme is that this part of scenarios and test cases are determined by the certification authority and testing agency through joint consultation according to the product function of the enterprise.



01 Problems with Automated Driving Assessment & Test in Practical Level

02 Questions & Answers

04 Suggestions from China

03 Exploration in Chinese National Intelligent Connected Vehicles Standard

2022/09/27Submitted by the experts from China 6

03Exploration in Chinese National Intelligent Connected Vehicles Standard

China has explored the allocation of ADS assessment & test methods in relevant standards. For the ADS general technical requirements, by consideration of the complementarity of simulation tests, track tests, road tests, audits, and other pillars, the assignment recommendation of pillars for relevant safety requirements is given. Concrete test cases for specific scenarios in the track & simulation test standard are listed as not exhausted. In the future, we will also actively contribute to the work of GRVA- related IWGs.

GB/T Field test methods and requirements for automated driving function

GB/T Automated driving function simulation test methods and requirements

GB/T General technical requirements for automat driving systems


01 Problems with Automated Driving Assessment & Test in Practical Level

02 Questions & Answers

04 Suggestions from China

03 Exploration in Chinese National Intelligent Connected Vehicles Standard

Submitted by the experts from China 7

04Suggestions from China


During the following activities of FRAV & VMAD, two deliverables are suggested as supplements for guideline


(1) Assessment for Verification strategy including the methodology of integrated use of the pillars to achieve

adequate coverage and the method to define coverage thresholds.

(2)Examples of Verification strategy

(3)Concrete test case catalog ( necessary bottom line of safety)

Thank you for your attention!

Contacts: Sun Hang, [email protected]

Wu Jiajie, [email protected]

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(China) Proposal for V2V data interaction (reissued on 24/09/2022)

This presentation was reissued for technical reason on 24 September 2022 by its author

Languages and translations

Proposal for V2V data interaction

For the 14th meeting of WP.29/GRVA

Submitted by the experts from China


Submitted by the expert from China

Informal document GRVA-14-20

14th GRVA, 26-30 September 2022

Provisional agenda item 5 (c)


Submitted by the experts from China


Data interaction improves driving safety

data format

data rules

data content

Promote the connectivity of vehicles. Whether a vehicle can send and receive data accurately is an important factor for the vehicle to realize connection function.

Improve traffic safety. Based on the V2V data interaction, vehicles can realize functions such as vehicle fault warning, forward collision warning, emergency braking warning, to improve traffic safety.

Language, grammar and truth-telling

vehicle interconnection

Achieve effective communication

forward collision warning

reminder of secondary accident




Submitted by the experts from China


V2V data interaction has a broad practice for standards and regulations



WG6 Extended vehicle/Remote diagnostics


European ETSI has formulated four types of networked vehicle standards, including active road safety, cooperative traffic efficiency, cooperative local service and global Internet service, covering V2V, V2I, V2N,etc


SAE has formulated SAE J2735, SAE J2945 and SAE J3161 series standards.


The ITS Connect Promotion Association of Japan has promoted the formulation of message sets, communication specifications, communication security, testing and other standards.


ITU has developed standards related to connected vehicles, such as H.550, H.560, Y.4119, etc


IEC has formulated relevant standards for communication interface between vehicle and grid



Submitted by the experts from China


Proposal for carrying out preliminary research on V2V data interaction

Vehicle level

Broadcast Frequency

Optional or Mandatory


Data Precision


Data Filling

Data Content

Data Format

Data Broadcast Rules

Unified Data Elements


Data Meaning

Communication Performance Requirements

Antenna Performance

Radiated Power










Data Consistency Requirements



















Receiving Sensitivity

China proposes to carry out preliminary research on V2V data interaction at the WP.29 level, so as to promote vehicle connectivity and improve driving safety around the world.

Standardize the content and format of V2V data interaction, and do not restrict the communication technology route.


Submitted by the experts from China


How to carry out V2V data interaction

Is the object of V2V data interaction regulation a system or a whole vehicle?

If V2V data interaction regulations are formulated, at what level should this work be carried out? A dedicated Task Force or other Task Force?

How to coordinate the formulation of standards/regulations on the communication level of V2V data interaction?

Thank you for your attention!

Contacts: Sun Hang, [email protected]

Wu Jiajie, [email protected]

Proposal for V2V data interaction

For the 14th meeting of WP.29/GRVA

Submitted by the experts from China 2022/09/27

Submitted by the expert from China Informal document GRVA-14-20 14th GRVA, 26-30 September 2022 Provisional agenda item 5 (c)

2022/09/27Submitted by the experts from China 1

Data interaction improves driving safety

data format data rulesdata content

• Promote the connectivity of vehicles. Whether a vehicle can send and receive data accurately is an important factor for the vehicle to realize connection function.

• Improve traffic safety. Based on the V2V data interaction, vehicles can realize functions such as vehicle fault warning, forward collision warning, emergency braking warning, to improve traffic safety.

Language, grammar and truth-telling

vehicle interconnection

Achieve effective communication

forward collision warning

reminder of secondary accident


2022/09/27Submitted by the experts from China 2

V2V data interaction has a broad practice for standards and regulations


ISO/TC22/SC31  WG6 Extended

vehicle/Remote diagnostics


European ETSI has formulated four types of networked vehicle standards, including active road safety, cooperative traffic efficiency, cooperative local service and global Internet service, covering V2V, V2I, V2N,etc


 SAE has formulated SAE J2735, SAE J2945 and SAE J3161 series standards.


The ITS Connect Promotion Association of Japan has promoted the formulation of message sets, communication specifications, communication security, testing and other standards.


ITU has developed standards related to connected vehicles, such as H.550, H.560, Y.4119, etc


IEC has formulated relevant standards for communication interface between vehicle and grid

2022/09/27Submitted by the experts from China 3

Proposal for carrying out preliminary research on V2V data interaction

Vehicle level

Broadcast Frequency

Optional or Mandatory

Unified Data Precision

Definition Data Filling

Data Content Data Format Data Broadcast Rules

Unified Data Elements

Definition Data Meaning

Communication Performance Requirements

Antenna Performance Radiated Power



C- V 2 X

Data Consistency Requirements C o n n e c t i o n

F u n c t i o n

Receiving Sensitivity

 China proposes to carry out preliminary research on V2V data interaction at the WP.29 level, so as to promote vehicle connectivity and improve driving safety around the world.

 Standardize the content and format of V2V data interaction, and do not restrict the communication technology route.

2022/09/27Submitted by the experts from China 4

How to carry out V2V data interaction

Is the object of V2V data interaction regulation a system or a whole vehicle?

If V2V data interaction regulations are formulated, at what level should this work be carried out? A dedicated Task Force or other Task Force?

How to coordinate the formulation of standards/regulations on the communication level of V2V data interaction?

Thank you for your attention!

Contacts: Sun Hang, [email protected]

Wu Jiajie, [email protected]

  • Proposal for V2V data interaction�
  • Slide Number 2
  • Slide Number 3
  • Slide Number 4
  • Slide Number 5
  • Slide Number 6